AP 102: A Crash Course in Chords (Intermediate Course)

AP 102 covers augmented chords, suspended 2 chords, suspended 4 chords, diminished chords, 6th chords, minor 6th chords, augmented 7th chords, half-diminished 7th chords, as well as all of their inversions, substitution chords, and minor passing chord vamps. Intermediate fills including the major pentatonic scale runs, minor pentatonic scale runs, and whole tone scale runs will also be taught as well as where to use them and which chords to use them with. The Roman Numeral System and how to use it to substitute chords and play by ear will also be emphasized. By the time you finish this course you will be familiar with all of these chords, as well as their inversions. Of course, well-known church songs will be taught along the way to show you how we use all of this in church music. www.apostolicpraiseschoolofmusic.com