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www.canadahelps.org/dn/24741 • JEWS FOR JUDAISM counters the growing multi-million dollar efforts of Christian missionary groups that target Jews, the impact of cults, eastern religions, assimilation and other challenges to Jewish continuity. We strengthen Jewish pride and identity and win back Jews who have been influenced by missionaries and cults through FREE educational programs, materials and counseling services that connect Jewish people to the spiritual depth, beauty and wisdom of Judaism. For help, please contact: RabbiSkobac@JewsForJudaism.ca
Today over 1,000 Christian missionary groups spend millions annually, targeting Jews for conversion worldwide. In recent years, over 500,000 Jews have been converted. In an effort to win Jews, many of these organizations camouflage themselves to appear Jewish to lessen resistance by Jews to convert to Christianity. They may call their clergy "rabbis" and their churches "messianic synagogues." They refer to Jesus Christ as Yeshua HaMashicah, ישוע המשיח or ישו הנוצרי and the New Testament as the Brit HaChadasha or הברית החדשה.
Members of this movement may refer themselves as Jews for Jesus, Hebrew Christians, Messianic Jews, Messianic Jewish Christians or יהודים משיחיים and present Christianity in the guise of Judaism to attract Jews. They often celebrate Jewish holidays with a Christian interpretation. They hold Shabbat services and wear Jewish skullcaps and prayer shawls to create the impression that a Jew can become a Christian and still maintain their Jewish identity. Using Torah Scrolls, Shabbat candle lighting, Hamotzei and Kiddush they make unaffiliated Jews feel very welcome in their churches. These missionaries operate widely over the Internet, through TV and radio programs, run large public events, send their workers in the streets to distribute missionary literature and visit people at their home or work.
You may benefit from these other counter-missionary professionals, unaffiliated with Jews for Judaism, who work in this unique field: Rabbi Tovia Singer of OutreachJudaism.org and Rabbi Asher Meza of BeJewish.org as well as YouTube channels SpiritualBabies and Tenak Talk.
This video was created in response to A Rood Awakening, Ahavat Ammi, Art Katz, Asher Intrater, AYZTyler, Barry and Batya Segal, Beth Yeshua, Chosen People Ministries, ChosenPeopleUSA, City of David Messianic Synagogue, Congregation Melech Yisrael, Dan Juster, David Brickner, Discovering the Jewish Jesus, Dr. Michael Brown, ASKDrBrown, First Fruits of Zion (FFOZ), Friends of Israel Gospel Ministry, HaDavar Ministries, Hebraic Roots Network, Israel Restoration, It’s Supernatural, Itzhak Shapira, Jacob Bek, Jewish Voice, Jewish Voice Today, JewishTestimonies, Jews for Jesus, jfjweb, Joel Chernoff, Jonathan Bernis, Jonathan Cahn - Hope of the World, Jonathan Settel, Karen Davis Ministries, Kehilat Melech Yisrael, Maoz Israel, Marty Goetz, messiah ofIsrael, Messiah of Israel, Messiah of Israel Ministries, Messianic Hour, Messianic Jewish Bible Institute, MJBIUSA, Messianic Mondays, Messianic Vision, Michael Rood, Nehemia Gordon, ONE FOR ISRAEL, Passion for Truth Ministries, Paul Wilbur, Phillip Goble, Rabbi Hadassah Ryklin, Rabbi Itzhak Shapira, Rabbi Jeff Forman, Rabbi Jonathan Cahn, Rabbi Schneider, Revive Israel Ministries, ReviveIsraelTV, RockofIsrael, Shabbat Night Live, Sid Roth’s It’s Supernatural, Ted Pearce, The Health Watchman, Tikkun International, TikkunMinistries, Tikkun Olam Ministries, Tom Cantor, Torah Life Ministries, Messianic Jewish Alliance of America MJAA ROI, Messianic Jewish Alliance of Israel MJAI, UMJC, Yeshua HaMashiach, Yeshua Chai, Yeshuas Harvest, Zola Levitt Presents, Ron Cantor, Reach Tel Aviv, XRabbi.co.il, iGod.co.il, Messiah.co.il, imetmessiah, Messianic Torah Observant Israel, יהודים למען ישוע המשיח, kehilajaffa, Avner Valer אבנר ולר, CrownofMessiah, answers4rabbis, ישוע חי, Ask Isaiah, imetmessiah.com, הקהילה המשיחית יפו תל אביב ,אנחנו ישראל, Ruth Israelite Torah et Yéshoua, Dan and Melissa David or Dani David, YeshuaTV, Jerusalem Assembly, Seeking Truth in Torah, Shema TV, The Messianic Drew, TBN Israel, Meda brim, שמע ישראל - הברית החדשה - בשורות טובות -