What is AWS Identity and Access Management (IAM) used for? #aws #iam #clouds #identity #shorts
Nikesh Pathak
What is the primary purpose of an IAM role in AWS? #aws #iam #clouds #identity #shorts
How do you grant permissions to an IAM role? #aws #iam #clouds #identity #shorts
What is the key benefit of using IAM roles for temporary access? #aws #iam #clouds #shorts
In which scenarios would you typically use IAM roles? #aws #iam #clouds #identity #shorts
How are IAM roles different from IAM users? #aws #iam #clouds #identity #shorts
What is S3 (Simple Storage Service) in AWS? #aws #clouds #s3 #storage #shorts
What is EC2 (Elastic Compute Cloud) in AWS? #aws #clouds #ec2 #compute #container #shorts
What is Lambda in AWS? #lambda #compute #aws #clouds #shorts
What is RDS (Relational Database Service) in AWS? #aws #clouds #rds #storage #database #shorts
What is DynamoDB in AWS? #aws #clouds #storage #dynamodb #nosql #shorts
What is SNS (Simple Notification Service) in AWS? #aws #clouds #sns #notification #shorts
What is SQS (Simple Queue Service) in AWS? #aws #clouds #sqs #queues #shorts
What is ECS (Elastic Container Service) in AWS? #aws #clouds #ecs #container #docker #shorts
What is Kinesis in AWS? #aws #clouds #kinesis #streaming #shorts
What is CloudWatch in AWS? #aws #clouds #logs #monitoring #cloudwatch #shorts
What is KMS (Key Management Service) in AWS? #aws #clouds #kms #key #shorts
What is Secrets Manager in AWS? #aws #clouds #secretmanager #secret #shorts
What is SSM (Systems Manager) in AWS? #aws #clouds #ssm #config #shorts
What is ACM (AWS Certificate Manager) in AWS? #aws #clouds #certificate #manager #shorts
What is EBS (Elastic Block Store) in AWS? #aws #clouds #ebs #blockstorage #storage #shorts
What is EFS (Elastic File System) in AWS? #aws #clouds #efs #storage #shorts
What is ELB (Elastic Load Balancer) in AWS? #aws #clouds #loadbalancer #shorts
What is CloudTrail in AWS? #aws #clouds #cloudtrail #shorts
What is ECR (Elastic Container Registry) in AWS? #ecr #aws #clouds #container #shorts
What is Polly in AWS? #aws #clouds #texttospeech #shorts #services
What is Glue in AWS? #aws #clouds #glue #etl #managedservices #shorts
What is EventBridge in AWS? #eventbridge #aws #clouds #eventmanagementsoftware #shorts
What is CloudFormation in AWS? #aws #clouds #cloudformation #shorts
What is CodePipeline in AWS? #aws #clouds #cicd #pipeline #codepipeline #shorts
What is CodeDeploy in AWS? #aws #clouds #codedeploy #code #shorts
What is VPC (Virtual Private Cloud) in AWS? #aws #clouds #vpc #shorts
What is PrivateLink in AWS? #aws #clouds #privatelink #shorts