Abigail Seidman clips from The Abortion Matrix

www.forerunner.com/champion/abigail-seidman-interv… About 18 months ago, a reader named "Frankie" left a comment on one of my articles, Statements of a Practicing Witch? The article deals with abortion clinic owners and staff in Birmingham, Alabama and Melbourne, Florida who were involved in Wiccan and pagan practices -- with one even going as far as to call abortion "a sacrament" and a "sacred act." "It's true that many abortion centers, especially those that say 'for women by women' are tied to practices in the occult. One such clinic in Ohio had women staff/volunteers go on weekend trips to Traverse City, MI for what they would call experiences of 'entering the womb of Mother Earth.' Often Wiccan style jewelry/clothing could be seen by staff. This IS true and not made up stuff." Posted by Frankie on 06/01/2009 11:36 PM Traverse City is about five hours over the border from Toledo, Ohio where Abigail Seidman's mother worked at an abortion clinic. I didn't make the connection at first when I began seeing Abigail's testimony go viral on the Internet a few weeks ago. Abigail too says her mother participated in Wiccan rituals. When I began seeking an video Abigail pointed our to me that "Frankie" must have been referring to the clinic where her mother worked. I preface this interview with Frankie's corroboration because some of the details below are so disturbing that it is going to provoke disbelief. Ironically, Abigail recently had a doubter on one of the atheist blogs write in response to her story a complaint that she had to single out "Tiamat" worshippers. The irony here is that she had not to that point ever mentioned in any of her interviews the name of the Babylonian goddess of chaos that her mother worshipped. Who would know stuff like that off hand? "The lady doth protest too much, methinks!" Rather than dwell on Tiamat worship, Abigail would prefer to talk about her conversion to Christ in June of 2010. She would prefer to emphasize her own experience with abortion and how she has been delivered from the depression that often comes with Post-Abortion Syndrome (PSA). She seems disappointed that the fascinating aspect of her story to many people is her experience with a circle of occultists who would perform blood rituals at the abortion clinic where her mother worked and sometimes have "mentrual extraction parties" at her home. The whole thesis of the recently produced DVD, The Abortion Matrix, is the relationship of Wicca and pagan religion to the abortion industry. Most of the questions we asked were based on other interviews in which she touched on this bizarre aspect of her upbringing. The following is the text of our interview with Abigail Seidman, which she used as notes for the video interview. The video on YouTube is just the raw footage edited into seven parts. I then chose a few shorter clips for use in The Abortion Matrix. - Jay Rogers Director, The Forerunner