Zautra party™ - Classy dope.
non-profit organization -
Style, good taste and passion to party -- this is all in one.
We offer best music, organize awesome parties and commit to you and great music artists by sharing good music and contributing to its visibility and popularity.
Project is non-profit organization, so we are thankful for support and loyalty of all the Zautra party™ members and partners.
Zautra party™ team members:
Norway ambassadors: Armando Versali, Anders Reidar, Martin Slovich.
Lithuania ambassadors: Aurimas Preilauskas, Povilas Poderskis
France ambassadors: Alexandre Moreu, Jérémy Moreu, Sébastien Bonnet, Anthony Zautra
Italy ambassadors: Eligio Maceti, Manuella Cinato, Domenico Cirone, Fedele Gia
Coordinator : Maéva Blanc
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