I don't even know what I'm doing in this game (Twitch Link in Bio) #shorts #fortnite
Poor Guy didn't expect the bunker strat (Twitch Link in Bio) #fortnite #shorts
I'm not even sure what to think of these players anymore (Twitch Link in Bio) #fortnite #shorts
What happens when you lag out mid Duos cash cup lol (Twitch Link in Bio) #fortnite #shorts
Poor guy didn't stand a chance (Twitch Link in Bio) #fortnite #shorts
I miss the heavy sniper :( (Twitch Link in Bio) #shorts #fortnite
Hey @fortnite I think last year's summer event song was better #fortnite @blackprezmusic #shorts
Don't show your glint or you'll be back in the lobby (Twitch Link in Bio) #fortnite #shorts
Sometimes I feel bad for these players in my lobby (Twitch Link in Bio) #fortnite #shorts
I really REALLY miss the heavy sniper in fortnite (Twitch Link in Bio) #shorts #fortnite
Tell me that fortnite needs the DEVS back without telling me (Twitch Link in Bio) #shorts #fortnite
Nice cheeky way to get rank points. (Twitch Link in) #fortnite #shorts
Being all sneaky deaky like to this player (Twitch Link in Bio) #fortnite #shorts
Seems their plans were spoiled (Twitch Link in Bio) #shorts #fortnite
Did I mention I hate the slurp juice? (Twitch Link in Bio) #shorts #fortnite
It's Always so much fun to do this! (Twitch Link in Bio) #shorts #fortnite
Height takers are so annoying sometimes! (Twitch Link in Bio) #fortnite #shorts
This game is amazing :) I love playing it daily (Twitch Link in Bio) #shorts #fortnite
Why are you still doing this in 2023? you like the lobby that much? #fortnite #shorts #fortnitebr
YOU LOSE! GOOD DAY SIR!! how I feel about only up in fortnite (Twitch Link in Bio) #fortnite #shorts
Where ya going little buddy?! I saw you up there (Twitch Link in Bio) #shorts #fortnite
I still don't get why you let me do this in 2023 (Twitch Link in Bio) #shorts #fortnite
Why was the Primal transformer housing from me :( (Twitch Link in Bio) #fortnite #shorts
Whatcha doing in that tree little one (Twitch Link in Bio) #shorts #fortnite
This STILL will never get old to me LMAO (Twitch Link in Bio) #fortnite #twitch #shorts
Being cheeky with the sniper in rank (When it was in rank). (Twitch Link in Bio) #shorts #fortnite
Sweats + Slurps = NEED TO GO!!! (Twitch Link in Bio) #shorts #fortnite #twitch
Second to last dude was DONE DIRTY!! (Twitch Link in Bio) #fortnite #shorts #twitch
This is a no jump pad zone good sir (Twitch Link in Bio) #shorts #fortnite #twitch
This is what happens when you and @KaitlynKiddo say the wrong thing and community members do this.
