Ending the Year with Elijah and John the Baptist
Chad Bird
The Reversal of Genesis 3 and the Emmaus Disciples
Three Lessons from the Thief on the Cross
The Four Horsemen of the Apocalypse: The Old Testament Background in Zechariah
Clothing and Salvation in the Biblical Story
Two Unforgettable OT Images of Divine Forgiveness
There IS Something New Under the Sun
Joseph's Important Place in the Christmas Story
How NOT to Prepare for the 2nd Coming of Jesus
People Do Not Become Angels When They Die
With Our Bodies, We Worship God
The Theological Significance of Land in the Bible
His Tattoo Said, "God Forgives But I Don't"
What Can Those Less-than-Interesting Parts of the Bible Teach Us?
Faith Based Solely Upon Miracles Has a Short Shelf Life
When the Valley of Trouble Becomes a Doorway of Hope
Who Is the Commander of the LORD’s Army in Joshua 5?
God Has Friends in Low Places, Like Rahab in Jericho
When God Shakes the Heavens and the Earth (Haggai 2 and Hebrews 12)
The Scandal of Particularity in Christianity
The Boomerang Effect of Evil
Was Esther or Mordecai More Important? Wrong Question
How God Uses Esther in a Genesis 12 Sort of Way
The Public Reading of Scripture in Worship
C. S. Lewis and Divine Humility
The Old Testament Peace Offerings Foreshadow the Lord's Supper
The Old Testament "Good Samaritan" Story?
A Dangerous Time in a Christian's Life
What the Torah teaches us about holiness
Two Unpopular Words from Jesus
To Jesus, Resurrecting Someone is as Easy as Waking Them Up
Hope from 2 Chronicles During Political Unrest
The Greek Old Testament Helps Us to See Jesus as the New and Greater Elijah
The Hebrew Word for "Lean" that Helps Explain Faith
The Future Tiptoes into the Past in Jesus' Healing Miracles
A Hebrew Way of Giving Thanks #shorts
Where God Localizes His Omnipresence
The New Jerusalem is the Better Holy of Holies
Four Words that Summarize Us in Relation to God
Light on Luke's Gospel from 1 Chronicles 24
Work in God's Kingdom for the Next Generation
What Was Jesus Like as a Child and Teenager?
Holding God to His Promises
Elijah as the Blueprint for John the Baptist
When Uzzah Touched the Ark
No Unimportant People in God's Kingdom
Theology Must Sing
What Genealogies in the Bible Teach Us About God
Jewish Men Divorcing Non-Jewish Wives: Was Ezra Right?
Ezra’s Threefold Way of Approaching the Scriptures: Student, Doer, Teacher
The Altar as the Axis of Heaven and Earth, Where God Meets Humanity
Our Disappointments and God's Long-Range Plans
God Sings Over Us
How Do We Praise God When Life is Fearful and the Future Dark?
Two Common Mistakes About the Book of Nahum
How to Read the Bible Atop Mt. Moriah
I Don’t Know How to Interpret 2 Samuel 21 (and that's OK)
All Christians Are Saints, in Heaven and on Earth, in the Holy Christ
Bathsheba’s Grandfather: Rooftops, Concubines, and Power Plays
The Refusal to Forgive Is the Root of Many Evils
The Law of God is not a window but a mirror
Uriah the Faithful Non-Israelite
Don't Miss the Old Testament Message of Gabriel to Mary
Why Did David Make Jerusalem His Capital? (2 Samuel 5)
Two Sauls Persecute Two Davids: Biblical Typology
Render Unto Caesar: Whose Image and Inscription Are Upon You? #shorts
King Saul’s Visit to the Witch at En-Dor
Bound up in the Bond of Everlasting Life
Who in the OT Exemplifies Being Second?
David's Sling: An Ancient Weapon of Warfare
O Bad Little Town of Bethlehem?
How God Turns the Weapons of Enemies Against Themselves
Pay Attention to the Bible's Physical Descriptions of People
What's So Wrong with Israel Wanting a King?
Ichabod, Hemorrhoids, the Ark of the Covenant (1 Samuel 4-6)
One Way to Enrich Your Study of the Old Testament
Physical Intimacy Celebrated in the Bible
Knocking on the Door of the Heart: Correcting a Mistaken Interpretation
Is Psalm 83 Predicting Events in Gaza and Israel?
Interpreting the Song of Songs
Gaza: A Biblical Perspective
The River Flowing from Genesis to Revelation
Jesus Was Buried, and That Matters
The Glory of the LORD Returns to the Temple in Ezekiel 43
Who or What Are Gog and Magog? Exploring Revelation 20 and Ezekiel 38-39
How Does Our Sin Pollute All the World? Romans 8 Understood through Old Testament Eyes
Pontius Pilate: A Political Failure
What Nickname Did Three OT Prophets Give the Messiah?
We did not choose Christ, but he chose us. And that is good news.
Was Eden on a Mountain?
When Ezekiel's Wife Died
Before the Rooster Crows: Overestimating Our Spiritual Loyalty (John 13)
The Smallest Words from God Often Make the Biggest Difference
What about generational curses?
What does the thief on the cross teach us about baptism? Nothing. #shorts
The OT Background in Ezekiel of Christ Cleansing his Bride the Church
The Primary Question to Ask of Any Part of the Old Testament #religion #bible
Need We Fear When Standing Before the Judgement Seat of Christ?
How to Have Inner Peace
The glory of God departs the temple in Ezekiel and returns on Palm Sunday
What does God want you do to with your life?
