Counterpoint, Canon in 11 voices | 厳格対位法 模倣 11声 短旋法 2度カノン | Kontrapunkt | Contrepoint | Contrappunto
大脇滉平 Kohei Owaki 和声・対位法レッスン講師 (エクリチュールちゃんねる)
Counterpoint, Canon in 9 voices | 厳格対位法 模倣 9声 短旋法 下2度(7度)カノン | Kontrapunkt | Contrepoint |
Counterpoint, Canon in 7 voices | 厳格対位法 模倣 7声 長旋法 下2度(7度)カノン | Kontrapunkt | Contrepoint
Counterpoint, Double canon in 9 voices | 厳格対位法 模倣 9声 長旋法 4度の2重カノン | Kontrapunkt | Contrepoint
Invertible counterpoint in 4 voices | 厳格対位法 転回可能 4声 長旋法 | Kontrapunkt | Contrepoint | Contrappunto
厳格対位法 転回可能 4声 短旋法 | Invertible counterpoint in 4 voices | Kontrapunkt | Contrepoint | Contrappunto
厳格対位法 5声 華麗 長旋法 | Counterpoint in 5 voices | Kontrapunkt | Contrepoint | Contrappunnto
厳格対位法 5声 華麗 短旋法 | Counterpoint in 5 voices | Kontrapunkt | Contrepoint | Contrappunto
厳格対位法 10度の転回可能 2声 長旋法 | Invertible counterpoint of 10 digrees, in 2 voices | Kontrapunkt
厳格対位法 12度の転回可能 3声 長旋法 | Invertible counterpoint of 12 digrees, in 3 voices | Kontrapunkt
厳格対位法 5声 巨大混合類 長旋法 | Counterpoint in 5 voices | Kontrapunkt | Contrepoint | Contrappunto
厳格対位法 転回可能 3声 混合類 長旋法 | Invertible counterpoint in 3 voices | Kontrapunkt | Contrepoint
厳格対位法 模倣 転回可能 3声 長旋法 逆反行カノン | Invertible counterpoint, Crab canon by contrary motion, in 3 voices
厳格対位法 9度の転回可能 2声 短旋法 | Invertible counterpoint of 9 digrees, in 2 voices | Kontrapunkt | Contrepoint
厳格対位法 6声 全音符 長旋法 | Counterpoint in 6 voices | Kontrapunkt | Contrepoint | Contrappunnto
厳格対位法 6声 全音符 短旋法 | Counterpoint in 6 voices | Kontrapunkt | Contrepoint | Contrappunto
厳格対位法 模倣 7声 フリギア旋法 4度の3重カノン | Counterpoint, Triple canon in 7 voices | Kontrapunkt | Contrepoint
厳格対位法 5声 全音符 長旋法 | Counterpoint in 5 voices | Kontrapunkt | Contrepoint | Contrappunnto
厳格対位法 5声 全音符 短旋法 | Counterpoint in 5 voices | Kontrapunkt | Contrepoint | Contrappunto
厳格対位法 13度の転回可能 2声 長旋法 | Invertible counterpoint of 13 digrees, in 2 voices | Kontrapunkt
厳格対位法 6声 華麗 長旋法 | Counterpoint in 6 voices | Kontrapunkt | Contrepoint | Contrappunto
厳格対位法 4声 大混合類(2分の3拍子) 長旋法 | Counterpoint in 4 voices | Kontrapunkt | Contrepoint | Contrappunto
厳格対位法 14度の転回可能 2声 長旋法 | Invertible counterpoint of 14 digrees, in 2 voices | Kontrapunkt
厳格対位法 転回可能 5声 短旋法 | Invertible counterpoint in 5 voices | Kontrapunkt | Contrepoint | Contrappunto
厳格対位法 11度の転回可能 2声 短旋法 | Invertible counterpoint of 11degrees, in 2 voices | Kontrapunkt
Counterpoint in 7 voices | 厳格対位法 7声 全音符 長旋法 | Kontrapunkt | Contrepoint | Contrappunto
厳格対位法 4声 大混合類(4分の6拍子) 長旋法 | Counterpoint in 4 voices | Kontrapunkt | Contrepoint | Contrappunto
厳格対位法 4声 大混合類(4分の9拍子) 長旋法 | Counterpoint in 4 voices | Kontrapunkt | Contrepoint | Contrappunto
Invertible counterpoint in 6 voices | 厳格対位法 転回可能 6声 長旋法 | Kontrapunkt | Contrepoint | Contrappunto