What happens when you put a ZB player in a Builds Duo Cash Cup(Twitch Link in Bio) #fortnite #shorts
Moral to this story, @KaitlynKiddo has the best Strats! (Twitch Link in Bio) #fortnite #shorts
Cheeky way of using the map and mammoth pistol (Twitch Link in Bio) #shorts #fortnite #twitch
Why the mammoth pistol won me the Galaxy 4 skin in the cup (Twitch Link in Bio) #fortnite #twitch
You ever calculate a elimination so perfect?? I think I did. (Twitch Link in Bio) #shorts #fortnite
They need to take the mammoth pistol out of my hands(Twitch Link in Bio) #shorts #fortnite
Here we have the wild bush hider that is @KaitlynKiddo (Twitch Link in Bio) #shorts #fortnite
Always have to be on your toes in an end game in ZB (Twitch Link in Bio) #shorts #fortnite
It's anyone going to stop me when I have this pistol? nope! (Twitch Link in Bio) #fortnite #shorts
This will NEVER get old to do to players (Twitch Link in Bio) #shorts #fortnite #twitch
When you and @bigdale95 time a mammoth shot.... *chef kiss* (Twitch Link in Bio) #fortnite #shorts
Sometimes you have to have fun with the last guy (Twitch Link in Bio) #shorts #fortnite
One day they will take the mammoth pistol out of my hands (Twitch Link in Bio) #shorts #fortnite
This is what @bigdale95 and I do to earn up for a cup (Twitch Link in Bio) #shorts #fortnite
Here we have the wild Ruin explorer (Twitch Link in Bio) #shorts #fortnite
I think that was @KaitlynKiddo kill?? lol (Twitch Link in Bio) #fortnite #shorts
There goes another mistake by a pub player (Twitch Link in Bio) #shorts #fortnite
One day these players will learn this can happen (Twitch Link in Bio) #fortnite #shorts
One day everyone will know this trick. (Twitch Link in Bio) #fortnite #shorts
Just keep sending them up one by one, make my job easier (Twitch Link in Bio) #shorts #fortnite
What in the trash can is going on HERE??? FORTNITE?? HELLO?? (Twitch Link in Bio) #fortnite #shorts
New season but I still did these players dirty. (Twitch Link in Bio) #shorts #fortnite #twitch
Off bus drop mammoth pistoling is so much fun (Twitch Link in Bio) #fortnite #shorts #twitch
Had a little buddy help me with this win (Twitch Link in Bio) #shorts #fortnite #season4
Jimmy Neutron taught this guy that you just gotta blast (Twitch Link in Bio) #fortnite #shorts
Jimmy Neutron keeps teaching me to that you gotta blast (Twitch Link in) #fortnite #shorts
Poor soul was lost after this one (Twitch Link in Bio) #shorts #fortnite #season4 #fortniteshorts
This guns hit fire isn't broken at all (Twitch Link in Bio) #fortnite #shorts #twitch #twitchclips
I thought Supply drop balloons didn't exist anymore?? (Twitch Link in Bio) #fortnite #shorts
They just wanted their friend back in the game (Twitch Link in Bio) #shorts #fortnite #season4
Just sliding into DMs like a flying squirrel (Twitch Link in Bio) #fortnite #shorts #twitch
Snipers are so much fun to have in this game (Twitch Link Bio) #fortnite #shorts #twitch
These walls be wilding these days in this game lol (Twitch Link in Bio) #fortnite #shorts #twitch
Well they got away from the first guy at least (Twitch Link in Bio) #shorts #fortnite #season4
When @emstoned11 is SOOO over Console Aim assist (Twitch Link in Bio) #fortnite #shorts #twitch
I don't think they expect the straight up launch (Twitch Link in Bio) #fortnite #shorts
Can I just go back to my tower in peace? Thank you (Twitch Link in Bio) #shorts #fortnite
Little cheeky sniper slot on the guy on loot island (Twitch Link in Bio) #shorts #fortnite
This is the main reason why I don't use the Rocket Ram in ZB (Twitch Link in Bio) #fortnite #shorts
I've never been sat down so hard in my life (400 ping BTW) (Twitch Link in Bio) #shorts #fortnite
When the other player Panics SO HARD you no scope them LMAO (Twitch Link in Bio) #fortnite #shorts
When you back up for the Perfect Cast (Twitch Link in Bio for) #fortnite #shorts
