Idea for cheaper funerals /Funny, Random clips from the channel #Castlevania #coffin #moneysavingtip
Beyond Useless Media
Politics In Gaming / Where do i stand?! #politics #gaming #games #gamecollecting
Metroidvania Style Games Explained #metroidvania #gamemechanics #castlevania #metroid
Radioactive Console. Evercade VS Atomic Edition #evercade #skit #evercadevs
How to gain reputation on Youtube #skit #gameoftheyear #charity #funny
So this happened... #OldPeople #gettingold #OldFart
F you breakfest burrito! We kicked the crap out of that with Randy! #cat #burrito #catnip
conquer your fear of spiders!..😲🕸️🕷️ #Spiders #Fear #Arachnophobia #Conquerfear
Finnish Shelf Building Tutorial / Stop With Excuses And Find The Motivation! #diy #tutorial
Finnish Shelf Build Tutorial! Why Finnish People Are Better Builders Than Others. #Finnish #diy
Nintendo Switch limited editions rant. #nintendoswitch #nintendo #limitededition #artbooks
Japanese body shaming. #japan #bodyshaming #funnyshorts #funnyclip
Wrong movie. #bullettrainmovie #Bullettrain #confusion #confused #Wrongmovie #wrong
Tekken 8 cards...😶😬 Clip from my Tekken 8 CE unboxing #tekken8 #tekken #unboxing
Ugliest Youtubers... 😱🤢🤮#uglystick #youtubers #youtuber #youtuberproblems #problem
King of Collectors Editions / 2024 GOAT.. #tekken #channel #collectorsedition #unboxing
Physical vs digital media / Which is better? #physicalmedia #digitalmedia #physical #digital
Cat interference!...😸😺😼 #cat #cats #catshorts #clips #clip #catvideos
Stop doing this with steelbooks! It's annoying! #steelbook #steelbooks #collectors #gamecollecting
Game addiction mental illness... When collecting goes too far! #gamecollecting #addiction #addict
Fanboys in gaming..🔥👀 #fanboys #fanboy #consolewars #consolegaming #pcgaming
Number one reason for domestic violence! #skit #domesticviolence #monopoly #playstation
Blade Runner Pin....😶😲 COOL! #bladerunner #pin #unboxing #enhanced #funny
Finnish saying...😶 Finns are weird. #sayings #saying #finnish #finland #weird
Xbox exclusives 2024..🎮😶 #xbox #xboxseriesx #xboxseriess #xboxgaming #xboxseries
Blade Runners wallet..😱🔥COOL ITEM!
Why modern gaming sucks..🎮😒 #moderngaming #gaming #gamingshorts #gamingchannel
Size dont matter..😶 #size #sizematters #howtouse #howto #ps2 #gamecollecting #gamecollection
First Switch 2 facts ..😱🎮🔥 Don't ask how i got these but here they are! #nintendoswitch #switch2
I'm not a fan of Valentines day..🤢🤮 #valentinesday #valentine #valentines #notafan
Console wars are over -🎮🔥🫡 #consolegaming #war #Consolewars #Consoles #Funny
Japanese game covers are coolest..🏯😮 #japanese #japaneseart #japan #Gamecovers #gamecoverart #cover
Quest 3 First Encounters explained badly..🤷♂️😶😄 #meta #quest3 #vr #mixedreality #funny #funnyclip
Online Gaming in a Nutshell 🎮🥜 #onlinegaming #online #gaming
Women are never happy / Human Centipede review skit! 😶 #Humancentipede #doingthings #funnyvideo
Movie night with Girlfriend / We've all been there..🫤🤯 #movienight #movies #funny
How Conan was defeated / Barbarian, not the tv host! #conan #Conanthebarbarian #defeat
