6 Things that Invalidate Prayer (Salah)
Noor Islamic Education
[Private video]
How many times should I wash after passing urine? | Sheikh Mohammed Al-Hilli
Can I do an Umrah on behalf of a dead or an alive person? | Sheikh Mohammed Al-Hilli
Is the urine and excrement of animals tahir or Najis? | Sheikh Mohammed Al-Hilli
Is clapping allowed in Islam? | Sheikh Mohammed Al-Hilli
Are Muslim Women Allowed to Visit Cemeteries? | Sheikh Mohammed Al-Hilli #shorts
Why Some Muslims Struggle with Islamic Law? | Sr. Zahra Makki
3 Common Mistakes at Beginning of Prayer (Salah)! Sheikh Mohammed Al-Hilli
Does having long nails impact wudhu and ghusl? | Sh. Mohammed Al-Hilli #shorts
Can I do wudhu and my head and feet are wet? | Sheikh Mohammed Al-Hilli #short
How loud should my voice be when I’m praying? | Sh. Mohammed Al-Hilli
What do I reply when a non-Muslim says ‘Salaam alaikum’? What about Salaam in messages? | Sh. Hilli
Oldest son and the need to do the prayers and fasts of the father | Sh. Mohammed Al-Hilli #shorts
I keep missing my wajib prayers, please help! | Sheikh Mohammed Al-Hilli
If I speak badly about someone but with myself, is that gheeba (backbiting)? | Sh. M. Al-Hilli
Rennet in Food, is it halal? | Sheikh Mohammed Al-Hilli
Am I allowed to pray behind a Sunni Imam? | Sh. Mohammed Al-Hilli #shorts
What is recommended for a female to do in her period? | Sh. Mohammed Al-Hilli #shorts #dailydose
The 4 Obligatory Prostrations (sajdas) from the Quran: 8 Important Questions | Sh. M. Al-Hilli
7 Ghusls that are Wajib (obligatory) | Sh. Mohammed Al-Hilli #shorts
Some of the Things disliked (makruh) if you’re in the state of Janābah | Sh. Mohammed Al-Hilli
Can I take a screenshot of a WhatsApp conversation/texts and share with others? Sh. M. Al-Hilli
Is Microblading allowed? Sheikh Mohammed Al-Hilli #shorts #dailydose
Allah does not forgive Shirk, how? | Sh. Mohammed Al-Hilli
Is stunning and using a machine to slaughter animals halal? | Sh. Mohammed Al-Hilli #shorts
I missed some wajib prayers when travelling, how do I make them up? | Sh. M. Al-Hilli #shorts
How to Perform Umrah: Animated Step by Step Guide
Can I recite Qunoot in my own language? | Sheikh Mohammed Al-Hilli #shorts
What can I use for Tayammum? Sheikh Mohammed Al-Hilli #shorts
Its wajib to face a dying person towards the Qibla! Sh. M. Al-Hilli #shorts
Can I apply cream to the skin before wudhu or ghusl? Sheikh Mohammed Al-Hilli #youtubeshorts
6 Recommended things to do in Sajda| Sheikh Mohammed Al-Hilli #shorts
Can I pray with a leather belt? | Sh. Mohammed Al-Hilli #shorts
Who is a Sayid? And Is there a difference with a Hashimi? | Sh. Mohammed Al-Hilli #shorts
Can I pray Maghrib/Isha after midnight? | Sh. Mohammed Al-Hilli #shorts #dailydose
How do we calculate our missed prayers if we're unsure how much we have missed? | Sh. M. Al-Hilli
How do I purify the bed/carpet if it has urine/blood/semen on it? | Sh. M. Al-Hilli #dailydose
What is the difference in Wudhu between Males and Females? | Sh. Mohammed Al-Hilli #shorts
Can we shake the hands of an elderly non-mahram woman? | Sh. Mohammed Al-Hilli #shorts #dailydose
