Eternity Proven - Soul Interchange True Story and More!

The first three videos are the back up to my Proof of Eternity, etc. video and are based on a personal and true story of a soul interchange experience of mine as well as some others who have also experienced it. That's why I decided to place these on a separate playlist from the True Story Videos. Those videos really should be watched first to understand what these three videos mean, but hopefully you will watched them all. You can watch my TELEVISION INTERVIEW on my channel to confirm that this was being discussed by me back in the late 80's but due to the unresponsive media and the hatefulness that my body and mind were still experiencing, I decided to walk away - from that point on, I just waited to see if people would finally be ready to hear this truth. Not everyone will want to go thru this for proof, but hopefully it will still give you peace of mind and help you understand that we don't have just one lifetime. Thoughout the ages these topics have been discussed - with little or no belief. Well, here's a way to believe, but you have to go the distance - I, as well as others, already have. See also:… The next three videos (content is a little graphic in some areas) regarding the channeled writings from a student and her spirit guide and talks about what a soul interchange means but it also explains what my spirit guide and I went through with his soul interchanges and is based on the continuing support that I received regarding my true story. Bless you Kim and Fyil. The last six videos offer more support to my proof video with the explanation of what all is entailed to understand this mind and souls of ours with course details and student comments. I talk about the school of metaphysics that was started (I.D.P.S.) and the intense training that some of my students went through in order to give me, as well as them, confirmation and support. To download a copy of the IDPS School Handbook go to the website listed on each of this playlists videos.