Meet various dogs during my travel, including vicious dogs, sneezing dogs, and calm dogs!
Tony Huang
中國鵝擺Pose給我拍照 (Chinese goose poses for me to take pictures)
東北角超優質的一條古道~火炎山古道、情人椅 (a hisotorical trail in the northeast corner of Taiwan)
深坑老街夜景及豆腐美食 (Shenkeng Old Street Night View and Tofu Food)
金山燭台雙嶼、神祕海岸美麗風光 (Beautiful scenery of Jinshan Twin Candlesticks and Mysterious Coast)
金山員潭溪景觀橋及員潭溪出海口 (Yuantan River Landscape Bridge and Yuantan River Estuary)
桃林鐵馬道 (Taolin Line Bikeway) ~昔日的「林口線」運煤鐵路,蛻變成為「桃林鐵路自行車道」
從桃園機場捷運列車欣賞新北市城市風光 (Admire the New Taipei City cityscape from the Taoyuan Airport MRT train)
在漁村巷弄裡, 遇見可愛的小橘貓 (I met a cute little orange cat in the alley of a fishing village)
台灣最美麗的海岸~維納斯海岸 (Taiwan’s most beautiful coast~Venus Coast), 新北市萬里區 (Wanli District, New Taipei City)
可惜沒有長鏡頭!淡水河有好多魚在跳水上芭蕾!(There are many fish dancing in the Tamsui River)
淡水老街~超淡定的貓咪, 遊客見多了, 沒空理你們 (The super calm cats in Tamsui Old Street)
滿天都是棉花雲 (The sky is filled with cotton clouds)
貓咪對我勾勾纏, 一直要討食物吃 (The cat is naughty to me and keeps begging for food)
新完工的新店廣興濕地落羽松景觀步道 (Bald cypress Landscape Trail in Guangxing Wetland)
旅行, 遇見害羞的小虎斑貓 (Traveling, encountering a shy little tabby cat)
台北市大佳河濱公園向日葵花海 (Sea of sunflowers in Dajia Riverside Park, Taipei City)
台北市大佳河濱公園大波斯菊花海 (Sea of cosmos flower in Dajia Riverside Park, Taipei City)
關渡花海 (2023 Joyous Occasion in the Fields, Quandu)
1909年完工的屈尺壩 (Quchi Dam, completed in 1909) [新北市新店區]
新店廣興長福宮河岸釣鯉魚 (Carp fishing on the bank of Changfu Temple in Guangxing, Xindian)
旅行, 遇見在散步的鶴山雞 (Encountering a Heshan Chicken walking)
虎班貓把我餵的飼料舔得一乾二淨 (The tabby cat licked all the food I fed)
餵完小花貓, 牠依依不捨的跟我說再見 (After feeding the little cat, it reluctantly said goodbye to me)
有趣的房子, 超級纖瘦的3層樓樓房 (新北市雙溪區) This is the skinniest 3-story building I have ever seen
幸福水泥列車經過貢寮車站(The Lucky Cement Train passes by Gongliao Station)
20~25分鐘登頂著名的桃源谷大草原 (Climb to the top of the famous Taoyuan Valley Prairie in 20 to 25 minutes)
很少人知道的枋腳溪護魚步道, 位於貢寮內寮街 (The Fangjiao River Fish Protection Trail)
龍潭三坑子自行車道 (串連三坑自然生態公園~大平紅橋) (Longtan Sankengzi Bicycle Path)
台灣第一座跨海大橋, 建於1934年, 舊稱基隆橋 (今和平橋) Taiwan's first cross-sea bridge, 1934
和平島的和平市場, 17世紀稱為「福州街」, 曾經是國際貿易市場 (Traditional market on Heping Island)
這不是花東縱谷, 這是關渡平原的稻海 (rice sea in Guandu Plain)
浮草庵~三坑自然生態公園 [桃園龍潭]
年輪下, 訴說樟之細路 (Under thegrowth rings, tell the story of the Raknus Selu Trail), 三坑自然生態公園
五分山賞芒, 一下車就是芒花美景 (Enjoy the silver grass flowers at Fenfen Mountain)
