Electric Guitar & Co. 2020 (COLLABORATIVE PLAYLIST) - See description and add your song!!

NEW!!!COLLABORATIVE PLAYLISTS ON YOUTUBE!!! Hi folks!! Feel free to add your Electric Guitar Tunes to this COLLABORATIVE YOUTUBE playlist. Just click the link youtube.com/playlist?list=PLA4ZgzavPtEERIrCCiStz0v… The first time you access the playlist you need to click the blue CONTINUE button on the top right. Now you'll find also this playlist on your playlists list and you'll will be able to add the songs you like!!! Hope you enjoy!!------------------ -----Ciao!! Aggiungi pure i tuoi brani acustici a questa PLAYLIST COLLABORATIVA di YOUTUBE. Basta cliccare sul link youtube.com/playlist?list=PLA4ZgzavPtEERIrCCiStz0v… al primo accesso clicca sul pulsante blu CONTINUA in alto a destra. Troverai questa playlist nella lista delle tue playlist e potrai aggiungere i brani che vorrai!!!