Kingdom Hearts Final Mix - Disappeared
Kingdom Hearts 2 - Disappeared
Kingdom Hearts 358 2 Days -Vector to the Heavens
KH 358/2 Days - Mussique pour la tresse xion
Kingdom Hearts 2 - The 13th Dilemma
Kingdom Hearts - Squirming Evil
Kingdom Hearts ReCoded - Guardando nel Buio
KHII Final Mix - The Other Promise
Kingdom Hearts ReChain of Memories - Lord of the Castle
Kingdom Hearts -The Deep End
Kingdom Hearts II - Desire for All That is Lost
Kingdom Hearts II - The Corrupted
Kingdom Hearts II - Darkness of the Unknown(Part 1)
Kingdom Hearts II - Darkness of the Unknown(Part 2)
Kingdom Hearts II - Darkness of the Unknown(Part 3)
Kingdom Hearts Birth By Sleep - Unforgettable
Kingdom Hearts Birth By Sleep - Dismiss
Kingdom Hearts Birth By Sleep - Forze dell'Oscurità
Kingdom Hearts II - Battleship Bravery
Kingdom Hearts - Forze Del Male
Kingdom Hearts Birth By Sleep - Hunter of the Dark
Kingdom Hearts Re Chain of Memories - Graceful Assassin ~ game ver.
Kingdom Hearts ReChain of Memories - Graceful Assassin ~ soundtrack ver.
Kingdom Hearts 358/2 Days - Critical Drive
Kingdom Hearts Birth By Sleep - Enter The Darkness
Kingdom Hearts ReChain of Memories - Revenge of Chaos
Kingdom Hearts 358/2 Days - Vector to the Heavens ~ Soundtrack Ver.
Kingdom Hearts 358/2 Days - Another Side ~ Battle Ver.
Kingdom Hearts 3D Dreams Drop Distance - L'Eminenza Oscura I
Kingdom Hearts 3D Dream Drop Distance - Majestic Wings
Kingdom Hearts 3D Dream Drop Distance - UNTAMABLE
Kingdom Hearts 3D Dream Drop Distance - L'Impeto Oscuro
Kingdom Hearts 3D Dream Drop Distance - Xehanort ~ The Early Years
Kingdom Hearts 3D Dream Drop Distance - L'Oscurita dell'Ignoto