Let's Play Rome Total War - 10 (Flavian Democracy, Scipii'n On Salty Ocean Water)
One F Jef
Let's Play Rome Total War - 11 (Status Of The Empire, End Of Session, Begining Of Future)
Let's Play Rome Total War - 12 (Back Into The Fight, Getting Our Sea Legs)
Let's Play Rome Total War - 13 (Sending Our Pervert Out To Go Hump Some Rebels)
Let's Play Rome Total War - 14 ( 41 - Raw Latot Emor Yalp S'tel)
Let's Play Rome Total War - 15 (Crying A River All The Way To Rome)
Let's Play Rome Total War - 16 (Strategically Strategizing Against Stratospheric Stratsorbations)
Let's Play Rome Total War - 17 (Advancing Towards The Spartans, Dinner In Hell, Party Of One)
Let's Play Rome Total War - 18 (It's Not A Retreat, We're Advancing In The Other Direction)
Let's Play Rome Total War - 19 (Finding Additional Targets And Recovering From Our Losses)
Let's Play Rome Total War - 20 (Salivating Over Salamis Salami Sandwich)
Let's Play Rome Total War - 21 (Politely Asking Forgiveness, Military Reformations)
Let's Play Rome Total War - 22 (Senatorial Wranglings and Peasant Panderings)
Let's Play Rome Total War - 23 (Peasant Fight Club, Return To Sparta)
Let's Play Rome Total War - 24 (Dinner In Hell: Back For Second Helpings)
Let's Play Rome Total War - 25 (Hey Sparta, We Brought Umbrellas! Let's Fight Under Them!)
Let's Play Rome Total War - 27 (Taking The Fight To Palma, Elephanforcements)
Let's Play Rome Total War - 28 (Dealing With Diversions, Strategic Strategizing)
Let's Play Rome Total War - 29 (Spreading The Peasant Wealth Across The Sea)
Let's Play Rome Total War - 30 (Taking Precautions Against Future Attacks, Funsies)
Let's Play Rome Total War - 31 (Doing Roman Things With Roman Spleens)
Let's Play Rome Total War - 32 (Going Balls Deep In ... Hey Wait Wrong Game)
Let's Play Rome Total War - 33 (Passing of A Leader, Breaking The Siege Of Magna)
Let's Play Rome Total War - 34 (Puppy Pwnage, A New Heir, Infiltration Nation)
Let's Play Rome Total War - 35 (Failsassination, A Pound of Carthaginian Flesh)
Let's Play Rome Total War - 36 (Operation Carthage Is A Go, War Of Walls)
Let's Play Rome Total War - 37 (Moving In For The Kill, Getting Killed, Chaotic Victory)
Let's Play Rome Total War - 38 (Hard Six'd, Elephant Bowling, and An Arrow Or Two)
Let's Play Rome Total War - 39 (Soft Seven'd, All Battles Matter, Big And Small)
Let's Play Rome Total War - 40 (Elephant Hunting, Numidian Posturing, Strategic Mistakes)
Let's Play Rome Total War - 41 (Pre-Fight Donut, Covert Piggies, Waiting For Waves)
Let's Play Rome Total War - 42 (Second Coming, Line Changes, Super Sacred Band of Bastards)
Let's Play Rome Total War - 44 (Buckling Down, Outmanouvering Numidia, Exploring)
Let's Play Rome Total War - 45 (Pushing The Numidians Around, Grand Preparation)
Let's Play Rome Total War - 46 (Pushing It To The Limit, Past The Limit, Chess Champion)
Let's Play Rome Total War - 47 (Repercussions and Retaliations, Fighting Foothold)
Let's Play Rome Total War - 49 (A Dangerous Game, Crossing Swords)
Let's Play Rome Total War - 50 (Finding Out Just How Tough We Really Are)
Let's Play Rome Total War - 51 (Repurcussions and Preparations, Delayed Strike)
Let's Play Rome Total War - 52 (Picking Up Pieces, Shoving Them In Numidia's Eye)
Let's Play Rome Total War - 53 (Final Cuts, Class of '0-Stab, Doing Diddley)
Let's Play Rome Total War - 54 (Bare Essentials, Testing The Blood Lord, Rocks and Rolls)
Let's Play Rome Total War - 55 (City Situations, Worst Torpedo Ever, Going Rogue)
Let's Play Rome Total War - 56 (Sharpening Our Blades On Rebel Flesh)
