Mid-1980s Arcade Video Games (1984-1985)

The 1980s were the first great decade for video games and it all began in 1980. Arcade games like centipede and pac-man were dominating the arcade video game market. Many arcade games were running on more powerful cpu's to generate more detailed graphics and sound. Classic arcades in mid-80s like Marble Madness, Gauntlet, Space Harriers, Shinobi, and Gradius were becoming big hits attracting gamers due to more detailed graphics. Driving, Racing, shooting, maze, breakout type games, pinball type arcade games, and beat 'em up's were most popuar in this decade. Arcade Laserdiscs were fast becoming new arcade media shocking the gaming world with game's like Dragon's Lair and M.A.C.H. 3 which brought interactive gaming to the arcades. Also in the 80s, 3-D Polygon Graphics were first brought into commercial video games in the early 80s as opposed to earlier 3D arcade games that used vectors (wireframe) and it all began with Atari's I, Robot released in 1983, which will be one of my first full playthrough of such video games unlike what you see in 70s. Note: Beginning with the games in 1984, there will be no more slot machines, pull tabs, card games such as poker, any other gambling based redemption games, or mahjong games. They are simply a waste of time and not very entertaining. Will focus on real arcade video games such as maze, platorms, and shoot 'em ups from here. For Ultima IV Walkthrough Guides and Info: wiki.ultimacodex.com/wiki/Ultima_IV_Walkthrough www.gamefaqs.com/pc/562660-ultima-iv-quest-of-the-… ultima.wikia.com/wiki/Ultima_IV_Locations_Map www.ultimainfo.net/Codex/Ultima4.htm ultima.wikia.com/wiki/Reagents lparchive.org/Ultima-4-5-and-6/Update%205/ martin.brenner.de/ultima/virtuechanges.html gigi.nullneuron.net/ultima/u4/u4beast.php www.smspower.org/seganotebook/ultima4/manual/ultim… wiki.ultimacodex.com/wiki/Ultima_IV_Spell_List wiki.ultimacodex.com/wiki/Weapon_Values