Hannah's Health

Hannah has a TON of medical problems all due to being premature. She spent the first 507 days in the hospital ( a year and a half STRAIGHT). She recently just got her tracheostomy out after having it for 3 year 3 months and 8 days List of medical conditions → Born at 29w4d, weighing 1lbs 4oz → VSD XREPAIRED → PDA XREPAIRED → Pulmonary hypertention XOVERCOME → Short Gut www.nlm.nih.gov/medlineplus/ency/article/000237.ht… → Near sighted → Oral aversion babycareadvice.com/babycare/general_help/article.p… → Reflux → BPD kidshealth.org/parent/medical/lungs/bpd.html → Stoma → Developmentally delayed And i'm sure there is more.