Let's Play Rome Total War - 57 (Cleared Path, Arcanii, Arcannu, Arcannot)
Let's Play Rome Total War - 58 (Shoot Scoot 'n Boogie, Running Around Sue, Kill You)
Let's Play Rome Total - 59 (Decimus Bloodicus Has Got This One, Guys)
Let's Play Rome Total War - 60 (From The One To The Many To The --)
Let's Play Rome Total War - 61 (Alternative Events, Decimus Destiny, Spanish Inquisition)
Let's Play Rome Total War - 62 (Spanish Situation, Bridge Battle, Mad Moves)
Let's Play Rome Total War - 63 (Bad To Worse, Sacrificial Lambs, Forced To Fight, Round 2)
Let's Play Rome Total War - 64 (Worse To Worserer, Grindhouse, Archer Enemy)
Let's Play Rome Total War - 65 (Hoobaadoobiedoobadoobabblerabblesnabblegoo Pt. 1)
Let's Play Rome Total War - 66 (Hoobaadoobiedoobadoobabblerabblesnabblegoo Pt. 2)
Let's Play Rome Total War - 67 (Dune Warfare, Muad'Dib'd, Reforming, Dinner With Decimus)
Let's Play Rome Total War - 68 (Peasant Poundings, Pharos, Pontic Pressures, Pergamama)
Let's Play Rome Total War - 69 (A Giant Orgy In The Desert, Sandy Vaginas)
Let's Play Rome Total War - 70 (Standing Around On Sand Hill, Hill Stand)
Let's Play Rome Total War - 71 (We Built This City, We Built This City On ... Sand?)
Let's Play Rome Total War - 72 (Battle Of The Crack In The Wall, Cracked Out)
Let's Play Rome Total War - 73 (The Cost Of War, Peasant Pleasantries, Serious Business)
Let's Play Rome Total War - 74 (Falling Down, Repercussions, Bad Move, Bad Turn)
Let's Play Rome Total War - 75 (Stand Up, Brush Self Off, Stab Enemy In Face)
Let's Play Rome Total War - 76 (Fiddling While Rome ... Churns ... Butter)
Let's Play Rome Total War - 77 (The Bridge On The River OMFG, Holdouts)
Let's Play Rome Total War - 78 (Yeah, I Like My Bridge, You Guys Should Get One Too)
Let's Play Rome Total War - 79 (Bastards! Bridge Fjording Bastards!)
Let's PLay Rome Total War - 80 (Poke 'N Yer Yoke, Taking A Minute, Uncomfortable Situation)
Let's Play Rome Total War - 81 (VERY LOUD WAR, A Bit Of A Pickle)
Let's Play Rome Total War - 82 (Preparing Ourselves To Get All Stabby Stabbed)
Let's Play Rome Total War - 83 (No More Heroes, Harsh Realizations, One Last Dance)
Let's Play Rome Total War - 84 (The Last Tool In The Belt, The Ocean Of Tears)
Let's Play Rome Total War - 85 (Feeling The Heat, Doubling Back, Onward West)
Let's Play Rome Total War - 86 (Greener Pastures, Past Sins, Future Fantasies)
Let's Play Rome Total War - 87 (Somethinghappensinthisvideoprobably)
Let's Play Rome Total War - 88 (Somethinghappensinthisvideoprobably Part 2)
Let's Play Rome Total War - 89 (What Is This I Don't Even, Getting Reaquainted)
Let's Play Rome Total War - 90 (Is That A Battle In Your Pants Or Are You Happy To See Me?)
Let's Play Rome Total War - 91 (A Bit Cramped, Silly Situation, Pansy Spansies)
Let's Play Rome Total War - 92 (Feinting and Fainting, Bridge Bastards, The Thrust)
Let's Play Rome Total War - 93 (Allowing Penetration, Sillier Spanardiers, Tighten Up The Grafix)
Let's Play Rome Total War - 94 (Tranny Transition, Slow Slaughtering, Planning For Futures)
Let's Play Rome Total War - 95 (Y'know What, Fuck You Pontus, I 'aint Leaving)
Let's Play Rome Total War - 96 (Okay Well Maybe We Can Work Out Some Kind Of Shared Custody ...)
Let's Play Rome Total War - 97 (Please Don't Fail, Please Don't Crash, Please Be Awesome)
Let's Play Rome Total war - 98 (Supposing Similar Strategies, BASTARDS, Double Bastards)
Let's Play Rome Total War - 99 (I Got 99 Problems But A Spain 'Aint One, Hit Me)
Let's Play Rome Total War - 100 (I don't remember what happens here but ONE HUNDRED!)
