G*n violence in relative terms #SOC119 #Relativism #Guns #GunRights #GunViolence
SOC 119
“X” Place is “Dangerous” #SOC119 #MiddleEast #UnitedStates #America #Dangerous #Guns #Stereotypes
Did guns scare you from the USA? #SOC119 #GunCulture #GunsinAmerica #InternationalStudents #America
G*n Violence Thought Experiment #America #Korea #ThoughtExperiment #GunRights #SecondAmendment
Gun problems in the U.S.A. & around the world #SOC119 #GunOwners #GunRights #GunProblems
One billion firearms #SOC119 #GunOwnersofAmerica #GunsWorldWide #GunStats
Lockdown drills are bizarre #SOC119 #LockDown #LockDownDrills #LookingBack #BackInMyDay
Sam Learns Korean On His Trip #SOC119 #Funny #FunnyMoment #Korea #SouthKorea
Anti-immigration law in Alabama #SOC119 #ImmigrationLaw #Immigration #Alabama #HB56
Student offers solutions to help illegal workers #SOC119 #IllegalImmigration #Solutions #Migrants
When employers have the power #SOC119 #IllegalImmigration #WorkersRights #FairTreatment
Undocumented works impact on jobs and wages #SOC119 #IllegalImmigration #Immigration #Undocumented
Students talking about undocumented immigration #SOC119 #Immigration #IllegalImmigration
Who has power? The people or the businesses? #SOC119 #Power #ControllingImmigration #Immigration
Immigration flow that’s coming to USA #SOC119 #Immigration #Migration #USMexcoBorder #TheWall
Why don't we just arrest illegal immigrants? #SOC119 #Immigration #IllegalImmigration #StopTheFlow
Illegal immigration is illegal, it’s a crime #SOC119 #Immigration #OneSideOfTheArgument #Crime
You Must Have Two Perspectives To Teach All Sides #SOC119 #Immigration #TwoSides #Debate
What do we need to know about the Afghan people?" #SOC119 #Afghan #Afghanistan #NeedToKnow
"Random viewer helps save lives" #SOC119 #RandomActs #ButterflyEffect #Afghanistan #Refugees
"How a photo saved four lives" #SOC119 #Afghanistan #Refugees
"Trying to escape Afghanistan" #SOC119 #Escape #Refugee #Taliban #GetOut #KabulAirport
"When the Taliban took over Afghanistan" #SOC119 #Taliban #Afghanistan #Military #Ememies
"Is there value in talking rather than fighting?" #SOC119 #Dialogue #Fighting #Conflict
"Photos of #War" #SOC119 #WarPhotos #Photo #Memories #Afghanistan #Military
"How many times were you deployed?" #SOC119 #ROTC #MilitaryTraining #Military #MilitaryDeployment
"How #SOC119 Connected to #Afghanistan" #NATO #Dialogue #MilitaryTraining #WorldinConversation #WinC
"Why did you join the US military?" #SOC119 #ROTC #Military #MilitaryLife #MilitaryStory
"Starting Dialogues in Conflict Zones" #SOC119 #Conflict #ConflictZones #Afghanistan #Iraq #WinC
"If all you think of Islam is the Taliban..." #SOC119 #Islam #Muslim #Taliban #Extremism
"Afghanistan after 1996" #SOC119 #Afghanistan #Taliban #Extremism #Extremist
"Dude, we need the police" #SOC119 #Police #WeNeedThePolice #ThinBlueLineUSA
"How many unarmed people were killed by the police?" #SOC119 #Unarmed #Police #PoliceMisconduct
"Is 8,000 deaths in 7+ years a lot?" #SOC119 #Police #PoliceBrutality #Cops #Statistics
"How many people have been killed by the police?" #SOC119 #Police #Statistics
"How often do people interact with the police?" #SOC119 #Police #PoliceEncounters
"How often do cops do horrible things?" #SOC119 #Police #PoliceInteractions #TyreNichols
"How often do cops make mistakes?" #SOC119 #Police #Mistakes #PoliceMistakes #PoliceMisconduct