Omega-3 Capsules and fish oils, are they allowed? | Sh. Mohammed Al-Hilli #shorts #dailydose
Can we give Sahm Sadat of Khums to the Poor? | Sh. Mohammed Al-Hilli #shorts
Females don’t need to wash all their hair in wajib ghusl! | Sh. Mohammed Al-Hilli #shorts
Who is a Mahram for a Man? | Sheikh Mohammed Al-Hilli #shorts #dailydose
Can Aqiqah be done later in life? | Sheikh Mohammed Al-Hilli #shorts #dailydose
Important rulings related to Adhan and Iqama | Sh. Mohammed Al-Hilli #shorts
Is having Night Nurse Liquid (or medicine with alcohol) ok? | Sh. Mohammed Al-Hilli #shorts
Having food and drink of others may be haram! | Sh. Mohammed Al-Hilli #shorts
How do I know if a fish is halal? | Sh. Mohammed Al-Hilli #shorts
Can a female lead congregational prayers (jamaat) for other females? | Sh. Mohammed Al-Hilli #shorts
What ingredients are haram in Chinese sauces? | Sh. Mohammed Al-Hilli #shorts
Can I talk when the Quran is being played or recited? | Sheikh Mohammed Al-Hilli #shorts
Can I use perfume which has alcohol in it? | Sheikh Mohammed Al-Hilli #shorts
Can a female in her period enter shrines of Ahlulbayt? | Sh. Mohammed Al-Hilli #shorts
Is wearing black clothes during salah allowed? Does Black shoes affect rizq? #shorts
What is Kohl and can we do wudhu whilst having it on? | Sh. Mohammed Al-Hilli #shorts
Is Khums wajib on Children? | Sh. Mohammed Al-Hilli #shorts
Can a woman use contraceptives without husband approval? | Sh. Mohammed Al-Hilli #shorts
What can I use in Salah if I don’t have a turba/anything else allowed? | Sh. M. Al-Hilli #shorts
When is abortion allowed in Islam? | Sheikh Mohammed Al-Hilli | #shorts
Where should my hand be in Takbeerat Ihram in Salah (When Saying Allahu Akbar)? #shorts
Can I use the ‘Halal’ Nail-polish for wudhu/ghusl? | Sh. Mohammed Al-Hilli #shorts
What can I use to do Tayamum? | Sh. Mohammed Al-Hilli #shorts
Can I keep the extra money given to me at the supermarket checkout by mistake? | #shorts
Is Spirit Vinegar Halal? What about Balsamic Vinegar? | Sh. Mohammed Al-Hilli #shorts
When is the best time to do an istikhārah? | Sheikh Mohammed Al-Hilli #shorts
Can I use the wudhu I did for Duhr later for Maghrib prayers? | Sheikh Mohammed Al-Hilli #shorts
6 Conditions for the clothes that are worn in Salah | Sh. Mohammed Al-Hilli #shorts
Is playing snooker, pool, billiard, dominoes, snakes & ladders, monopoly haram? | #shorts
Can I use a tissue or a piece of paper to prostrate on in Salah? | Sh. Mohammed Al-Hilli #shorts
Praying with a shirt that has a picture of an animals or human on it? | Sh. M. Al-Hilli #shorts
Can a widow (whose husband has died) leave the house during the mourning period? | Sh. Al-Hilli
Is Hitting the spouse (husband/wife) allowed in Islam? | Sheikh Mohammed Al-Hilli #shorts
Can a man who wants to marry a woman look at her hair and body? | Sh. Mohammed Al-Hilli #shorts
Is Lottery haram? Can I take the prize if I win? | Sh. Mohammed Al-Hilli #shorts
When is Shaking Hands of opposite gender allowed? | Sheikh Mohammed Al-Hilli #shorts