You think they reflected on their life cover after this shot? (Twitch Link in Bio) #shorts #fortnite
He just wanted to ride with his Wolf friend :( (Twitch Link in Bio) #fortnite #shorts
Deku Smash is back,but who misses this mythic? (Twitch Link in Bio) #fortnite #shorts #jujutsukaisen
You really start to feel bad for these pub players (Twitch Link in Bio) #shorts #fortnite
The mythic Mk isn't broken at all.. esp with scoped salvo (Twitch Link in Bio) #fortnite #shorts
Legend says, they were able to reconnect in the lobby (Twitch Link in Bio) #shorts #fortnite
Little End game magic for this sweet VICTORY ROYALE (Twitch Link in Bio) #fortnite #twitch #shorts
The sticky grenade launcher isn't broken at all (Twitch Link in Bio) #fortnite #shorts #twitch
Don't look at me when I'm getting my cache (Twitch Link in Bio) #shorts #fortnite #twitch
The Mammoth pistol was so much fun (Twitch Link in Bio) #shorts #fortnite #twitch
Missed the first shot, but I still cleaned up (Twitch Link in Bio) #fortnite #twitch #shorts
One of my favorite things to do in CH4S4 (Twitch Link in Bio) #shorts #fortnite
Sliding into DMs like... (Twitch Link in Bio) #fortnite #shorts
Kind of miss these mythics (Twitch Link in) #shorts #fortnite
Bud should have Healed before jumping (Twitch Link in Bio) #fortnite #shorts #twitch
Who else misses this mythic? just me? (Twitch Link in Bio) #shorts #fortnite #twitch
Just straight sliding into DMs once again (Twitch Link in Bio) #fortnite #shorts #twitch
Had way too much fun with this mythic (Twitch Link in Bio) #shorts #fortnite #twitch
These pub players are so freaking wild these days (Twitch Link in Bio) #fortnite #shorts #twitch
I hit those in the pit sometimes (Twitch Link in Bio) #shorts #fortnite #twitch
Oh you wanted a good match to Qual? Map saids otherwise (Twitch Link in Bio) #fortnite #shorts
Meet my kinetic ore!! (Twitch Link in Bio) #fortnite #shorts #twitch
When Chaos happens off drop spawn (Twitch Link in Bio) #shorts #fortnite #twitch
Kits Shockwave Launcher is too easy to get wins with (Twitch Link in Bio) #shorts #fortnite #twitch
Thats not how you approach people with the Rocket Ram (Twitch Link in Bio) #shorts #fortnite #twitch
I don't get why you all let me win like this (Twitch Link in Bio) #fortnite #shorts #twitch
Causing the most chaos for one elimination (Twitch Link in Bio) #fortnite #shorts #twitch
Being sent back to the lobby as their birthday gift (Twitch Link in Bio) #fortnite #shorts #twitch
Sometimes @emstoned11 comes up with the most random phrases (TwitchLink in Bio) #shorts #fortnite
These balloon kids need to come up with another plan (Twitch Link in Bio) #fortnite #shorts #twitch
Sometimes you say F it and zip line in an end game (Twitch Link in Bio) #shorts #fortnite #twitch
Just rocket ramming into people's faces. like HI! (Twitch Link in Bio) #shorts #fortnite #twitch
How does your fortnite cups go?? mine? like this. (Twitch Link in Bio) #fortnite #shorts #twitch
Soaring sprints + mushroom + rocket ram =high flying (Twitch Link in Bio) #shorts #fortnite #twitch
How does it feel?? HOW DOES IT?!? (Twitch Link in Bio) #fortnite #shorts #twitch
People always camping in storms these days (Twitch Link in Bio) #shorts #fortnite #twitch
The fear in this person's eye when I was flying in (Twitch Link in Bio) #fortnite #shorts #twitch
The last guy is always a pain to catch up with. STOP RUNNING (Twitch Link in Bio) #shorts #fortnite
Nice little cheeky snipe (Twitch Link in Bio) #fortnite #shorts #twitch
One day people will learn about this trick (Twitch Link in Bio) #shorts #fortnite #twitch
After the bullying this team did, I dont feel bad for this (Twitch Link in Bio) #fortnite #shorts
I just wanted them to exit my car peacefully. (Twitch Link in Bio) #shorts #fortnite
Just get the HECK off my island (Twitch Link in Bio) #shorts #fortnite #twitch