"Cops ARE and NEED to be held to a higher standard" #SOC119 #Police #Cops #HigherStandard
"What do you mean ALL Cops?" #SOC119 #Police #Generalization #Opinion #ALL
"What makes a cop good or bad?" #SOC119 #Police #GoodCop #BadCop #PoliceInteractions
"Why are there arrest differences among racial lines?" #SOC119 #Arrest #ArrestRates #CriminalJustice
"In reality, cops respond to everybody, regardless of class" #SOC119 #Police #PoliceInteractions
"A Criminal Justice System Built (Partly) on Inequality" #SOC119 #CriminalJustice #Inequality
"When can you generalize?" #SOC119 #Police #Generalization #Society #Sociology
“We shouldn't generalize, but we do with the police.” #SOC119 #Police #PoliceInteractions #Optics
"Who has confidence in the police?" #SOC119 #Police #GallupPoll #PublicOpinion
"Why do Sikhs have swords on them?" #SOC119 #SOCShorts #Sikh #Sikhism #sikhismੴ
The Basic Tenets of Sikhism" #SOC119 #SOCShorts #Sikh #Sikhism #Sikhismੴ #Religion
"How Would You Feel if They Spoke Arabic?" #SOC119 #Arabic #InternationalStudents #America
"American Students Practicing Arabic" #SOC119 #SOCShorts #Arabic #ArabicLanguage
"Learning Arabic Greeting Phrases" #SOC119 #Arabic #ArabicLanguage #assalamualaikum #marhaba
"Thank YOU for 100k subscribers!" #SOC119 #SOCShorts
"Don’t Go There!" #SOC119 #Israel #Palestine #WestBank #Dangerous #Muslim #Jew #Conflict
"The most dangerous part of my Iraq trip" #SOC119 #Iraq #MiddleEast #Culture #Food #Dangerous
"Don’t be afraid of being afraid" #SOC119 #LearningSpanish #Learning #BeingAfraid #Fear
"The term “America”" #SOC119 #America #American #UnitedStatesian #UnitedStates #Language #QandA
"Being White and Latin American" #SOC119 #LatinAmerica #Latino #Latinx #WhiteLainto #Hispanic
"What don’t we talk about?" #SOC119 #LatinAmerican #Latino #Latinx #Caribbean #Culture
"Most slaves were West Central Africans" #SOC119 #Slavery #ChattelSlavery #AfricanAmerican #Ancestry
Hispanic is a Sociological Category, Not a Racial Group" #SOC119 #SOCShorts #Hispanic #Sociology
"Where did Native Americans Come From Originally?" #SOC119 #SOCShorts #NativeAmerican #Evolution
"Who is Latino, Latina, or Latinx?" #SOC119 #SOCShorts #Latino #Latina #Latinx #Whatislatinx
"Who are White, Black, and Indians?" #SOC119 #SOCShorts #Identity #Ethnicity
"Who is Caribbean and Afro-Caribbean" #SOC119 #SOCShorts #Caribbean #afrocaribbean #ethnicity
"Who are West Indians?" #SOC119 #SOCShorts #WestIndies #WestIndian #Columbus #Ethnicity #Nationality
"Who are 'The Americans'?" #SOC119 #SOCShorts #American #WhoisAmerican #TheAmericas
"Who is Hispanic?" #SOC119 #SOCShorts #Hispanic #Ethnicity #WhoisHispanic #WhatisHispanic
"Who is considered 'Latin American'?" #SOC119 #Ethnicity #Terms #Race #LatinAmerican #LatinAmerica
"Adding Intersectionality to the Mix" #SOC119 #Intersectionality #discrimination #whoyouare
"You have to compare apples to apples" #SOC119 #privilege #whiteprivilege #applestoapples #compare
"We all need to do our part" #SOC119 #Privilege #WhitePrivilege #ClassPrivilege
"What are you willing to give up?" #SOC119 #GiveUp #GiveAway #Privilege #WhitePrivilege
"Fumbling Your Privilege" #SOC119 #Privilege #economicfreedom #economics #sociology
"Minorities Privilege in the Job Market" #SOC119 #minorityrights #jobmarket #jobs #affirmativeaction
"Studies Does Not Prove What We Think" #SOC119 #Studies #ScientificStudy #CaseStudy
"Poverty Amongst Races in USA" #SOC119 #Poverty #racialequality #statistics