What does the term ‘Obligatory Precaution’ Mean in Islamic Jurisprudence? | Sh. M. Al-Hilli #shorts
Can I deliver pork or alcohol items to people? | Sheikh Mohammed Al-Hilli #shorts
Is Playing Chess haram? Why? | Sheikh Mohammed Al-Hilli #shorts
Is Life Insurance Halal? | Sh. Mohammed Al-Hilli #shorts
Is it allowed for a body of dead Muslim to be sent abroad for burial? | Sh. M. Al-Hilli #shorts
Is Cosmetic Surgery Allowed in Islam? | Sheikh Mohammed Al-Hilli #shorts
Can a husband stop his wife from seeing her parents? | Sheikh Mohammed Al-Hilli #shorts
What If I don’t have water to use after going to the toilet? | Sh. Mohammed Al-Hilli #shorts
Can I use CBD products? Is it halal or haram? | Sheikh Mohammed Al-Hilli #shorts
Can I use mouthwash that has alcohol in it? | Sheikh Mohammed Al-Hilli #shorts
Does blood in my mouth cause the mouth to be Najis (impure)? | Sh. Mohammed Al-Hilli #shorts
Is Marijuana (weed) Halal? | Sh. Mohammed Al-Hilli #shorts
Is Gelatine Halal? | Sheikh Mohammed Al-Hilli #shorts
Chocolate Liqueur and Chocolate Liquor, are they Halal? | Sh. Mohammed Al-Hilli #shorts
Are women allowed to dance in front of other women? | Sheikh Mohammed Al-Hilli #shorts
Can I Walk and Pray at the Same Time? | Sh. Mohammed Al-Hilli #shorts
What do I do if a Dog touches me? | Sh. Mohammed Al-Hilli #shorts
When Does a Female Become Baligh? | Sh. Mohammed Al-Hilli #shorts
Can Husband and Wife Charge Each Other Interest? | Sh. Mohammed Al-Hilli #shorts
What Happens if I See a Removable Pen Mark on Hands after Salah? | Sh. Mohammed Al-Hilli #shorts
Can I Add People to Whatsapp Groups Without Their Permission? | Sh. Mohammed Al-Hilli #shorts
7 Things That Invalidate Wudhu | Sheikh Mohammed Al-Hilli #shorts
Can My Child Attend Music Lessons at School? | Sh. Mohammed Al-Hilli #shorts
When Can I do Friday Ghusl? | Sh. Mohammed Al-Hilli #shorts
Do I pray full in my birthplace or parents’ house if it’s a different city? |#shorts
Who is a Frequent Traveller Who Prays Full Everywhere | Sh. Mohammed Al-Hilli #shorts
When Am I Allowed to Eat Haram Food? | Sheikh Mohammed Al-Hilli #shorts
Are Food Colourings Halal? | Sheikh Mohammed Al-Hilli #shorts
Is Vanilla Extract Halal? | Sheikh Mohammed Al-Hilli #shorts
Eating Food at the Table Where Alcohol is Being Served | Sheikh Mohammed Al-Hilli #shorts
How can Husband & Wife Pray Together? | Sh. Mohammed Al-Hilli #shorts
Don’t bend your back whilst standing in Salah! | Sheikh Mohammed Al-Hilli #shorts
Who is a Poor Person in Islamic Terms? | Sheikh Mohammed Al-Hilli #shorts
Can We Mention Allah (swt)'s Name in the Bathroom? | Sheikh Mohammed Al-Hilli #shorts
What should I look at During Salah (prayer)? | Sheikh Mohammed Al-Hilli #shorts
Important & Unknown Islamic Ruling Regarding Children's Gifts | Sheikh Mohammed Al-Hilli #shorts
Do I Have to Make Up My Missed Prayers (Qadha) Quickly? | Sheikh Mohammed Al-Hilli #shorts
The Wrong Way of Reciting Quran & Dua | Sheikh Mohammed Al-Hilli #shorts
2 Common Mistakes in Salah (Prayer) | Sheikh Mohammed Al-Hilli #shorts
Is it Wajib for a Female to Wear Socks as Part of Hijab?
