John McCain's energy plan is a real FREE MARKET plan: defend and preserve Phil Gramm, his campaign adviser's 2000 law, the Commodity Futures Modernization Act of 2000 and keep the Enron loophole open, through which Goldman Sachs, JP Morgan, Morgan Stanley and other investment banks gauge consumers by speculating on oil futures, manipulating the price and buying oil themselves. McCain and the whole conservative noise machine behind him fault the lack of oil drilling for rising oil prices. In fact there are 68 million acres of unused domestic drilling sites licensed to oil companies in more than 10,000 licenses. Oil companies are keeping oil in the ground and looking for more federal land grab in order to boost their stock price. In fact the whole game is to boost speculator and shareholder value, not to help the real economy. Most of Exxon's record profits for instance went to a massive, historically unprecedented program to buy back their own shares, not to build new refineries or researching alternatives. Now they are asking for more taxpayer and government handouts and blaming democrats for not handing it to them. The conservative agenda after 8 years of Bush is clear: deregulate, steal pillage and get away with it while wrecking devastation on the real economy. playlist:…