Is this the worst cover ever??? 🤢🤮💩 Human Centipede Steelbook #worst #steelbook #cover
Gatekeeping in Gaming Part 1: Mobile Gamers #mobilegaming #gatekeeping #gaming
Gatekeeping in Gaming Part 2: Women Gamers #womengamers #femalegamer #girlgamer
Gatekeeping in Gaming part 3: Sports game fans #sportsgames #gaming #gamingcommunity
Gatekeeping in Gaming Part 4: Easy mode gamers #easymode #easy #gaming
Video game buying addiction ..😢💸 #gaming #collecting #funny
Tekken 8 health regeneration thoughts..🎮😶 #tekken #tekken8 #health
Which Metroid style is better, 3D or 2D? 🤷♂️🤨 #metroid #metroidprime #metroidprimeremastered
Best advice for starting a youtube channel 🔥😱 #youtuber #youtubetips #advice
Why you NEVER play on EASY mode ..🎮😮 #noeasy #hardmode #easymode
Gamer getting swatted by me! Don't tell anyone..🎮🤫 #gaming #gamer #funny
Sweet baby inc controversy skit..🎮😶 #sweetbaby #controversy #funny
What if console fanboys were not fighting anymore?😱🎮 #consolewars #fanboy #funny
Best Lies of P Sequel Idea for FREE for the developers! You're welcome! #liesofp #sequels #gaming
When you have a PC gamer as a kid 🖥️⌨️🖱️💾 #pcgaming #gaming #funny
Most confusing game title ever!🤯😶 #gaming #joeandmac #games
Gaming companies are scary 😱😶
Sweet Baby INC got some competition 🎮😶🕹️ #sweetbabyinc #sweetbaby #gaming
Fallout series is not made for fans of the games..😱😲🤯 #fallout #falloutseries #funny
Dont buy these upcoming games 2024! #preorders #upcominggames #funny
Why i cant be a game developer ..😶🎮😱 #gamedevelopment #gamedeveloper #funny
People who skip all the cutscenes 😶🎮 #gaming #cutscene #funny
How i stayed in shape using the PS3 😶🥊 #playstation3 #ps3 #fitness
Car Battle Games, Where are they?! 😶🎮 #Carcombat #carbattle #fullauto
Developers and microtransactions controversy...🎮😶🤯 #capcomgames #dragonsdogma2 #funny
Which GAMERS get most sex out of the fanboy groups?😲🤯🎮 #fanboys #gamers #funny
Childhood as a Gamer. The Memories...🎮😶🌫️😊 #gaming #gamer #funny
Some Bandai Namco old games before they unified 🎮😶 #gaming #bandai #namco
Father and son movie night suggestion! 🎥🎬📺 #movienight #fatherson #funny
Why we play QUIZ games drunk? 😶🤯🤷♂️ #quiz #quizgames #drunk
White male gamers were a mistake ..😱🎮🤯 #White #black #gamer
Are sexy characters in games problematic? 🤯🎮😶 #stellarblade #character #funnyshorts
POLICE checking GAMERS hard drive and phone cause of Stellar Blade.😲#police #gamer #funnyshorts
Selling my video game collection 🎮😶 #collection #selling #gaming
How mobile gamers could unite console gamers ??😱🎮 #gamersunite #mobilegaming #funny
HOW Gamers are viewed by the SOCIETY? 🎮😶 #gamers #society #funny
Greatest JRPG on PS3 console!🎮🔥👑 #jrpg #ps3 #best
HOW to spot, WHO is a REAL Gamer 🎮🤯😶 #realgamer #casual #funny
Stellar Blade NEW controversy hits! 🎮😱🤯 #stellarblade #Controversy #funny
Trying to game with cats in the house.. 😺😸😹 #cats #catshorts #funny
Dragons dogma 2 and second character possible??😱🤯 #dragonsdogma2 #games #gaming
What your GAMING Legacy will be probably 😶🎮 #gaming #legacy #funny