五分山步道, 俗稱「萬里長城」的稜線步道 (Wufenshan Trail, a ridge trail commonly known as the "Great Wall")
南澳海岸~滴水坑瀑布, 瀑水直接流入太平洋 ( Dishuikeng Waterfall, the water flows directly into the Pacific Ocean)
南澳神祕海灘最大海蝕洞 (The largest sea cave in Mysterious Beach, Nan'ao, Yilan)
南澳神祕海灘海蝕洞群 (Sea Caves in Mysterious Beach Sea of Nan'ao)
老奶奶級麝香豬逛馬路, 步履蹣跚, 幸好沒有車子經過 (The old lady musk pig was walking on the road, walking unsteadily)
2023年桃園仙草嘉年華, 精彩回顧 (2023 Land of Mesona Carnival in Taoyuan)
太陽麻 (被我誤認為是油菜花) , 季節限定的美景 [桃園市楊梅區] (Rapeseed flower fields, seasonal beauty, Yangmei, Taoyuan City)
大白鷺鷥地景藝術在富岡三連陂 (Great Egret Landscape Art in Fugang Sanlianpi)
新完工~基隆塔 (高60公尺) , 眺覽基隆港 Newly completed ~ Keelung Tower (60 meters high), overlooking Keelung Port
基隆市信二路防空洞, 開放參觀 (試營運) Xiner Road Air Raid Shelter, Keelung City, open for viewing (trial operation)
港湖老棒隊, 就算輸球也是很開心啊! (It’s also fun to lose! Ganghu OB Baseball Team)
金瓜石本山礦場遺硛 (金瓜石地質公園) Jinguashi Benshan Mine Remains (Jinguashi Geopark)
半平山 (半屏山) 步道芒花盛開 Mt. Banping Trail with silver grass (Miscanthus) in full bloom
半平山無敵山海美景 (Mt. Banping has Invincible mountain and sea views)
金字碑, 清同治六年 (1867) , 金字碑古道 Jinzibei (Golden Inscription Stele), in 1867, Qing Dynasty
清代咸豐元年 (1851)奉憲示禁碑, 台灣最早的環保碑文 An ancient stele in 1851, Taiwan’s earliest environmental inscription
我在金字碑古道, 遇見一隻台灣獼猴 (I met a Formosan macaqueon the Jinzibei Historical Trail)
月眉人工濕地落羽松, 最美的季節來了 [桃園大溪] Bald cypress in Yuemei Wetland [Taoyuan Daxi]
月亮公車, 眺望台北101夜景 (Moon bus, overlooking the night view of Taipei 101)
跨越大漢溪的中庄吊橋 (桃園市大溪區) Zhongzhuang Suspension Bridge over Dahan River (Daxi District, Taoyuan City)
桃園大溪落羽松路 (落羽松大道) , 桃園市大溪區 (Taoyuan Daxi Bald Cypress Road, Daxi District, Taoyuan City
街頭遇到涉世未深的小貓咪, 好奇對著鏡頭 (I met an inexperienced kitten on the street and looks at the camera curiously)
總統的避難通道~角板山行館戰備隧道(President’s Escape Channel ~ Jiaobanshan Residence Military Tunnel)
角板山薰風閣(歷史建築)、老樟樹、復興青年活動中心 (Jiaobanshan Xunfeng Pavilion (historic building), old camphor tree...)
角板山行館園區的百年老樟樹 (The century-old camphor tree in Jiaobanshan Hotel Park)
角板山泰雅帽造型活動場 (Jiaobanshan Atayal Hat Shaping Activity Venue)
三峽老街, 北台灣知的老街之一 (Sanxia Old Street, one of the famous old streets in Northern Taiwan)
三峽老街名產—金三峽牛角麵包 (The famous specialty of Sanxia Old Street—Golden Sanxia Croissant)
三峽祖師廟, 著名的藝術之廟, 花了幾十年時間改建完成 (Sanxia Zhusi Temple, a famous temple of art, took decades to complete.)
