Sales is hard. Let's make it fun.

I'm Tom Boston. Comedy sales content creator (yes, that’s a thing), social selling trainer & keynote speaker.

I’m on a mission to make sales fun.

8 years ago I fell into (as all salespeople do) the wonderful world of sales. I was cold calling 100s prospects a day and desperately trying to hit my target.

It wasn’t fun.

I didn’t think sales was for me.

And then I had a thought…

“There’s got to be a better way of doing this.”

The moment the penny dropped for me, was in 2019 when I started using LinkedIn to build my personal brand.

As a result of being present on the LinkedIn platform, I was having better conversations, and making better connections.

My pipeline was growing at the same rate as my presence.

It helped me to become a better seller.
It takes time, and it's not easy.

But sales can be fun.

And I’m here to show you how social selling will set your sales team on fire. 🔥


Shared 55 years ago