Leadership Books Podcast

A selection of episodes from the Reinventing Perspectives Podcast, that break down some powerful principles from classic best-selling new entrepreneur books. 🎙 Also available on: Apple podcasts.apple.com/au/podcast/reinventingperspecti… Spotify open.spotify.com/show/0CmNUzrZg03QxLaYZY6AbR?si=2d… Reinventing Perspectives Podcast is the coffee (or tea) table for Christian entrepreneurs that know that there is a visionary business leader inside of them. Expect to hear from brilliant entrepreneurs and executives from all corners of the globe; and take a deep dive into best-selling books for some gold coin entrepreneur moves with your host, Priscilla Shumba. Faith, Mindset, and Entrepreneurship are the heartbeat of this show. These are conversations to help you - Believe what you see in your mind's vision is possible: - Get to understand that deep inside, you have been equipped to accomplish your calling. - And provide biz-ed for your business acumen to remain sharp enough for a competitive market. Our motto: If you need it, we will talk about it! Join our tribe by subscribing and please leave us a review. For more information our work, please check out our website at www.reinventingperspectives.com