Embracing Dark Night of the Soul and Understanding Lower Energetic Frequencies with Hanna Ehlers and Ian Jones
On the road to ascension:
We must not stop feeling!
Or become a rigid persona of love and light and unwavering positivity
We have to learn to embrace the shadow side and not block useful unconscious processes and tendencies of our human personality that we must intergrate
Can we kill off the ego?
In order to work on our ascension path a fully functioning and developed ego personality is essential
You can not seek to crack, assimilate or destroy gradually, an ego that was already fragmented
This can course psychosis and unstable mental health
A shamanic route or becoming a modern day mystic, ( in terms of continually uncovering the true essence of your higher self should not be walked lightly).
Grounding is essential to moving into higher dimensions
Use tools and get balanced in your ascension road to exercisim of the ego
Know when a dark night of the soul is neccessary, i.e. do not fear these times of forced spiriual growth
However..become aware of what is being sent your way, what appears natural and what is trying to conflict with your sovereign rights as an earth being:
i.e. lower frequency beings can and may become involved in diswaying you from your path as you become more aware, aligned with a purpose of great magnitude or rise in consciousness and light that could be detected by certain means
Ask angels to clear any implants and mind control devices or aims to harm you or your path.
Tracking of lightworkers in terms of their reincarnation and whereabouts on the planet may be possible
NWO may have played parts in your past incarnations in terms of messing with your soul contract and making you unable to continue with your purpose or in fully remembering who you are at a soul level
This is harder for them to do now due to the grid breaking up and light waves
Some indications of mind control or dark entity interference:
Please note there we would first look to personal psychology and life circumstances, as not all cases are NWO interference, this is not meant to create fear but just to become a process of having all the information to choose
Feeling your mind is scrambled
Sudden suicidal thoughts
Extreme Fear after reading or truth seeking in areas deemed top secret by NWO
Feelings of mind imbalance, i.e. dark energies around you,
Feelings of quick panic
Self Destructive thoughts
Don't confuse a dark night of the soul with outside control
Keep thoughts in the light but don't cease feeling, just limit viewing and reading of dark material including media
Know that you have the power to overide patterns of dark being sent to you. Know your insights may not be crazy but be selective of who you discuss your insights with and focus on getting support from loving lightworkers
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