棒球名人堂, 展覽館的建築就像一顆棒球 (Baseball Hall of Fame, the building of the exhibition hall is like a baseball)
台灣中華職棒的發源地—兄弟大飯店棒球場, 可以在在球場外野草地露營 (The birthplace of professional baseball in Taiwan)
台北最美的林道~內洞林道 (The most beautiful forest road in Taipei—Neidong Forest Road)
清晨沒有遊客的烏來老街—烏來橋 (Wulai Old Street and Wulai Bridge without tourists in the early morning)
烏來內洞瀑布(上層及下層瀑布) - Wulai Neidong Waterfall (upper and lower waterfalls)
烏來神社手水舍(てみずや)遺跡, 位於往妙心寺的石階步道旁 (てみずや, the ruins of Wulai Shrine)
烏來信賢步道, 沿途有7座瀑布, 還有信賢吊橋 (Wulai Xinxian Trail, there are 7 waterfalls along the way)
烏來觀光台車, 長1.5公里 (Wulai sightseeing trolley, 1.5 kilometers long)
烏來老街美食「馬紹米血糕」的店貓 (The shop cat of Wulai Old Street delicacy "Ma Shao Rice Blood Cake")
高島縱走柳杉森林 (Walking through the cedar forest in Gao-Shima Hiking)
烏來桶後林道、桶後瀑布 (Wulai Tonghou Forest Road and Tonghou Waterfall)
釣客祕境—阿玉溪 (位於桶後林道0.8K處) Anglers’ secret spot—Ayu River valley located at 0.8K on Tonghou Forest Road
烏來吊橋, 眺覽南勢溪風光 (Wulai Suspension Bridge, overlooking the scenery of Nanshi River)
深澳漁港海天步道 (Shen'ao Fishing Port Sea-to-Sky Trail)
日本時代(1935)金瓜石線鐵道八尺門五分車隧道 (Jinguashi Line Railway Bachimen Wu-fen Trolley Tunnel from Japanese era)
從基隆和平島社寮橋眺望八尺門水道 (View of Bachimen Waterway from Sheliao Bridge on Heping Island in Keelung)
1626年, 西班牙人在和平島開鑿的水井~龍目井(歷史建築) (In 1626, the well dug by the Spaniards on Heping Island
台灣唯一出現「蔣介石」名字的紀念碑在基隆要塞司令部 (The only monument with the name "Chiang Kai-shek" in Keelung
新開幕開放參觀, 市定古蹟—基隆要塞司令部 (Newly opened and open for tours, Keelung Fort Command (Taiwan)
台灣東北角最美麗的海岸—南雅地質步道 (The most beautiful coast in the northeastern corner —Nanya Geological Trail
鼻頭漁港, 位於東北角鼻頭角的美麗漁港 (Bitou Fishing Port, a beautiful fishing port located in the northeast corner)
舊草嶺隧道自行車道, 長2166公尺, 曾經是台灣最長的隧道 (The old Caoling Tunnel bicycle path, 2166 meters in length
明治四十一年 (1908)年「下坑福德廟」, 隱身於隆隆山區的森林裡 "Xiakeng Fude Temple" built in the 41st year of Meiji (1908)
新登山路線~隱身於東北角隆隆山區的「下坑古道」 (New mountaineering route ~ "Xiakeng Historical Trail", Longlong mountain)
台版「小吳哥窟」~隆隆山區「沈家古厝」(Taiwan version of "Mini-Angkor Wat" ~ "Shen's old house" in Mt. Longlong)
貓咪你誤會了 (聞到我帶的食物味道), 但我沒有要餵你啊 (Cat, you misunderstood (you smelled the food I brought)