Are Tatoos Haram? Sheikh Mohammed Al-Hilli #shorts
Is Khums wajib on inheritance? | Sh. Mohammed Al-Hilli | #shorts
Are Women allowed to have Gastric bypass? | Sheikh Mohammed Al-Hilli #shorts
Can I take a gift I gave to someone back? | Sheikh Mohammed Al-Hilli #shorts
Is someone in state of janābah Najis? | Sheikh Mohammed Al-Hilli #shorts
When you’re fasting (mustahab) & get invited for food, break the fast | Sh. M. Al-Hilli #shorts
Can someone help me with doing wudhu? | Sheikh Mohammed Al-Hilli #shorts
Are men allowed to pray in shorts? | Sheikh Mohammed Al-Hilli #shorts
Are men allowed to wear earrings on their ears? | Sheikh Mohammed Al-Hilli #shorts
Is White gold allowed for men? | Sheikh Mohammed Al-Hilli #shorts
Are we allowed to shave or trim body hair? | Sheikh Mohammed Al-Hilli #shorts
Is It Wajib To Stand When Name of Imam Mehdi (a) is Mentioned? | Sheikh Mohammed Al-Hilli
Can We Give Sadaqa to a Sayed? | Sheikh Mohammed Al-Hilli #shorts
Can I Fast During Travel? | Sheikh Mohammed Al-Hilli #shorts
I Don't Know How Much Prayers (Qadha) I Have to Make Up? | Sheikh Mohammed Al-Hilli #shorts
Posting Image Online Without Permission? | Sheikh Mohammed Al-Hilli #shorts
Is Subscribing to Netflex Haram? | Sheikh Mohammed Al-Hilli #shorts
When is the Islamic Midnight for Prayers | Sh. Mohammed Al-Hilli #shorts
What are the signs of Bulugh (Puberty) in a male? | Sheikh Mohammed Al-Hilli | #shorts
Is Adoption allowed in Islam? | Sheikh Mohammed Al-Hilli | The Daily Dose #shorts
What are the Rules of the Wajib Sajdas in the Quran? | The Daily Dose |Sh. Mohammed Al-Hilli #shorts
What Are Females in their Period Allowed to Recite from Quran?|The Daily Dose| Sh. Al-Hilli #shorts
How Far Does Najasa (Impurity) Transfer/spread After Touch? | The Daily Dose |Sh. M Al-Hilli #shorts
Do Feet and Head Have to be Dry in Wudhu? | The Daily Dose | Sheikh Mohammed Al-Hilli #shorts
Doubts During Sajda in Salah | The Daily Dose | Sh. Mohammed Al-Hilli
Can I Pray One Salat Wahsha for a Few People? | The Daily Dose | Sh. Mohammed Al-Hilli #shorts
How to Pray When in Hospital Bed or in Illness | The Daily Dose | Sh. Mohammed Al-Hilli #shorts
Fake Eye-Lashes | The Daily Dose | Sh. Mohammed Al-Hilli #shorts
Praying Alone During Jamaat (Congregation) | The Daily Dose | Sh. Mohammed Al-Hilli #shorts
Is Bitcoin/cryptocurrency Halal? | The Daily Dose | Sh. Mohammed Al-Hilli #shorts
Can I Delay Paying Khums or Pay in Instalments? | The Daily Dose | Sh. Mohammed Al-Hilli #shorts
Can I do Sajda on a Broken Turbah ? | The Daily Dose | Sh. Mohammed Al-Hilli #shorts
Is There a Prayer That Wipes Away All Qadha Prayers? | The Daily Dose | Sh. Al-Hilli #shorts
What Happens If I Prayed in the Wrong Direction (qibla)? | The Daily Dose | Sh. M. Al-Hilli #shorts
Can I Turn My Ring in Qunoot of Salah? | The Daily Dose | Sheikh Mohammed Al-Hilli #shorts
Do Females Have to Wear Hijab When Reciting Quran? | The Daily Dose | Sh. Mohammed Al-Hilli #shorts