Let's Play Rome Total War - 101 (Initial Thrust, Regrouping, Reinforcing, Counterattacking)
Let's Play Rome Total War - 102 (Get Your Ass Up That Hill And Slaughter Some Damn Spaniards)
Let's Play Rome Total War - 103 (Progress Not Perfection, A Little Pre-Fight Donut)
Let's Play Rome Total War - 104 (Sauntering Saucily, Swept Spanish Sanctuary, Silly Southern SSss)
Let's Play Rome Total War - 105 (Slow Squishing, No More Tacos, The Great Wall of Africa)
Let's Play Rome Total War - 106 (Makeshift Murderers, Finishing The Flesh Wall, Onager Onslaught)
Let's Play Rome Total War - 107 (Taking Stock Of Our Post Progress Progressionthon)
Let's Play Rome Total War - 108 (Setting Up A Big Spikey Wall, Reinforcing Britannian Murderers)
Let's Play Rome Total War - 109 ( Hey Look A Bridge, I Hope It Wasn't Engineered By Me)
Let's Play Rome Total War - 110 (More Fucking Bridges, What Is This Shit)
Let's Play Rome Total War - 111 (SERIOUSLY? Another Bridge, Another Day, Another Derp)
Let's Play Rome Total War - 112 (Pansy Pwntus, Feint, Jab, Duck, Parry, WAR)
Let's Play Rome Total War - 113 (Fruits of Our Fruitcakes, Minor Micro, Big Breakdown)
Let's Play Rome Total War - 114 (Taking A Butchers, TERRANCED, Planning For The Worst)
Let's Play Rome Total War - 115 (Washing Out The Bad Taste, Back In The Saddle)
Let's Play Rome Total War - 116 (A Sweet Little Skirmish To Start The Day Off Right)
Let's Play Rome Total War - 117 (Cautious Conquering, Civilian Crusaders, Central Commanding)
Let's Play Rome Total War - 118 (Target Practice, Tacticool Withdrawal, Capital Punishment)
Let's Play Rome Total War - 119 (Hey Look, A People, Let Us Conquer Thems)
Let's Play Rome Total War - 120 (Cautiously Bitchslapping Some Britons)
Let's Play Rome Total War - 121 (A Little Bit Of Shh, A Lot Of OH SHHHH)
Let's Play Rome Total War - 122 (A Dance On The Dirt To Doubley Do The Deed)
Let's Play Rome Total War - 123 (Walking Our Way Towards Pointy Things, Preparation)
Let's Play Rome Total War - 124 (A Rough Start To Our Rebelion, Cocked Up Cavalry)
Let's Play Rome Total War - 125 (Getting Hotter, Italian Diplomacy, Cashing In On Old Promises)
Let's Play Rome Total War - 126 (Big Beastly Bridge Bastards Battle Big Bad Burly Bad Guys)
Let's Play Rome Total War - 127 (Suicide Is Painless, Double Dipping, Juicy Julii)
Let's Play Rome Total War - 128 (Sloppy Seconds, Julii Mad Cuz U Jelii, Good Day Happy Time)
Let's Play Rome Total War - 129 (Doing Stupid Things Will Get You Killed, Who Knew)
Let's Play Rome Total War - 130 (Julii Jerks, Redemption Song, and Brutii Bacon)
Let's Play Rome Total War - 131 (Fencing In The East, Elephantitis, Marching Over Greece)
Let's Play Rome Total War - 132 (Loyal Lepcis, What A Lovely Day To Go For A Swim)
Let's Play Rome Total War - 133 (Making A Mess-A-Lonica of Thessalonica, Abrupt Derp)
Let's Play Rome Total War - 134 (Oopsie, Time Travel, Repercussions)
Let's Play Rome Total War - 135 (Going Greece, Turning Juliinese, General Jackassery)
Let's Play Rome Total War - 136 (Mountain Mastery, Forest Of Fail, Bribin' Bitches)
Let's Play Rome Total War - 137 (Good Day Greece, Rock Formation Humping, Bright Light At The End)
Let's Play Rome Total War - 138 (The Big Show, Fuck Joulii, Hitting The Books)
Let's Play Rome Total War - 139 (One Step Forward, Two Steps Back, Brutii Generals Smokin' Crack)
Let's Play Rome Total War - 140 (Vini, Vidi, ViFUCK YOU PURPLE BASTARDS)
Let's Play Rome Total War - 01 (Scipii'n On Gin And Juice, Mind On My Management)