On a free-fall jump, teams perform a designated formation sequence drawn from the dive pool that is randomly selected before the competition begins.
Dive Pool can be found in SCM Chapter 9
A team will score one point for each judgeable scoring formation performed in the sequence within the allotted working time of
each round. Teams may continue scoring by continually repeating the sequence.
Each team consists of up to four members, including a videographer and and alternate.
Each jump is made from 13,000 feet AGL. Working time starts the moment any team member (excluding the videographer) separates from the aircraft, as determined by the judges.
Working Time:
Each sequence of formations should be repeated until the working time of 35 seconds has expired.
A grip consists of a handhold on an arm, leg, foot, or head of another jumper. As a minimum, a grip requires stationary contact. A foot grip must be on or below the ankle bone. A head grip consists of hand placement on
the top of the head; the grip must be above the line that goes around the head passing at or above the jaw-line.
Mixed Formation Skydiving involves the use of several body orientations including;
Upright : orientation requires that the flyer is in a vertical orientation, spine is parallel to the relative wind and the head is up.
Head down: orientation requires that the flyer is in a vertical orientation, spine parallel to the relative wind and leading with the head.
Mixed Round: is a round that may include belly, back, head down or upright formations.
Belly flying: requires that the competitor’s torso is in a horizontal (prone) position, with the front of the torso toward the earth.
Back flying: orientation requires that the competitor’s torso is in a horizontal position, with the back of the torso toward the earth.
This video was taken at the 2024 USPA National Championships hosted by Skydive Chicago.
Video scoring supplied by intimescoring.com