Counterpoint, Triple canon in 10 voices | 厳格対位法 模倣 10声 フリギア旋法 4度の3重カノン | Kontrapunkt | Contrepoint
Invertible counterpoint of 10 digrees, in 3 voices | 厳格対位法 10度の転回可能 3声 短旋法 | Kontrapunkt
厳格対位法 4声 大混合類(4分の5拍子) 長旋法 | Counterpoint in 4 voices | Kontrapunkt | Contrepoint | Contrappunto
厳格対位法 5声 巨大混合類(1分の2拍子) 長旋法 | Counterpoint in 5 voices | Kontrapunkt | Contrepoint | Contrappunto
Counterpoint in 2 voices | 厳格対位法 2声 全音符 長旋法1-1 | Kontrapunkt | Contrepoint | Contrappunnto
Counterpoint in 2 voices | 厳格対位法 2声 全音符 長旋法1-2 | Kontrapunkt | Contrepoint | Contrappunnto
Counterpoint in 2 voices | 厳格対位法 2声 二分音符 長旋法1-1 | Kontrapunkt | Contrepoint | Contrappunnto
Counterpoint in 2 voices | 厳格対位法 2声 二分音符 長旋法1-2 | Kontrapunkt | Contrepoint | Contrappunnto
Counterpoint in 2 voices | 厳格対位法 2声 四分音符 長旋法1-1 | Kontrapunkt | Contrepoint | Contrappunnto
Counterpoint in 2 voices | 厳格対位法 2声 移勢 長旋法1-2 | Kontrapunkt | Contrepoint | Contrappunnto
Counterpoint in 2 voices | 厳格対位法 2声 四分音符 長旋法1-2 | Kontrapunkt | Contrepoint | Contrappunnto
Counterpoint in 2 voices | 厳格対位法 2声 全音符 短旋法1 | Kontrapunkt | Contrepoint | Contrappunnto
Counterpoint in 2 voices | 厳格対位法 2声 全音符 短旋法2 | Kontrapunkt | Contrepoint | Contrappunnto
Counterpoint in 2 voices | 厳格対位法 2声 二分音符 短旋法1 | Kontrapunkt | Contrepoint | Contrappunnto
Counterpoint in 2 voices | 厳格対位法 2声 二分音符 短旋法2 | Kontrapunkt | Contrepoint | Contrappunnto
Counterpoint in 2 voices | 厳格対位法 2声 四分音符 短旋法1 | Kontrapunkt | Contrepoint | Contrappunnto
Counterpoint in 2 voices | 厳格対位法 2声 四分音符 短旋法2 | Kontrapunkt | Contrepoint | Contrappunnto
Counterpoint in 2 voices | 厳格対位法 2声 移勢 短旋法1 | Kontrapunkt | Contrepoint | Contrappunnto
Counterpoint in 2 voices | 厳格対位法 2声 移勢 短旋法2 | Kontrapunkt | Contrepoint | Contrappunnto
Counterpoint in 2 voices | 厳格対位法 2声 華麗 長旋法1-1 | Kontrapunkt | Contrepoint | Contrappunnto
Counterpoint in 2 voices | 厳格対位法 2声 華麗 長旋法1-2 | Kontrapunkt | Contrepoint | Contrappunnto
Counterpoint in 3 voices | 厳格対位法 3声 全音符 長旋法1-1 | Kontrapunkt | Contrepoint | Contrappunnto
Counterpoint in 3 voices | 厳格対位法 3声 全音符 長旋法1-2 | Kontrapunkt | Contrepoint | Contrappunnto
Counterpoint in 3 voices | 厳格対位法 3声 全音符 長旋法1-3 | Kontrapunkt | Contrepoint | Contrappunnto
Counterpoint in 2 voices | 厳格対位法 2声 華麗 短旋法1 | Kontrapunkt | Contrepoint | Contrappunnto
Counterpoint in 2 voices | 厳格対位法 2声 華麗 短旋法2 | Kontrapunkt | Contrepoint | Contrappunnto
Counterpoint in 3 voices | 厳格対位法 3声 全音符 短旋法1 | Kontrapunkt | Contrepoint | Contrappunnto
Counterpoint in 3 voices | 厳格対位法 3声 全音符 短旋法2 | Kontrapunkt | Contrepoint | Contrappunnto
Counterpoint in 3 voices | 厳格対位法 3声 全音符 短旋法3 | Kontrapunkt | Contrepoint | Contrappunnto
Counterpoint in 3 voices | 厳格対位法 3声 二分音符 長旋法01 | Kontrapunkt | Contrepoint | Contrappunnto
Counterpoint in 3 voices | 厳格対位法 3声 二分音符 長旋法02 | Kontrapunkt | Contrepoint | Contrappunnto
Counterpoint in 3 voices | 厳格対位法 3声 二分音符 長旋法03 | Kontrapunkt | Contrepoint | Contrappunnto
Counterpoint in 3 voices | 厳格対位法 3声 二分音符 長旋法04 | Kontrapunkt | Contrepoint | Contrappunnto
Counterpoint in 3 voices | 厳格対位法 3声 二分音符 長旋法05 | Kontrapunkt | Contrepoint | Contrappunnto
Counterpoint in 3 voices | 厳格対位法 3声 二分音符 長旋法06 | Kontrapunkt | Contrepoint | Contrappunnto
Counterpoint in 3 voices | 厳格対位法 3声 二分音符 短旋法01 | Kontrapunkt | Contrepoint | Contrappunnto
Counterpoint in 3 voices | 厳格対位法 3声 二分音符 短旋法02 | Kontrapunkt | Contrepoint | Contrappunnto
Counterpoint in 3 voices | 厳格対位法 3声 二分音符 短旋法03 | Kontrapunkt | Contrepoint | Contrappunnto
Counterpoint in 3 voices | 厳格対位法 3声 二分音符 短旋法04 | Kontrapunkt | Contrepoint | Contrappunnto
Counterpoint in 3 voices | 厳格対位法 3声 二分音符 短旋法05 | Kontrapunkt | Contrepoint | Contrappunnto
Counterpoint in 3 voices | 厳格対位法 3声 二分音符 短旋法06 | Kontrapunkt | Contrepoint | Contrappunnto
3rd species counterpoint in 3 voices | 厳格対位法 3声 四分音符 長旋法01 | Kontrapunkt | Contrepoint
3rd species counterpoint in 3 voices | 厳格対位法 3声 四分音符 長旋法02 | Kontrapunkt | Contrepoint
3rd species counterpoint in 3 voices | 厳格対位法 3声 四分音符 長旋法03 | Kontrapunkt | Contrepoint
3rd species counterpoint in 3 voices | 厳格対位法 3声 四分音符 長旋法04 | Kontrapunkt | Contrepoint
3rd species counterpoint in 3 voices | 厳格対位法 3声 四分音符 長旋法05 | Kontrapunkt | Contrepoint
3rd species counterpoint in 3 voices | 厳格対位法 3声 四分音符 長旋法06 | Kontrapunkt | Contrepoint
3rd species counterpoint in 3 voices | 厳格対位法 3声 四分音符 短旋法01 | Kontrapunkt | Contrepoint
3rd species counterpoint in 3 voices | 厳格対位法 3声 四分音符 短旋法02 | Kontrapunkt | Contrepoint
3rd species counterpoint in 3 voices | 厳格対位法 3声 四分音符 短旋法03 | Kontrapunkt | Contrepoint
3rd species counterpoint in 3 voices | 厳格対位法 3声 四分音符 短旋法04 | Kontrapunkt | Contrepoint
3rd species counterpoint in 3 voices | 厳格対位法 3声 四分音符 短旋法05 | Kontrapunkt | Contrepoint
3rd species counterpoint in 3 voices | 厳格対位法 3声 四分音符 短旋法06 | Kontrapunkt | Contrepoint
4th species counterpoint in 2 voices | 厳格対位法 2声 移勢 長旋法1-2 | Kontrapunkt | Contrepoint
4th species counterpoint in 3 voices | 厳格対位法 3声 移勢 長旋法01 | Kontrapunkt | Contrepoint
4th species counterpoint in 3 voices | 厳格対位法 3声 移勢 長旋法02 | Kontrapunkt | Contrepoint
4th species counterpoint in 3 voices | 厳格対位法 3声 移勢 長旋法03 | Kontrapunkt | Contrepoint
4th species counterpoint in 3 voices | 厳格対位法 3声 移勢 長旋法04 | Kontrapunkt | Contrepoint
4th species counterpoint in 3 voices | 厳格対位法 3声 移勢 長旋法05 | Kontrapunkt | Contrepoint
4th species counterpoint in 3 voices | 厳格対位法 3声 移勢 長旋法06 | Kontrapunkt | Contrepoint
4th species counterpoint in 3 voices | 厳格対位法 3声 移勢 短旋法01 | Kontrapunkt | Contrepoint
4th species counterpoint in 3 voices | 厳格対位法 3声 移勢 短旋法02 | Kontrapunkt | Contrepoint
4th species counterpoint in 3 voices | 厳格対位法 3声 移勢 短旋法04 | Kontrapunkt | Contrepoint
4th species counterpoint in 3 voices | 厳格対位法 3声 移勢 短旋法05 | Kontrapunkt | Contrepoint
4th species counterpoint in 3 voices | 厳格対位法 3声 移勢 短旋法06 | Kontrapunkt | Contrepoint
4th species counterpoint in 3 voices | 厳格対位法 3声 移勢 短旋法03 | Kontrapunkt | Contrepoint
5th species counterpoint in 3 voices | 厳格対位法 3声 華麗 長旋法01 | Kontrapunkt | Contrepoint
5th species counterpoint in 3 voices | 厳格対位法 3声 華麗 長旋法02 | Kontrapunkt | Contrepoint
5th species counterpoint in 3 voices | 厳格対位法 3声 華麗 長旋法03 | Kontrapunkt | Contrepoint
Mixed species counterpoint in 3 voices | 厳格対位法 3声 混合類A 長旋法01 | Kontrapunkt | Contrepoint
Mixed species counterpoint in 3 voices | 厳格対位法 3声 混合類A 長旋法02 | Kontrapunkt | Contrepoint
Mixed species counterpoint in 3 voices | 厳格対位法 3声 混合類A 長旋法03 | Kontrapunkt | Contrepoint
Mixed species counterpoint in 3 voices | 厳格対位法 3声 混合類A 長旋法04 | Kontrapunkt | Contrepoint
Mixed species counterpoint in 3 voices | 厳格対位法 3声 混合類A 長旋法05 | Kontrapunkt | Contrepoint
Mixed species counterpoint in 3 voices | 厳格対位法 3声 混合類A 長旋法06 | Kontrapunkt | Contrepoint
Mixed species "prime numbers" counterpoint in 4 voices | 厳格対位法 4声 素数大混合類(1:2:3:5) 長旋法01
Mixed species counterpoint in 3 voices | 厳格対位法 3声 混合類B 長旋法01 | Kontrapunkt | Contrepoint
Mixed species counterpoint in 3 voices | 厳格対位法 3声 混合類C 長旋法01 | Kontrapunkt | Contrepoint
1st species counterpoint in 4 voices | 厳格対位法 4声 全音符 長旋法1 | Kontrapunkt | Contrepoint
5th species counterpoint in 3 voices | 厳格対位法 3声 華麗 短旋法01 | Kontrapunkt | Contrepoint
Mixed species counterpoint in 3 voices | 厳格対位法 3声 混合類A 短旋法01 | Kontrapunkt | Contrepoint
Mixed species counterpoint in 3 voices | 厳格対位法 3声 混合類B 短旋法01 | Kontrapunkt | Contrepoint
Mixed species counterpoint in 3 voices | 厳格対位法 3声 混合類C 短旋法01 | Kontrapunkt | Contrepoint
12 configurations of 2nd species counterpoint in 4 voices | 厳格対位法 4声 二分音符 長旋法1 12個の配置
4 configurations of 1st species counterpoint in 4 voices | 厳格対位法 4声 全音符 短旋法1 4つの配置
All Species of 2-Voice Strict Counterpoint (Major Mode) 厳格対位法 2声 全類 長旋法 | Kontrapunkt | Contrepoint
All Species of 2-Voice Strict Counterpoint (Minor Mode) 厳格対位法 2声 全類 短旋法 | Kontrapunkt | Contrepoint
1st-3rd Species of 3-Voice Strict Counterpoint (Major Mode) 厳格対位法 3声 第一類~第三類の全配置 長旋法
1st-3rd Species of 3-Voice Strict Counterpoint (Minor Mode) 厳格対位法 3声 第一類~第三類の全配置 短旋法
4th & 5th Species of 3-Voice Strict Counterpoint (Major Mode) 厳格対位法 3声 第四、五類の全配置 長旋法