Woodstake shotgun hits different (Twitch Link in Bio) #shorts #fortnite #twitch
Again,the woodstake hits so DIFFERENT (Twitch Link in Bio) #fortnite #shorts #twitch
They didn't want my half pot donation :( (Twitch Link in Bio) #shorts #fortnite #twitch
Didn't think they thought that through when following (Twitch Link in Bio) #shorts #fortnite
Didn't expect the shroom play (Twitch Link in Bio) #fortnite #shorts #twitch
Alien boy was so confused on where I went ;_; (Twitch Link in Bio) #shorts #fortnite #twitch
Sir, this is my vine, please remove yourself (Twitch Link in Bio) #fortnite #shorts #twitch
Do people STILL NOT KNOW about this?? (Twitch Link in Bio) #shorts #fortnite #twitch
How to take out a duo in an ice wall with @emstoned11 (Twitch Link Bio) #fortnite #shorts #twitch
Don't blink, you'll miss what happens (Twitch Link in Bio) #fortnite #shorts #twitch
They rebooted again just to be eliminated again ;_; (Twitch Link in Bio) #shorts #fortnite #twitch
Land at @KaitlynKiddo spot with her, and this happens Lmao (Twitch Link in Bio) #fortnite #shorts
Sombras new rework is so much fun!! Also these Le sserafim skins are so amazing! #overwatch2 #potg
OG Fortnite = Boogie bombs (Twitch Link in Bio) #shorts #fortnite
Hunting Rifle / grappler gun and gold pump = OG IS BACK (Twitch Link in Bio) #shorts #fortnite
You know OG Fortnite is back when you do this (Twitch Link in Bio) #fortnite #twitch
I think they forgot about marking on island (Twitch Link in Bio) #fortnite #twitch #shorts
I miss doing this too players :( (Twitch Link in Bio) #shorts #fortnite #twitch
Sombras Rework is just plain out too much fun!! (Twitch Link in Bio) #shorts #twitch #overwatch2
Well, was knocked and eliminated but I got them both (Twitch Link in Bio) #fortnite #twitch #shorts
Chased them down so much, they made decisions (Twitch Link in Bio) #shorts #fortnite #twitch
Swiping weapons and relanding one person at a time (Twitch Link in Bio) #shorts #fortnite #twitch
How you predict the future. With Shockwaves (Twitch Link in Bio) #fortnite #shorts #twitch
THUNNNNNNNNNNDEEEEEEEEEERRRRRRR PUMMMMMMMMP (Twitch Link in Bio) #fortnite #twitch #shorts
This was so much fun to do to the last player (Twitch Link in Bio) #shorts #fortnite #twitch
Played in the ZB Diamond+ Solo ranked cup yesterday, here is my experience (Twitch Link in Bio)
First ZB ranked of the season. first win. LET'S GO!! (Twitch Link in Bio) #shorts #fortnite #twitch
Boogie'ing yourself causes disconnects (Twitch Link in Bio) #fortnite #shorts #twitch
Watch out in Wailing Woods for me!! (Twitch Link in Bio) #shorts #fortnite #twitch
Just being a little bush friend (Twitch Link in Bio) #fortnite #shorts #twitch
Shall we boogie?!! (Twitch Link in Bio) #shorts #fortnite #twitch
When slurps and the twin mag was way strong (Twitch Link in Bio) #fortnite #twitch #twitchclips
As the fortnite emote would go, Bim! Bam! Boom! (Twitch Link in Bio) #shorts #fortnite #twitch
Quad Crashes will be missed :( (Twitch Link in Bio) #fortnite #shorts #twitch
Meme'ing in the OG season is so much fun! (Twitch Link in Bio) #shorts #fortnite #twitch
You shouldnt mess in your emote wheel in unreal ranked lobbies (Twitch Link inBio) #fortnite #twitch
They weren't even ready for themself in this clip (Twitch Link in Bio) #fortnite #twitch #shorts
Kevin the Cube helped me with this one (Twitch Link in Bio) #fortnite #shorts #twitch
Sliding into DMs like.... (Twitch Link in Bio) #shorts #fortnite #twitch
I don't think they were ready for the quick drift boarding (Twitch Link in Bio) #fortnite #shorts
Hi, Welcome to Chili's (Twitch Link in Bio) #shorts #fortnite #twitch
I still Impress myself with how I snipe to this date (Twitch Link in Bio) #fortnite #twitch #shorts
How @bigdale95 and I QUAL'D for the ZB Duos Victory Cash cup (Twitch Link in Bio)
ZB Duos Victory Cash cup End games are so much fun!! (Twitch Link in Bio) #shorts #fortnite #twitch
