I have always had a fish tank in my house for a long as I can remember... I'm currently sober since 12-07-17, I was a heroine addict for 22+ years, and I'm soo much happier being a fish addicted NERM, though...! I have three fishrooms with 50+ tanks, plus some Rubbermaid 100 gallon tubs and a bunch of smaller tubs outside... I'll try breeding just about anything, but focus mostly on the Aquarium 'staples'... I.E.: corydoras, bushynose(black,red,&albino), mystery snails, loads of livebearers(both locally wild caught in Sarasota,Florida& store bought)... Thanks, and I hope y'all enjoy and I will be working on getting better equipment, so the production value should improve, but I'm not tech savvy at all...!


Shared 55 years ago



Shared 55 years ago