Gang stalking is the bogus term created by the disinformation agents that were injected into various communities because the higher ups responsible knew full well this system, which is still under development, to destroy targets is not 100% effective and that opposition would need to be controlled and the information presented in such a way as to minimize these crimes against humanity. Since the phenomenon is such a closely guarded state secret and the information field really consists of these disinformation agents and legitimate targets who are having to navigate these dangerous waters and figure it out for themselves, the term is unwittingly used by legitimate targets. The effect of the word is to minimize government sponsored torture and crimes against humanity. Disinformation becomes misinformation. Really, gang stalking appears to be a covert war against those who are opposed to totalitarianism. I am sure there are other reasons people are gang stalked, but it is clearly a misuse of state resources and community policing programs to engage in psychological warfare against a target, while maximizing the effectiveness of that campaign through the use of electromagnetic frequency weapons, including microwave weapons, as well as chemical and biological weapons. It is total war against an individual by a collective mob, a three pronged attack on the mental, physical, and social health of and individual to ultimately destroy a person. It collectivism and statism at its finest.
Note: There are two videos that should appear in this chronology that have been removed by Youtube. "Golfer's Digest" and "Free Form Funkafide Filth."
I would listen to what this guy has to say: