"Why You Should Not Be Afraid...Here's Why!" #shorts
Inspirational Loops
So do not fear, God is with you #shorts
I will strengthen you and help you #shorts
Why we ought to pray....God Hears.#shorts
How do we get rid of anxiety? Here's how. #shorts
How do we gather strength? #shorts #Godwithus
Have you lost Hope? This is my prayer to you.... #shorts
This is why we are to seek God!! #shorts
Why we need to seek direction from God. #shorts
Do you feel like you messed up?| God's got you. #shorts
For God so loved the world #shorts
A promise to those who simply and purely enjoy God's presence. #shorts
[Private video]
How to overcome weakness. #shorts
God promises to fight for you. #shorts
Jesus Christ intentionally died for you? #shorts
Are you called and do you love God? #shorts
God takes His time to give strength to the weak. #shorts
God delivers from deadly snares! #shorts
God's love for you cannot be shaken! #shorts
The Power of Waiting on God | Soar on Wings Like Eagles
My prayer for you today| God's steadfast love never ceases #shorts
Even the flames will not set you ablaze. #shorts
God's not moody but favours you for a lifetime!! #shorts
How Does One Find True Courage? |Powerful Verses on strength #shorts
Be on your guard as a christian #shorts
Against these things there's no law. #shorts
Peacemakers are a blessed lot #shorts
God keeps those that trust in Him in perfect peace #shorts
Did you know that God is a God of blessing? #shorts
We are to walk light and not burdened by anxieties. #shorts
Satan will soon be crushed under our feet. #shorts
Jesus Christ our peace is here amidst battles and wars| Jesus Christ #shorts
Imagine carrying God's Joy in you!!! #shorts
This is how we overcome battles! #shorts
The mystery of the Spirit| The Unseen #shorts
No more mourning,crying or pain.!#shorts
Do you trust God? Does your Hope rest on God? #shorts
Is your flesh getting in the way? #shorts
Where is your confidence today? #shorts
There's one thing in this time and season that will not be cut off! #shorts
The Government is on God's shoulder! #shorts
Joy comes in the morning #shorts
Who do you trust?
Where do we draw strength? #shorts
My Prayer for you today? #shorts
The Old is Gone!! #shorts
Can you see the new thing God is doing? #shorts
Has God ever put a new song in your mouth?
My God helps me! #shorts
Why we are not consumed!! #shorts
A simpleform of healing #shorts
When the righteous cry for help the LORD hears
Even when your body and heart fails! #shorts
God fights your enemies with you!! #shorts
Power in Weakness| Grace sufficient #shorts
He didn't even spare His beloved just for you!! #shorts
Your Work will be rewarded!! #shorts
Jesus Christ is coming soon.#shorts
Eve though you fall you are still in God's hands. #shorts
What happens when you conquer? #shorts
Death shall be no more! #shorts
You are deceived when you only hear the word and don't practice it! #shorts
Do you know what Faith is? #shorts
The secret ingredient in Jesus Christ| Light of Life #shorts
Have you asked? #shorts
Are you good to your enemies and evil people? #shorts
Do not tire of doing good!! #shorts
God calls us to live a worthy life. #shorts
The Father is pleased to give you the Kingdom. #shorts
God's not done with you!! #shorts
Someone is in You| A greater one #shorts
This is where draw strength, seeking God always!! #shorts
God gives strength for the Gospel to be preached. #shorts
God is our strength and our Salvation. #shorts
Simple actions that help us thrive in life #shorts
With God by your side, you cannot be shaken. #shorts
Absolutely no word from God has ever in any time failed. #shorts
Remember!! At your weakest point, God's strength is availed for you. #shorts
God is not afraid of trials, He goes through them with you!! #shorts
We are blessed!! Advantaged with all Spiritual blessings. #shorts
Do you know and trust the One that you serve? #shorts
BE AS BOLD AS A LION!! #shorts
Is your priority to be with God? #shorts
Fear no man!! #shorts
Before a word comes to you from God, it's first refined and purified!! #shorts
You have overcome!! God in you greater than any trouble and trial #shorts
MY HOPE IS IN GOD!! #shorts
The Spirit of God helps us in our weaknesses. #shorts
The Joy of the Lord is your strength! #shorts
The reason God takes time to build you!! To be His dwelling place #shorts
Do your work heartily, from the least of it to the greatest for God! #shorts
God's kindness and love allows the work of our hands to last. #shorts
What you speak has the ability to heal you or kill you, raise you up or tear you down! #shorts
The message of God is power!! #shorts
Are you as a woman visionary? Able to see the days to come and laugh? #shorts
