The Crystal Coach Show with Anahata: Clarity, Guidance, and Practical Wisdom
1st & 3rd Mondays 10am PT / 1pm ET
Are you a woman working as a corporate professional, a leader in your field? Are you facing challenges that leave you feeling overwhelmed, anxious, maybe disconnected? Our thoughts can reside in the vibration of Fear or Love. The Crystal Coach Show leaves you with a feeling of connection and the clarity to act, to choose love!
What if we all saw each other as mirrors for our own reality? In this Earthly duality we live in, we get to choose where our thoughts reside. Imagine a world where there was no “us” versus “them”. Love takes practice through gratitude.
The Crystal Coach Show is about sharing our stories, our healing journeys and our love by getting to the heart of our feelings.
Crystal Coach Anahata Roach channels Divine Wisdom through Service in Practice, Stories of Spirituality, and Stones for Self-Care. Live every day in clarity, guidance, and practical wisdom. Become the best version of yourself!
Don’t let fear win, choose love!
As a former corporate communications executive, Anahata helps professional women who’ve experienced overwhelm and burnout learn to shift away from fear, thus finding balance, peace and energy.
A certified Crystal Resonance™ Therapist since 2011, Anahata’s knowledge of crystals and stones has helped her clients and students to release outdated programming on a cellular level and restore energetic balance to the body. Anahata can guide you through a process to permanently delete old emotional patterns and programs, while offering coaching on the use of crystal frequencies for integrating the dramatic shift in energies. She also provides clients with guidance, information and clarity through intuitive readings.
Although now a city dweller, Anahata’s small town childhood gave her an appreciation for the little things that nature offers to those who seek them. She currently lives across the street from one of the largest US public parks and feeds her soul with regular walks there.
Teacher, intuitive and holistic energy medicine practitioner, Anahata Roach is The Crystal Coach! To find out more, go to, or follow @anahataroach.thecrystalcoach on Facebook or Instagram.