"Historical Legacy of Oppression" #SOC119 #Racism #Discrimination #AmericanHistory #Oppression
"Where are the white people who don’t have privilege?" #SOC119 #SOCShorts #Privilege #WhitePrivilege
"What are examples of white privilege?" #SOC119 #Privilege #WhitePrivilege #Sociology #RaceRelations
"Being a minority can be a privilege" #SOC119 #Minority #minorityscholarships #affirmativeaction
"A name makes a difference" #SOC119 #namegame #names #resume #resumebuilder
"Do white people really benefit from white privilege?" #SOC119 #whiteprivilege #privilege #sociology
"Where are the white people who have privilege?" #SOC119 #Privilege #WhitePrivilege #discrimination
"Would You Want to be on That Side?" #SOC119 #privilege #whiteprivilege
"What’s Your First Thought?" #SOC119 #Privilege #WhitePrivilege #Offensive
"Be Aware of the Landmines" #SOC119 #WhitePrivilege #Privilege #sociallandmines #beingoffensive
"Is “Getting Tanned” Weird to Hear?" #SOC119 #tanning #skincare #skintones
"The World Doesn’t See “Race” The Same Way as Americans" #SOC119 #race #socialconstruct #social
"Skin Whitening Cream" #SOC119 #Skincare #skinwhitening #skinwhiteningcream
"Pale Features Aren't a European Influence" #SOC119 #Beauty #beautystandard #lightskin #skincare
"Causality is Complicated" #SOC119 #SOCShorts #Causality #causeandeffect
"Be Aware of Your “Opinions”" #SOC119 #opinion #perspective #beaware #awareness #curiosity
"Someone here will agree, someone here will disagree." #SOC119 #opinion #views #perspective
"We live on thin ice" #SOC119 #thinice #offensive #youcantsaythat
"Sam is bad with names..." #SOC119 #Names #NameGame #Korea #koreanlanguage #honestmistake
"Colored People" is coming back #SOC119 #SOCShorts #PeopleOfColor #ColoredPeople
"I can't be responsible for everything..." #SOC119 #SOCShorts #sociology #maleprivilege #privilege
"Where black people are over-represented..." #SOC119 #SOCShorts #WhatArentWeSeeing #skincare
"Where is the Most Conservative Place in America?" #SOC119 #BlackChurch #BlackChurches #Conservative
"The Most Conservative place in America" #SOC119 #conservative #blackchurch #church
"When people talk about white privilege..." #SOC119 #SOCShorts #WhitePrivilege #privilege #soc
"Skin Cancer Survival Rates by Race" #SOC119 #skincare #skincancerawareness
"Skin Cancer Survival Rate" #SOC119 #skincancerawareness #skincare #survival #cancersurvivalrate
"Skin Cancer Rate by Race" #SOC119 #skincare #skincancerawareness #cancer #cancerawareness
Be careful where you get your sources!
"The fear of offending others" #SOC119 #dermatology #racism #discrimination #bias #unseenbias
"What advice would you give about your skin and the sun?" #SOC119 #dermatology #HealthCare
"Chattel Slavery was a new evil" #SOC119 #Slavery #SlaveryToday #ChattelSlavery #History
Congrats to THON 2023!
"How do we get different skin tones?" #SOC119 #SOCShorts #SkinTones
"No BODY is better than another" #SOC119 #SOCShorts #bodypositive
"Why do bodies look different?" #SOC119 #SOCShorts
Creation and evolution #soc119 #socshorts #educational
This class works by students engaging with one another
Have you ever experienced microaggressions?
Do people put you in a box?
My job is to poke
It’s a miracle that curiosity survives formal education #SOC119
Every action has positive and negative consequences
Police & Social Media
Pro-gun students are asked by an Indian student about the morality of hunting