Bullied me 3 minutes ago, should have stayed out of storm (Twitch Link in Bio) #shorts #fortnite
Nice little snipe for the Victory Royale.. GOOD TRY! (Twitch Link in Bio) #fortnite #twitch #shorts
GET OFF MY TRAIN YOU CRAZY KIDS (Twitch Link in Bio) #fortnite #shorts #twitch
Shouldn't have been on my left mid battle (Twitch Link in Bio) #shorts #fortnite #twitch
Teaming in Solo Rank?? Not on my watch (Twitch Link in Bio) #fortnite #shorts #twitch
What was that person thinking following me? (Twitch Link in Bio) #shorts #fortnite #twitch
Challenging 100 snowmen to go against the Octane car as @NickEh30 would do. #shorts
I miss the OG season.. Does anyone else?? (Twitch Link in Bio) #fortnite #twitch #shorts
Little back to back "No zoom scoped" snipes. (Twitch Link in Bio) #fortnite #shorts #twitch
How does everyone elses cash cups go? Mine? like this (Twitch Link in Bio) #shorts #fortnite #twitch
When you didn't mean to slide down but still clutch it up for the win (Twitch Link in Bio) #fortnite
Please remove yourself from my Meteor!! (Twitch Link in Bio) #fortnite #twitch #shorts
Always predicting their every move (Twitch Link in Bio) #shorts #fortnite #twitch
How did they not see me in that bush?? (Twitch Link in Bio) #fortnite #twitch #shorts
Trying to show off my house and legos are sus? (Twitch Link in Bio) #shorts #fortnite #twitch
One day these Lego villagers will learn how to operate a door (Twitch Link in Bio) #fortnite #shorts
Elite Ranked lobbies btw. And this is what I deal with (Twitch Link in Bio) #fortnite #shorts
You can run but you can't hide from my snipes this season (Twitch Link in Bio) #shorts #fortnite
Icey grappler makes this car trick so much easier (Twitch Link in Bio) #shorts #fortnite #twitch
You ever just hit the Tab out or ESC button but accident mid figure? (Twitch Link in Bio) #fortnite
This is MY ISLAND!! My cabin.. get off it!! (Twitch Link in Bio) #fortnite #shorts #twitch
How does your Cash cups go? Mine go like this. (Twitch Link In Bio) #fortnite #twitch #shorts s
Quickest sniper in NAE (Twitch Link in Bio) #fortnite #twitch #shorts
Mauga is such an easy Tank to play as. Three POTG in a row with him (Twitch Link in Bio) #overwatch2
Back in time when I was just learning valorant & Yoru (Twitch Link in Bio) #valorant #twitch #shorts
Illari is so much fun!! (Twitch Link in Bio) #shorts #twitch #overwatch2 #illari #twitchclips
Tony the Tiger didn't secure that Victory Royale, GOOD TRY (Twitch Link in Bio) #shorts #fortnite
When you get POTG with DVA without using her ULT O_O;; (Twitch Link in Bio) #shorts #overwatch2
So there is a little glitch in Fencing Fields (Twitch Link in Bio) #shorts #fortnite #twitch #glitch
It's the Choo Choo POTG that gets me lol (Twitch Link in Bio) #shorts #overwatch2 #overwatchclips
Told you, I am the fastest sniper on this game (Twitch Link in Bio) #fortnite #shorts #twitch
They were just heading to Grandma's house for cookies ;_; (Twitch Link in Bio) #fortnite #twitch
2023 year in Review! Thank you for the amazing year! #fortnite #overwatch2 #valorant #dragonball
Acting like a grandpa and forgetting how doors open (Twitch Link in Bio) #fortnite #shorts #twitch
Only Old Grandpa Gentleman claps when we get defeated (Twitch Link in Bio) #shorts #fortnite #twitch
Why do people still do this? not the play my dood! (Twitch Link in Bio) #fortnite #twitch #shorts
Even I impress myself sometimes with these shots (Twitch Link in Bio) #fortnite #shorts #twitch
Do people know that this doesn't work anymore? (Twitch Link in Bio) #shorts #fortnite #twitch
What happens when you become greedy for sparkley items (Twitch Linkin Bio) #fortnite #shorts #twitch
Nice little snipe through the tree for that VR (Twitch Link in Bio) #shorts #fortnite #twitch
What it really looks like when trying to Trick shot the final bot player (TwitchLink in Bio) #shorts