The Crow 4K unboxing sniffin glue clip... 🤯😲😶 #thecrow #limitededition #unboxing
Stellar Blade was released and the first thing to do in it ...😱🎮😲 #stellarblade #funny #released
Game companies with names that are a lie ..🎮😶🤯 #gamecompany #gamedevelopment #gaming
WHY Finnish dont learn Swedish language..🤯🔥 #sweden #finland #language
Making friends through gaming ..😱🎮 #haroldhalibut #gaming #funny
Front Mission 1st Holographic pic that came with it! 🎮🔥😶 #frontmission #holographic #limitededition
Baldurs Gate 3, what is it about?! #baldursgate3 #bears #funny
Giving meds to my cats. Scary task! #cats #catvideos #funny
Man or bear question - True gamers answer! #manorbear #comedy #funny
My first Pride GAY list! #gaming #funny #comedy
Gaming art at game museum / #Gaming #art #funny
Sea of Stars Origin of the Name / #seaofstars #gaming #funny
3 Most Important Seas To HUMANKIND! #seaofstars #gaming #funny
Culture Wars are EVERYWHERE now days! #culturewar #culture #funny
The Acolyte, Should I Watch IT? #starwars #theacolyte #comedy
Gamers During Zombie Apocalypse!😱🎮 / #gamers #zombies #comedy
Gamers Arent Useless!🔥🎮🔥 #Gamers #funny #comedy
Dr DisRespect Done So Who To WATCH Now? #drdisrespect #funny #comedyshorts
Mario Hates Animals!😱 #funny #mario #gaming
Finding Out Star Wars Movies After Original Trilogy..😲🤯😱 #starwars #starwarsfan #comedy
I Got Triple A Game Fatigue..😶🎮😴 #triplea #mainstream #fatigue
Collectible Doom Keycard SET!😱🔥🎮 #doom #keycard #comedy
Videogame Caused Health Problems 😲🤢🤯 #videogames #chronic #comedy
WHY PC Gamers Stick to Themselves?😲😱🤯 #pcgaming #funny #comedy
How I Reached 1000 Subscribers On Youtube 😱🤯 #funny #comedy #subscribers
Star Wars Funny Short / Finding A Pure Fan! #starwars #comedy #funny
What made me a gamer? 🎮😶🎮 #gamer #funny #comedy
WHAT Talking With REAL Elden Ring Fans Is Like? #eldenring #funny #comedy
Why I Started My Youtube Channel? 😶 #youtubeshorts #youtube #youtuber
Different type gamer groups 🎮🔥🎮 #gamers #gamers #comedyshorts
I'm A Gamer and Stereotypes that go along with it! #imagamer #gamers #comedy
Xbox CHANGED This Fans Life forever!❤️🎮 #xbox #microsoft #funny
Ubisoft Boycott Crashes Their Stocks..😱🔥🎮 #ubisoft #boycott #funny
Best Diet is Gamer Diet! You lose Weight Fast! #diet #funny #comedy
WHY Alien Movies Are Stupid! 😱🤯🔥 #alien #comedy #funny
Gamers in Work Life and Balancing Those Two / #gamers #worklifebalance #comedy #funny
Mobile gaming in a nutshell!🎮😶 #mobilegaming #funny #comedy
My Motivation to Learn English as a Second Language #learnenglish #learning #gaming
This Movie Traumatized me FOR LIFE!!! 😱😶😲 #traumatizing #trauma #jaws
Answering Mean Comments On Youtube! #meancomments #comedy #funny
Why People Collect Stuff? 😱😶 #collector #collecting #comedy
Importance Of Gaming 🎮😱🤯 #gaming #funny #comedy
Most Famous Gamer On Internet!🔥🎮🤯 #bestgamer #famousgamers #comedy
Sex With Gamer Has It's Problems..😬🎮 #gamers #comedy #funny
Predator Design Origins and Inspiration! #predator #funny #comedy
Ubisoft Killed Modern Gaming For Me! F-Bomb WARNING! #ubisoft #moderngaming #retrogaming