There are cups we must drink from! #shorts
This is the day that the Lord has made and we have to rejoice and be glad in it #shorts
Go'd peace is not like anything you've ever experinced. #shorts
Your heart determines your speech!! #shorts
He fills all things!!! #shorts
Now you are light, walk as the light, as God's child. #shorts
One can be angry but do not let the anger control you till you sin!! #shorts
May your soul find rest in God? #shorts
Never tire on doing what is good for in due season you'll reap from it!! #shorts
Only God enables you to lie down in safety!! #shorts
God is not broke, He provides!! #shorts
Don't waste time, the days are evil!! Walk wisely #shorts
The protection God has provided| God's armour #shorts
Pursue to live in peace with everyone! #inspirationalloops #shorts
Jesus' yoke is easier and His burden lighter. #shorts
Anytime you fail, God is there to confidently waiting for you to approach. #shorts
All you have to do is to believe that you have received it!! #shorts
Pray this today!! #shorts
Christ Jesus became poor for you!!!! #shorts
The only way to be lifted by God!! #shorts
God's Grace is definitely enough!! #shorts
Do you really know who fights for you? #shorts
Do all you can to stand!! Put on God's armour!! #shorts
Would you say that these words Jesus Christ spoke were fulfilled or not? #shorts
Let your mind be on this!! #shorts
Do you know where most of our issues come from? #shorts
The only way to find true rest!! #shorts
This is what God calls bitter poison!! #shorts
This is what we were created to do; To praise!! #shorts
Remedies to a peaceful life as a Christian!! #shorts
He does this for you because He loves you!! #shorts
Do you have an divided heart? Pray this! #shorts
Ask God to show you, He's willing to!! #shorts
These are the ones that will receive the crown of life!! #shorts
God exalts those who do this!! #shorts
If you think God is not able read this!! #shorts
What will happen in the "END TIMES" !! #shorts
God personally trains His warriors for battle!! #shorts
They for sure aren't carnal!! #shorts
Are you sick and in need of healing? Cry out to God with these words of the Psalmist!! #shorts
As a soldier in God's army don't get mixed up with unworthy affairs!! #shorts
The Bible says if you do this you have no sense!! #shorts
The Bible way of acquiring material wealth!! #shorts
You are already free!! #shorts
This is why you are to be a sober Christian, You have an enemy!! #shorts
Learn to always move forward!! #shorts
This is very true! learn to love instead....#shorts
The Bible urges us to get rid of these things!! #shorts
God personally guards and watches over His faithful ones!! #shorts
God loves you and this is your portion!! #shorts
Sufferings might be hard but God tells us there is reward for it #shorts #behopeful #verseoftheday
May love prevail in your heart as you start the day #shorts #behopeful #bibleverseoftheday #trust
When things get hard remember that God has a plan for you #shorts #behopeful #verseoftheday #trust
Let you day be filled with joy and peace by trusting God #shorts #behopeful #verseoftheday #trust
Faith comes by hearing the word of God may this verse increase your faith in God #shorts
Share in the joys and sorrows of others, reflecting love and unity in every moment#shorts
Today we are reminded to live with compassion, kindness, humility, gentleness and patience #shorts
Lift each other up in love and support this is how we fulfill Christ's Law #shorts
Be grateful to God because his steadfast love is forever #shorts
Remember every good gift comes from above #shorts
Give thanks to the Lord for His righteousness #shorts
As today starts remember to praise and give thanks to the Most High #shorts
During bad or good times remember to give thanks to the Lord because that is God's will #shorts
The Lord is my shield, I fear not #shorts
Present your request to God through prayer and do not be anxious about anything #shorts
Suffering and perserverance #shorts
Always be grateful to God in bad and good times #shorts
Jesus laid down his life for all of us #shorts
The beauty of love #shorts
Love never gives up #shorts #faithhopeandlove
God sacrificed His only son for the world for us #shorts #sacrificiallove #God's love
Today we are reminded of God's unending Love & Mercy #shorts #God'slove
Delight with love this morning and be blessed#shorts
May God satisfy you with His love as you start the day#shorts
He is a merciful God and slow to anger #shorts
The words of Songs of Solomon #shorts
A reminder this morning is that Jesus loves you#shorts
God is calling you to salvation through his love for us #shorts
God's everlasting and eternal love #shorts
Let God guide you towards what He has planned