Alfreds (Handus Annoyus)
What are your Alfreds called ? Mine are called Conrad and Alwen.
Conrad is the more inquisitive always looking around for anything new.
Alwen is quiet sometimes but other times can move very quickly...woosh.
My Alfreds are both 3 legged with a tail,and can fly !
There are 4 legged Alfreds (no tail) and they are ground dwellers.
Once you name your Alfred you must never change their name.
Sometimes they swap names so my Conrad is Alwen and Alwen is Conrad !
They LOVE dancing to music,but can be very fussy about the best tunes.
Welcome to the world of Alfreds :)
From an original idea by Mrs.Allen
Fact file : A collective noun for a group of Alfreds is "A hand of Alfreds".