Does Chief get along with dogs?
Halo Infinite | Multiplayer technical preview
"FOB, FOB, FOB, FOB, FOB...." | Halo Infinite
Man, Halo Infinite is such a pretty game!
AC-130 is online | Halo Infinite
That's a funny way to do a burpee | Halo Infinite
"I can't believe how easy you made that look." | Halo Infinite
"Is there something in my teeth?" | Halo Infinite
The last 30 seconds of my first PvP match in Halo Infinite
Props to this dude for helping me unlock "Party Bus" | Halo Infinite
Multi-killionaire (FF KOTH) | Halo Infinite
Back-smack into no-scope | Halo Infinite
It's cool how Gravity Launchers affect the Phantom's shots | Halo Infinite
First win in Legendary Firefight | Halo Infinite
Post-game after my first ranked match | Halo Infinite
First Perfect/Reversal combo | Halo Infinite
First Extermination in Halo Infinite
Smart strats