CAT Destroyed my Conan Figurine.. 😱🤯 #conanexiles #conan #statue
WHY I Won't Watch Alien Romulus! #alienromulus #alien #comedy
Modern JRPG Issues / #jrpg #jrpggames #gaming
WHY I Can't Grow My Channel With Diversity / #diversityandinclusion #dei #comedy
WHAT Your Favorite Video Game Genre Says About You?! #games #genre #comedy
The PROBLEM With Modern Racing Games! #racing #racinggames #projectcars
There Is Too Many Games For PLAYSTATION 4 😲/ #playstation #playstation4 #funny
Why I Consider Uncharted 4 Overrated / SPOILERS! #gaming #uncharted #naughtydog
Answering Mean Comments Again on YOUTUBE / #meancomments #hatecomments #comedy
What Is Guilty Pleasure Movie??😲 #guiltypleasure #badmovie #comedy
WWE Wrestlers Acting In Movies And Thoughts About Them / #wrestlers #actors #movies
Tips For Starting Gamers On What To Do First!🎮😲 #gaming #gamers #comedy
Modern Movie Night At Home..😶 #movienight #movienightideas #comedy
Is This The BEST Video Game Character Ever Created?? #maincharacter #gamecharacter #gori
Thoughts on 48 hrs, The Movie / #48hours #48hrs #movie
Movies that are DISAPPOINTING...😶😞 #disappointing #movies #funny
STOP Designing Steelbooks Like This! #steelbook #steelbooks #comedy
Thoughts on Why Kojima is so Good / #hideokojima #kojima #genius
Best 80s Thriller Movies, This BEATS Them ALL! #movies #80s #80smovies
Console Gaming Industry IS Dead... #gaming #comedy #funny
BIGGEST Mistake a Youtuber Can Do! #youtubeshorts #comedy #funny
Could You Live Without Games Or Not?😶🎮 #gaming #games #comedy
Non Offensive Comedy SKIT For Modern Audience..😱😶 #comedy #skit #funny
Dracula Comedy Skit With Renfield..🦇😱 #dracula #renfield #comedy
Best FPS Horror Game EVER Made! #horrorgaming #gaming #horror
WHY Quentin Tarantino And Feet Makes Sense.. #tarantino #quentintarantino #feet
Clarence Boddicker Funko Pop UNBOXING! #robocop #funkopop #unboxing
Here's HOW Entertainment Unites Us! #elections2024 #comedy #entertainment
My Opinion On Reaction Channels..😱 #reaction #reactionvideo #reactionvideos
STOP Hating Other Gamers on Other Platforms! #gaming #gamersunite #comedy
Everyone Is WOKE And i Hate It! #wokeism #antiwoke #comedy
Everything is XBOX Commercial Is Terrible! #xbox #commercial #comedy
Game Awards 2024 Summary..😲 #gameawards2024 #tga2024 #comedy
WHY Game Devs Should Hate Gamers More! #gamedev #gamers #comedy
Short Christmas Poem From a Novice Poet..🎅🧑🎄🤶 #christmas #poem #comedy
Movie Figurine Unboxing, Snake Plissken / Escape From N.Y. #escapefromnewyork #actionfigures #unbox
Kirby for NES is my feel good game! #nes #kirbysadventure #kirby
Sacrifices In Gaming Hobby That Are Required... #gaming #sacrifices #gaminghobby
WHY Switch 2 Was Revealed By Nintendo Now! #nintendo #switch2 #comedy
Why Are Fishing Games Popular, I Have No Clue.. #nintendoswitch #fishing #games
WHY Gaming Improves Your Health / #gaming #health #comedy
I Have Movie Related Anxiety Cause OF This! #movies #anxiety #problems
Valentines As A Gamer Hits Different / #gamers #valentinesday #comedy
Blooper From My Shoot! Dog Interference During Valentines Day Short #bloopers #dogs #comedy