The world is facing an increase in climate-related disasters and conflicts, exacerbated by a shrinking resource base. Faced with this difficult situation, what are the most promising entry points to strengthen peace and resilience? Who are the key actors and partners with whom to work on joint solutions? What have we learned about the linkages between climate change, peace and security?
The sixth edition of BCSC explored how to secure a climate for peace. The conference examined why climate must be integrated into the entire conflict cycle. Through taking stock of best practice examples, it further advanced concrete climate security approaches and initiatives.
BCSC 2024 focused on:
1) Linking climate risks and security objectives and identifying how the role of the security and defence sector can address this nexus;
2) Building awareness and capacity to conduct and use climate security risk analysis and foresight assessments to enable holistic peace-building and stabilisation action;
3) Examining climate change impacts and the entire conflict cycle from peace-making to post-conflict reconstruction.
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