You need a break, Black Woman! Take a Vacation or Retreat?
Rashidat, Your Dream Strategist
The worst travel day I've ever had - Trip to Cozumel for my 40th Birthday
Winding down my vacation and setting next week up for success | For Black Women
6 steps to reset work life balance without overwhelm - POST TRAVEL RESET ROUTINE
Get OUT of Hustle Culture: How to Create Work Life Balance for Black Women
The strategy that helped me afford my vacation | for Black women
The best thing I have learned about traveling is that you need a budget to make it your lifestyle
Well, now you can! On my last YouTube Live my special guest, @MichelleFoxLove, planned your next tri
How I travel the world without being rich and how you can, too.
Was your last time you tried to book a trip a flop? We’ve all been there.
3 Long Term Travel Tips You Need to Know, Black Women
Hey if you want to keep putting it off, that's up to you | for Black women
You need a break, Black woman. Take a retreat! I'll help you pay for it...