Ezekiel's Crap Gods or Dung Deities #shorts #religion #bible
Eating and Digesting the Words of God
Why is there a human figure on God's throne in Ezekiel 1? Let's look at John 1 to see.
The Challenge of Gentiles Entering the Early Church
What is the Fear of the LORD? #bible #religion #Christian #shorts
Calling the Church to Repent
The Powerful Hebrew Verb for Remember: Zakar
What Does it Mean to Be a Lukewarm Christian?
Whether we suffer because of our sins or another’s sin, lament is for us.
Our Only Help is Outside Ourselves
Two Extremes in Worship
Samson Was Probably Not a Big Man
Marriage, Wells, and the Old Testament Background of John 4
Gideon as a Type of the Messiah #shorts #bible #religion
Deborah and Jael: Women Who Delivered Israel
A Fat King, Hungry Sword, and Southpaw Deliverer (Judges 3)
Integrating Psalms into Your Daily Life of Prayer
The Hebrew Meaning of Hallelujah
The Psalm for the Desperate Times in Life
Lead Us Not into Temptation: Explained from its Hebrew Background in the Psalms
Psalm 139: Nightmare or Dream Come True? Or Both?
God's involvement in dysfunctional biblical families
Three Hebrew Words Summarizing Genesis through Joshua
Where Can We Find God?
A Hebrew Treasure in Psalm 130
A Tip for Improving Bible Comprehension #shorts #religion #bible
Hope Restored Like Streams in the Negev
The Gift of Knowing the Divine Name YHWH
The Jarring Transition from Psalm 119 to Psalm 120
The Richest Deepest Meditation on God's Word Ever Written
When God Begins Something, It Often Seems Nothing Will Come of It
Living in a World Blinded by Bigger, Better, Bolder (Psalm 113)
When All Wisdom Has Been Swallowed Up: Thoughts on Psalm 107
The Psalm 105 and 106 Versions of Israel and Our Own Lives
Do Animals Pray? The Mystery of Psalm 104
Why Bring Food to Mourners? Fresh Insight into Psalm 102
After I Destroyed My Life: Finding an Anchor for the Soul (Galatians 2)
Give Me Chastity, But Not Yet: Reflecting on the Today of Salvation
Acedia: The Noonday Demon
How Do We Get a Heart of Wisdom?
Thank God for the Darkest Psalm (Ps. 88)
Every Christian is a Priest (1 Peter 2)
The Hebrew Verb Crucial for Spiritual Growth
Christian Maturity Is Growing into a Child
Jesus as the Vine and Son in Psalm 80
Is Baptism Absolutely Necessary for Salvation?
Borrowing Light from the Past in Today’s Darkness (Psalm 77)
Why Does God Cut Off the Horns of the Wicked?
The Most Prayed Verse from the Psalms
To God Belongs Exits from Death
The Aaronic Benediction Is Universalized in Jesus the Messiah
Augustine and the Opening Hebrew Words of Psalm 63
The Screwtape Letters and Psalm 62
Our Hope Summed up inThree Hebrew Words from Psalm 57
The Hebrew Phrase that Will Get You Through the Toughest of Days
How could David say in Psalm 51 that he had sinned ONLY against God?
In Worship, God Serves Us
Be still, let go, and know that I am God.
The Psalms Take us from Hell to Hallelujah
The Wrong Question to Ask of the Psalms
What Does Meek Mean? Not What Many Think
Should we pray the very words of the Lord’s Prayer or is it just a model? #shorts
How do we prepare for the spiritual battles that face us daily?
Is it OK to pray written prayers?
What Would You Want Your Dying Words to Be?
God's Voice as Thunder in Psalm 29 and John 12
The Hebrew Idea of Being "in the Face of God"
The Hebrew Background of “Lift up Your Heart” in the Communion Liturgy
In the End, Will Everyone Be Saved?
C. S. Lewis and the "greatest poem in the Psalter."
God at the BOTTOM of Jacob's stairway in Genesis #shorts
A Small Prayer Map of the Wider Terrain of Suffering (Psalm 13)
A Twisted Kind of "Freedom of Speech" in Psalm 12
The Psalm to Pray When You Feel Insignificant
The Psalm to Pray Before Sleep
What bitter Naomi teaches us about prayer and hope
Drunk from the cup of divine judgment in the Hebrew Prophets
Why was Moses not allowed to enter the Promised Land? What was his precise sin?
Why Singing Biblically Rich Hymns Is So Vital #shorts
There is no "wasted" preaching. #shorts
Were God's Commands to Israel Too Hard for Them to Keep?
Come to Me, All Who are Weary and Heavy Laden #shorts
First Century Greek-Speaking Jewish Christians
God is the Ultimate Patron of the Powerless
How Did Christ Become a Curse for Us?
The Secret to Hearing Old Testament Allusions in the New Testament
The Fruit of Faith and Compassion God Brings from Our Sufferings
How to Pray the Book of Psalms
Levites, Psalm 16, and the Messiah
Geography and Theology Are Interwoven in the Bible
Why Tongues of Fire at Pentecost?
What is the meaning of Torah and Deuteronomy?
Are we living in the Last Days?
What Really Happened to the Ark of the Covenant?
Was God Only Concerned about Israel in the OT?
The Ancient of Days and the Great Commission
What if the Prodigal Son Left Again?
King Solomon on David’s mule and the Palm Sunday procession of Jesus, the Son of David.
When All Your Hope Is Swallowed Up