Hellooooo everybody! I am OneFloofyBooper - and I am a creature known as a floof! Basically, akin to a thick cotton ball with legs... er, well, more like nubs really. Us floofs enjoy travelling through dimensions looking for new fun things to do! I personally decided to hang around here and try out this streaming thing! I've taken on this humanish appearance so it's easier to use controllers and keyboards.
Normally you'll find me playing video games with friends, but who knows what other kind of fun we may find ourselves doing? If you decide to come back around, make sure to bring plenty of naners - oh, that's what floofs call bananas. Oh! And bring pants too! We collect pants! We got a huge pile of all the pants we've uhh... found and totally haven't stolen.
ANYWAYS! I hope to see you soon, and remember, PLEASE remember: always feed the floofs! Take care!
CLIPS CHANNEL - youtube.com/channel/@SomeFloofyClips
FOLLOW ON TWITCH - www.twitch.tv/onefloofybooper
Shared 55 years ago