下雨天的猴硐, 在車站前的礦工麵店, 吃一碗熱騰騰的湯麵 On a rainy day, eat a bowl of hot noodle soup at the Miner Noodle Shop
猴硐貓村的「土匪菲」("Bandit Fei" from Houtong Cat Village)
下雨天, 造訪瑞三本坑 (台灣煤炭最大產量的單一坑口) 及猴硐礦工文史館 (the single pit with the largest coal production in Taiwan)
雨中即景, 自強號EMU3000型通過猴硐車站 (Scenery in the rain, Ziqiang EMU3000 passing through Houtong Station)
猴硐內寮仔舊礦工宿舍 (Nei-liao-zai Old Miners’ Dormitory in Houtong)
荒廢於猴硐附近柴寮山區的礦場遺跡—天車間 (The ruins of coal mine in the Chailiao Mountain area near Houtong—Tianchejian)
台北市內湖區最美的古厝—郭氏古宅 (市定古蹟) The most beautiful ancient house in Neihu District, Taipei City
台北市內湖區獅頭山眺望碧湖美景 (View of Bihu Lake from Shitou Mountain in Neihu District, Taipei City)
台北市四獸山的大廟—松山奉天宮及香客大樓夜景 (Night view of Songshan Fengtian Temple and Pilgrim Building)
猴硐車站的貓咪坐看喧囂熙攘的旅客來來去去 (The cat at Houtong Station sits and watches the bustling passengers)
專心吃果子的松鼠, 沒注意到遊客悄悄接近了 (The squirrel is so focus on eating the fruit)
全台唯一仍然還在運轉的糖廠五分車—虎尾糖廠 (Wufen-trolley train of sugar factory)
宜蘭礁溪最著名的風景區—五峰旗瀑布 (Wufenqi Waterfall)
寶山水庫環湖步道寶湖吊橋 (Baohu Suspension Bridge)
走往著名宜蘭抹茶山的林道, 很棒的森林浴 (Walking on the forest road to the famous Yilan Matcha Mountain)
縣定古蹟—虎尾糖廠日式宿舍群 (Japanese-style dormitory group in Huwei Sugar Factory)
縣定古蹟—百年虎尾糖廠鐵橋, 雲林縣虎尾鎮(County-designated historic site—100-year-old Huwei Sugar Factory Iron Bridge)
國定古蹟—北港朝天宮夜景 (National Historic Site—Beigang Chaotian Temple Night View)
縣定古蹟—北港水道頭文化園區十角水塔, 雲林縣北港鎮 (County-designated historic site—Decagonal Water Tower)
北港女兒橋眺覽北港溪風景(Overlooking the scenery of Beigang River at Beigang Daughter Bridge)
萬里瑪鋉溪河口, 萬里海水浴場, 遠眺野柳岬 (The estuary of Wanli Masu River, Wanli Beach, overlooking Yeliu Cape)
瑪鋉溪步道親水平台 (新北市萬里區) (Masu River Trail Water Platform (Wanli District, New Taipei City)
萬里昭靈宮, 特殊的「西歷一八三八年」古碑刻字 (special inscription on the ancient stele "1838 AD"), New Taipei City
從大尖湖鎮福宮俯瞰大溪中庄, 宛如小型版的社子島 (Overlooking Zhongzhuang in Daxi from Zhengfu Temple in Dajianhu)
祕境景點—仁安磚窯廠八卦窯(新竹縣關西鎮)Secret Attraction—Ren'an Brick Kiln Factory Bagua Kiln (Hsinchu County)
花蓮市~撒固兒瀑布 (Sakul Waterfall)
花蓮市~佐倉步道觀景平台, 眺覽奇萊平原美景
舊蘇花公健行, 眺望烏石鼻及南澳海岸 (Hiking on old Suhua Highway)
原日本時代新城神社本殿, 現在是新城天主堂聖母園 (縣定古蹟)
