How to Build Resilience and Achieve True Success #shorts
Inspirational Loops
Christ Jesus became poor for you!!!! #shorts
The only way to be lifted by God!! #shorts
God's Grace is definitely enough!! #shorts
Do you really know who fights for you? #shorts
Do all you can to stand!! Put on God's armour!! #shorts
Would you say that these words Jesus Christ spoke were fulfilled or not? #shorts
Let your mind be on this!! #shorts
Do you know where most of our issues come from? #shorts
The only way to find true rest!! #shorts
This is what God calls bitter poison!! #shorts
This is what we were created to do; To praise!! #shorts
[Private video]
Remedies to a peaceful life as a Christian!! #shorts
He does this for you because He loves you!! #shorts
Do you have an divided heart? Pray this! #shorts
Ask God to show you, He's willing to!! #shorts
These are the ones that will receive the crown of life!! #shorts
God exalts those who do this!! #shorts
If you think God is not able read this!! #shorts
What will happen in the "END TIMES" !! #shorts
God personally trains His warriors for battle!! #shorts
They for sure aren't carnal!! #shorts
Are you sick and in need of healing? Cry out to God with these words of the Psalmist!! #shorts
As a soldier in God's army don't get mixed up with unworthy affairs!! #shorts
The Bible says if you do this you have no sense!! #shorts
The Bible way of acquiring material wealth!! #shorts
You are already free!! #shorts
This is why you are to be a sober Christian, You have an enemy!! #shorts
Learn to always move forward!! #shorts
This is very true! learn to love instead....#shorts
The Bible urges us to get rid of these things!! #shorts
God personally guards and watches over His faithful ones!! #shorts
God loves you and this is your portion!! #shorts
Forgiveness is a gift we give to ourselves!! #shorts
We forgive because our heavenly Father forgave us! #shorts
Are you ever offended? God wants you having truth and good sense to stay away from offense!!#shorts
Things we can be to be slow at!! #shorts
God provides strength, seek Him and His face, you'll find Him! #shorts
God gives strength!!! #shorts
Pray for your friends!! And do know that God restores what you lost!! #shorts
Believe that your salvation comes from God. #shorts
May this be your portion in Jesus name!! #shorts
Jesus Christ is our way, our truth and our life!! #shorts
Jesus' words to us!! #shorts
The word from God to you today!! #shorts
Jesus breathed His very last for you!! #shorts
This should be your reason for living!! #shorts
Jesus wants you in paradise with Him!! #shorts
Did you know that God does not want you to die? #shorts
Sing to God! Lift up a praise to Him!! There's always a reason to praise God!! #shorts
Imagine your soul in the land of Silence!!Dead!! God is on your side and not against you!! #shorts
Jesus Christ loves children asd we're to bring them into fellowship with Him!! #shorts
How to not thirst after worldly lusts!! Drink from Christ Jesus!! #shorts
Doing good mirrors God's goodness and gives Him glory!! #shorts
Did you know that Jesus Christ wants you light and easy without a burdened life? #shorts
Our prayer today!! #shorts
This is who you are in God's hands!! A royal diadem!! #shorts
Emmanuel!! God with us still moving in our midst!! #shorts
For you, God does the same miracle. #shorts
A peace that's perfect and not flawed. #shorts
Jesus stands at the door of your heart and knocks!! #shorts
Be bold and declare this!! Our lives are held by God! We shouldn't fear death! #shorts
Believe in Jesus Christ and you will have eternal life!! #shorts
Love is truly sacrificial. Dying to self is the only proof that your love is pure!! #shorts
Jesus asks that you seek Him and for sure you will find Him. #shorts
Have you learnt to do this as a christian? #shorts
Only the bold can proclaim this!! We are strong in the Lord!! #shorts
Moving on and forward is essential for a Christians growth!! Take each season at a time.#shorts
Do you know this? God genuinely cares for you!! #shorts
Open your heart and hear God's voice calling you today!! #shorts
This is the promise of God to you!! #shorts
The yoke was taken away!! #shorts
God desires that your Joy be full!! #shorts
Are you thirsty? read this verse!! #shorts
Do you do your things for men? See what God says about that!! #shorts
This verse is a prayer to God to bless the work of your hands.#shorts
Do you desire to be called a son of God? Become a peace maker.#shorts
God expects us to live peacefully with all men.#shorts
Allow the peace of Christ to rule in your heart, beacuse he is, the prince of peace.#shorts
God promises to keep you in perfect peace as long as your heart and mind is fixed on him. #shorts
Why do you fear? Don't you know that God has already promised to be with you till the end .#shorts
God has commanded us to be strong and courageous so as to fulfil his mandate on earth.#shorts
God desires to heal our land , but he requires his people to humble themselves pray .#shorts
Why are you anxious? God has commanded you not to worry but rather make your requests known to him
Did you know that God's word was there from the very beginning? #shorts
Are you curious enough to see what God will do in your life!! Don't easily give up!! #shorts
Just a reminder that we should teach our children about Christ. #shorts
Do you know what God sacrificed for you? #shorts
There are rewards in hoping and trusting the Lord #shorts
Like the three Hebrew boys, May my hope and faith not be shaken #shorts
Sufferings might be hard but God tells us there is reward for it #shorts #behopeful #verseoftheday
May love prevail in your heart as you start the day #shorts #behopeful #bibleverseoftheday #trust
When things get hard remember that God has a plan for you #shorts #behopeful #verseoftheday #trust
Let you day be filled with joy and peace by trusting God #shorts #behopeful #verseoftheday #trust
Faith comes by hearing the word of God may this verse increase your faith in God #shorts
Share in the joys and sorrows of others, reflecting love and unity in every moment#shorts
Today we are reminded to live with compassion, kindness, humility, gentleness and patience #shorts
Lift each other up in love and support this is how we fulfill Christ's Law #shorts
Be grateful to God because his steadfast love is forever #shorts
Remember every good gift comes from above #shorts
Give thanks to the Lord for His righteousness #shorts
As today starts remember to praise and give thanks to the Most High #shorts
During bad or good times remember to give thanks to the Lord because that is God's will #shorts
The Lord is my shield, I fear not #shorts
Present your request to God through prayer and do not be anxious about anything #shorts
Suffering and perserverance #shorts
Always be grateful to God in bad and good times #shorts
Jesus laid down his life for all of us #shorts
The beauty of love #shorts
Love never gives up #shorts #faithhopeandlove
God sacrificed His only son for the world for us #shorts #sacrificiallove #God's love
Today we are reminded of God's unending Love & Mercy #shorts #God'slove
Delight with love this morning and be blessed#shorts
May God satisfy you with His love as you start the day#shorts
He is a merciful God and slow to anger #shorts
The words of Songs of Solomon #shorts
A reminder this morning is that Jesus loves you#shorts
God is calling you to salvation through his love for us #shorts
God's everlasting and eternal love #shorts