Can I Urinate Whilst Standing? | The Daily Dose | Sheikh Mohammed Al-Hilli #shorts
Do I Have to Recite Surah Ikhlas In Every Salah? | The Daily Dose | Sheikh Mohammed Al-Hilli #shorts
Can I combine an obligatory ghusl with a recommended ghusl? #shorts
If I missed a prayer during travel, do I pray it in full when I come back home as qadha? #shorts
A lady is praying and her hair is showing, ie not fully covered. Is her salah void? #shorts
Can I break my prayers for any reason? #shorts
Are we allowed to serve non-halal meat to non-Muslims? #shorts
In Congregational prayers (jamaat), what am I as a follower supposed to read? #shorts
Do I have to protect my private parts (awra) with clothing during Wudhu? #shorts
Does a female have to cover her feet whilst in prayer? #shorts
Can I do my Qadha Prayers Before I do My Wajib Current Prayers? #shorts
What Happens if Someone Says 'Salam' And I'm Praying? #shorts
What Happens if I Have Doubts After Salah? #shorts
Can I Have Lipstick on During Salah/Wudhu? #shorts
Can I Visit/Eat in a House of Someone With Haram Wealth? #shorts
Is Wearing a Necklace for a Male Halal? #shorts
Raising Hands When Saying Allahu Akbar in Salah #shorts
Can I Cry in Salah and Qunoot? #shorts
Can I Close My Eyes in Salah (Prayer)? #shorts
Can I Take Someone Else's Shoes at Mosque? #shorts
Can I Touch the Quran on My Phone Without Wudhu? #shorts
What to do If You Find Money On The Ground? | Sheikh Mohammed Al-Hilli
10 Important Things You Should Know About Nadhar (Vows) in Islam | Sh. Mohammed Al-Hilli
Is Smoking, Shisha (Hooka) or Vaping Haram? | Sheikh Mohammed Al-Hilli
What to do (Islamically) When You're Next to a Dying Person | Sheikh Mohammed Al-Hilli
How to Pray Fajr/Subh (Morning) Prayer | Detailed With Animation
How to Pray 'Isha Prayer | Easy to Follow With Animation
How to Pray Maghrib Prayer | Easy to Follow Animation
How to Pray Noon & Afternoon (Duhr/Asr) Prayers
10 Things You Should Know About Sadaqa (Charity) in Islam | Sh. Mohammed Al-Hilli
Which Fish & Seafood is Halal? | Sheikh Mohammed Al-Hilli
25 Recommended Ghusls That Cover Wudhu | Sh. Mohammed Al-Hilli
Can We Eat Food from non-Muslims (who are not Ahlul Kitab)? | Sh. Mohammed Al-Hilli
Is the Nasal Flu Vaccine Halal? | Sheikh Mohammed Al-Hilli
Radd Al-Madhalim: What is it? Is it Wajib? How Do We Pay it? | Sh. Mohammed Al-Hilli
What is Allowed & Prohibited in Muharram? | Is Moving House or Marriage Allowed? | Sh. M. Al-Hilli
How to do Your Salah During Flight/Plane or train/Bus (& Other Questions) | Sh. Mohammed Al-Hilli
2 Instances Where Lying is Allowed in Islam | Sh. Mohammed Al-Hilli
Dogs, Cats, Rabbits, Fish, Birds etc Pets/animals at Home? Islamic Rulings | Sh. Mohammed Al-Hilli
Fortnite & Video Games | Sh. Mohammed Al-Hilli
Can I Check my Spouse's Phone? | Sh. Mohammed Al-Hilli
Different Fajr Timings in Prayer Timetables: A Solution! Sayed M. Baqer Al-Qazwini | Ramadan Video 9
ONE Islamic Law that WILL Change Your Life! | Sayed M. Baqer Al-Qazwini | Ramadhan 2021 Day 6