福卯古道榕樹溪 [新北市貢寮區] (Fumao Historical Trail, Rongshu Creek [Gongliao District, New Taipei City]
「大衛小小羊餐廳」的可愛羊駝 (The cute alpaca at David& Alpaca restaurant) - 陽明山美軍宿舍群
「豆留森林」, 典雅的日式庭園餐廳, 就隱身於熱鬧的街道旁, 也是一棟歷史建築 ("Cama Cafe", an elegant Japanese garden restaurant), 陽明山
大笨鳥 (黑冠麻鷺) 是獵蚯蚓高手, 「守株待兔」連抓5隻蚯蚓
全世界最高的青銅彌勒大佛, 高72公尺, 倒影峨眉湖中
第一座國人自行設計興建的水庫—大埔水庫 (峨眉湖), 已變成布袋蓮水庫了
峨眉湖環湖步道「至真段」, 預計2026年「至真、至善、至美」三段全部完工
300年歷史的「八芝蘭番仔井」(市定古蹟), 泉水清澈, 終年不竭
北投行義路磺溪溫泉區新完工的河岸步道 (Huangxi Hot Spring Riverside Trail)
前衛的廟宇彩繪仙女 (新竹縣新埔鎮廣和宮) Avant-garde temple painted fairies (Guanghe Temple, Xinpu Town, Hsinchu)
新竹縣政府推薦「龍年」步道—「飛龍步道」, 又稱「蓮華山古道」(Flying Dragon Trail)
行駛在海拔1900公尺的太平山蹦蹦車 (Running on the Taipingshan Bongbong Train at an altitude of 1,900 meters)
太平山~茂興懷舊步道, 搭乘蹦蹦車才能抵達的森林步道 (Maosing Reminicent Trail, Taipingshan)
名列全球最美的28條步道~太平山見晴懷古步道 (Jianqing Historic Trail, Taipingshan)
海拔1900公尺的觀雲棧道, 在太平山公路鄰旁的人行步道 (Quanyun Skywalk, Taipingshan)
眺覽羅東運動公園虹明湖美景 (Overlook the scenery of Hongming Lake in Longdong Sports Park)
走路60秒輕鬆抵達, 基隆外木山海龜岩 (Easily reach Keelung Waimushan Turtle Rock in 60 seconds on foot)
基隆市唯一的海水浴場—大武崙海灘(The only bathing beach in Keelung City—Dawulun Beach)
新開幕, 總督府山林課宿舍群~0km山物所 (Newly opened, the Forestry Department Dormitories of the Governor's Office )
位於有「台灣亞馬遜」之稱的哈盆溪上游—福山植物園( Fushan Botanical Garden )
「宜蘭最美寺廟」、「宜蘭版慶修院」~員山北后寺 (Yuanshan Beihou Temple) #travel
有「吳哥窟秘境」之稱的獅球嶺東砲台 (Shiqiuling East Fort , known as the "Secret Attraction of Angkor Wat") #travel
「劉銘傳隧道」(獅球嶺隧道) 重新開放自由參觀, 週四至週日 09:00~17:00 ("Liu Ming Chuan Tunnel", Keelung City, Taiwan) #travel
超大型郵輪停泊基隆港東岸旅客中心 (Ultra-large cruise ship docks at Keelung Port East Coast Visitor Center) #travel
搭電梯登「基隆塔」, 眺覽基隆港風光 (Take the elevator to the Keelung Tower and overlook the scenery of Keelung Port)
走路不用10分鐘, 在天空賞桐~苗栗銅鑼天空之橋 (enjoy the tung flowers bloobing in the sky)#travel
台灣農林銅鑼茶廠欣賞茶園風光 (Admire the tea garden scenery at Taiwan Nonglin Tongluo Tea Factory) #travel
新開幕~新店「十四張歷史公園」歷史建築園區 (Newly opened ~ Xindain "Shijuzhang Historyl Park" historic Building Park)
新完工!八里米倉無限公園,270度環景平台欣賞淡水河風光 (Newly completed! Balimicang Park, a 270-degree panoramic platform)
新竹市頭前溪出海口及竹港大橋 (Touqian River Estuary and Zhugang Bridge, Hsinchu City, Taiwan) #travel