Israel At War & Bible Prophecies... Is this the END? ⏳ #endtimes #shorts #bible #prophecy #jesus
Stop looking to your obedience for assurance! We look to Christ ALONE. #jesus #christianity #gospel
This world is cursed by sin... Find hope in Christ and his promises. #shorts #christian #bible
Antidote for LEGALISM and DESPAIR in the church! #God #christian #jesus #fyp #christianity
God's plan to GROW us in HOLINESS is so simple! #church #jesus #fyp #god #christianity #miracle
How is the Church Different than the World? #christianity #bible #jesus #god #church
The Gospel Empowers our Ability to Obey! #christianity #bible #jesus #god #church #gospel
What Did Jesus Say about His Kingdom? #christianity #bible #jesus #god #church
The Depth of God's Mercy #christianity #bible #jesus #god #church #christianlife
Roman Soldiers Converting After Persecuting Christians? #christianity #bible #jesus #god #church
You cannot produce obedience by the law. #christianity #bible #jesus #god #church #christianlife
You've NOT Been Given a Spirit of Slavery! #christianity #bible #jesus #god #church #christianlife
Being a Jerk is NOT How You Win People to the Truth! #christianlife #jesus #bible #gospel
Did you mess up your life with sin? #christianity #bible #jesus #god #church #christianlife
Yelling at Christians to Produce Fruit Doesn't Work! #christianity #church #repentance #gospel #god
Christian Victory in the Book of Revelation #revelation #jesus #endtimes #bible #gospel
The Corporate Nature of Biblical Discernment! #christianity #bible #church #christianlife #acts
The Beauty of Jesus Becomes Personal! #christianity #bible #jesus #god #church #christianlife
Have we lost charity and compassion? #bible #christianity #gospel #church
The Peace and Security of the Gospel! #gospel #bible #jesus
Dispensationalism: A Frightening Reality to Those Who Believe it! #dispensationalism #bible #church
Lordship Salvation is not Reformed! #gospel #jesus #grace #reformedtheology
How Dispensationalism Confuses Law and Gospel #dispensationalism #gospel #bible #church
Faith is the Evidence of Our Salvation! #faith #gospel #bible #christ #jesus #lordship
Doug Wilson & Federal Vision Denies the Covenant of Works #gospel #reformedtheology #bible
What are the Five Points of Reformed Theology? #reformedtheology #bible #christianity
The Types and Shadows of Jesus in the Writings of the Prophets! #gospel #bible #prophet #christian
Properly understanding what Jesus meant by "take up your cross" #gospel #christianity #jesus
Is Baptism the fulfillment of Circumcision? #baptism #baptist #presbyterian #reformedtheology
The Impossibility of the Law! #gospel #reformedtheology #christianity #lawgospel
Does Preaching Grace lead to Sin? #gospel #grace #sin #christianity
You are Probably Misunderstanding the Point of First John! #gospel #christian #1john #bible
Our Assurance is Found in Christ the Righteous! #gospel #bible #jesus #christ
Do We Judge Our Salvation by Our Good Works? #gospel #reformedtheology #jesus
If You Don't See The Fruit of the Spirit in Your Life, Do This! #gospel #jesus #fruitofthespirit
Does Your Obedience Get You Into Heaven? #gospel #obedience #justification #jesus #heaven
Jesus is doing something that the law couldn't do! #jesus #christian #christ
How Should Christians Talk about Faith and Works? #gospel #faith #goodworks #reformedtheology
God's Promises DO NOT Rely On Our Circumstances or Experience! #gospel #jesus #god #bible
Have You PERFECTLY Kept the Law of God? #romans #judgement #bible #jesus #christ #jesuschrist
The Most Neglected Doctrine in the Church Today? #gospel #jesus #newbirth #church
If You Think: God Can't Save a Sinner Like Me... Think Again! #gospel #grace #jesus #bible
Jesus Loved YOU Until the End! #jesuschrist #jesus #christ #christian
Is Nominalism The Biggest Issue to Plague the Church?
Did John MacArthur Really Say This? #gospel #jesus #johnmacarthur
The fruit of the Spirit is vitally important, just not for your salvation! #gospel #jesus #christ
Doug Wilson's Harmful Views on 'Continuing in Goodness' #gospel #jesus #christ #reformedtheology
PTSD Isn't Real? #gospel #jesus #bible #theology #mentalhealth
Christian, You Have Been Set FREE From Sin! #gospel #jesus #motivation #christ
If You're Watching This, Stop Skipping Church! #gospel #church #christian
God's Promise of Redemption and Deliverance to His People! #gospel #yahweh #jesus #christ
What Does "Walk in a Manner Worthy of Your Calling" Mean? #gospel #jesus #christ
Jesus Taught AGAINST a 'Grace+' Theology! #gospel #grace #jesus #christianity #judaism
The Supernatural Nature of The New Birth! #newbirth #bornagain #jesus #gospel
Hide Yourself In Jesus! #gospel #jesus #christ
Is It Possible to Be Repentant While Still Engaging in That Sin? #repent #repentance #gospel
Has the Church LOST THE GOSPEL? #gospel #church #christ #jesus
Began by the Spirit BUT Perfected by the flesh? #gospel #jesus #christ
Understanding the Difference Between Faith and Faithfulness #gospel #jesus #cancer
There Is No Greater Love Than This... #jesus #gospel #christianmotivation
God Says, "Nobody come near this thing or you will die..." #law #gospel #calvary #jesus #grace
Neglecting our Families and Church Members to Pursue 'Radical Discipleship' #christian #discipleship
The Discouraging Reality of Christian Social Media #gospel #christianpodcast #christian
You Cannot be Saved by Keeping God's Commandments #gospel #jesus #christian
Is the Gospel about Your Obedience? #gospel #jesus #jesuschrist
What does humility look like? #jesus #christian #humility
An Unholy Disunity Has Infiltrated the Evangelical Church #christian #ecumenism #church #faith
Psalm 1 & 2: Law or Gospel? #lawgospel #psalms #christianpodcast
We Often Forget This Promise Jesus Made... #jesus #gospel #hope
This False Doctrine Needs to Be Repented of! #gospel #jesus #christianity
What Does "Examine yourselves to see if you are in the faith” Truly Mean? #faith #jesus #theology
Satan always wants to point us to ourselves. Don't let him. Look to Christ. #jesus #gospel
You Wanna See Holy People? Preach CHRIST! #gospel #reformedtheology #christianliving #jesuschrist
Envision Jesus walking in on you committing a heinous sin... #jesus #god #gospel #christian
Beautiful observations about a tree and its fruit! #christ #jesus #gospel #fruit #faith
A Christian Response to Negative Emotions #jesus #emotional #motivation #gospel
"Imagine a sinner cautiously approaching Jesus..." #gospel #jesus #sinner
Do We Need to Prove That We Are Saved? #salvation #gospel #jesus
Will Political Figures Fix the World? #politics #trump #christianity
Are you listening to the voice of Satan? #jesus #gospel #church
Why Can't I Can't Speak in Tongues? #jesus #truth #gospel #holyspirit
[Private video]