Excel 365 Tutorials – Advanced

Excel 365 Advanced Tutorials Learn how to use Excel 365 like an expert ------------------------------------------------ TOPICS IN THIS COMPLETE TRAINING COURSE INCLUDE ------------------------------------------------ - One Input Excel Input Tables - Changing the chart type for an Excel data series - Adding a data series to a chart - Re positioning the chart title and chart legend - Moving and formatting chart data labels - Modifying Chart Axis Scales - Formatting an axis to display using commas - Inserting images into chart columns - Hyperlinks - Linking cells between worksheets - Linking data between Excel workbooks - Linking an Excel chart to a Word document - Linking an Excel chart to a Word document - Updating, locking, and breaking links - Importing Text Files into Excel - Sorting data by multiple columns - Applying a pre- installed custom sort - Creating a customized list - Using Excel AutoFilter - Top 10 AutoFilter - Advanced Filter Criteria - Sub totalling in Excel - Expanding and collapsing outline details ------------------------------------------------ Enjoy … David Murray Cheltenham Group cheltenhamtutorials.com ------------------------------------------------