Shorts: Chris Alexander on never returning to lock downs and mandates again
The State of Freedom
Shorts: Danielle Walker on why we must not comply with unconstitutional mandates
Shorts: Tim Kerner Jr.'s stance on mandates
Shorts: Valarie Hodges on standing in the way of government overreach
Shorts: Jason Amato on the reality of public mistrust in big pharma and government due to COVID
Shorts: Dodie Horton on COVID lessons learned & never complying again
Shorts: Mike Sigur on standing with the people over lockdowns
Shorts: Tammi Fabre on COVID, elections & government overreach
Shorts: Stewart Cathey, Jr., on his expected response to any future lock down attempts by the govt
Shorts: Pastor James Buntrock on pushing back against tyrannical & unconstitutional executive orders
Short: Chris Alexander on the value of the omnibus nullification bill in LA
Shorts: Mark Bashaw on the state of military morale post COVID-19
Shorts: Mark Bashaw on the military's denial of religious exemptions as oath of office violations
Shorts: Mark Bashaw on the psyop deployed on US military forces by its own public health unit
Shorts: Tommy Waller, Jr. on the USMC charging unvaccinated Marines w/ a serious offense.
Shorts: Tommy Waller, Jr. on the potential for accountability for military mandates via SCOTUS
Shorts: Thomas Waller, Jr. on sending warnings up the chain of command on potential harm of vaccines
Shorts: Joe Oltmann on how he got on this path of seeking and exposing the truth