Magic The Gathering Players Are NOT Consistent With Foils... 👀
Discover Is BETTER Versus Teferi! 🧙 | Magic: The Gathering | #mtg #shorts #mtgambassador
The Magic Of *NON-BLUE* Counterspells in Magic: The Gathering | #shorts #mtg #crazy
Making Your Opponents Destroy Their *OWN LANDS* In EDH! | Magic: The Gathering | #mtg #shorts #crazy
The One Ring Protects You *FROM YOURSELF* !?!?! | Magic: The Gathering | #shorts #mtg #ring
This Card Says Die Hard Is A Christmas Movie? | Magic The Gathering | #mtg #shorts #christmas
Make Every Life Count In Pauper Combo Decks! | Magic: The Gathering | #mtg #shorts #life
Is This Cheating? - Public Information | Magic: The Gathering | #mtg #shorts #cheat
Go A Different Route With the Initiative! | Magic: The Gathering | #mtg #shorts #legacy
Playing Rakdos Scam IS SO EASY LOLOL! | Magic: The Gathering | #mtg #shorts #easy
Topdecking Like A *GOD* Versus Living End | Magic: The Gathering | #mtg #shorts #combo
The Modern Challenge Didn't Fire!? 😰 | Magic: The Gathering | #mtg #shorts #challenge
What's The Name Of THIS Era Of Modern? | Magic: The Gathering | #mtg #shorts #name
Why Do They *ALWAYS* Have It? | Magic: the Gathering | #mtg #shorts #insane
Playing Niche MTG Cards Be Like: Seedtime | Magic: The Gathering | #mtg #shorts #skit
Crack Your Fetch *BEFORE* Urza's Saga's Final Trigger! | Magic: The Gathering | #mtg #shorts #tips
A Surprising Combo With Maze's End! | Magic: The Gathering | #mtg #shorts #combo
Alt Arts Are Worth Less Than Regular Printings? 👀 | Magic: The Gathering | #mtg #shorts #foil
The Surprise Panglacial Wurm Is *HILARIOUS* | Magic: the Gathering | #mtg #shorts #insane
What Do You Want Unbanned On The December 4 Banned & Restricted Announcement In Magic The Gathering?
We're Getting Pauper Unbans/Bans As Well! 😯| Magic: The Gathering | #mtg #shorts #pauper
Discovering MTG Mechanics In Other TCGs: Mill 🃏 | Magic: the Gathering | #mtg #shorts #onepiece
Krosan Grip Protections Your Punishing Fire Combo!? 🔥 | Magic: The Gathering | #mtg #shorts #legacy
Fury Players After the December 4 B&R Announcement | Magic The Gathering| #mtg #crazy #announce
They Announced The New Timeless Format! | Magic: The Gathering | #mtg #shorts #crazy
The Best Combo Deck In Pauper - WITH A TURN ONE KILL? | Magic: The Gathering | #mtg #shorts #otk
Brainstorming Before Sylvan Library Is A *NIGHTMARE* Judge Call 🤦 | Magic: The Gathering
Four Archive Traps *DESTROYS* This Modern Player! | Magic: The Gathering | #mtg #shorts #gameplay
Rite of Replication Goes Infinite With This Mage! | Magic: The Gathering | #shorts #mtg #infinite
Making Modern Mill Work In *LEGACY* 🤯 | Magic: The Gathering | #mtg #shorts #gameplay
*WHO* Let This Deck 5-0 In The Modern Leagues?? | Magic: The Gathering | #mtg #wild #decklist
Karn The Great Creator & Karn Liberated Synergize! | Magic: The Gathering | #mtg #shorts #crazy
Berserk Is Actually A Removal Spell In Legacy Infect | Magic: The Gathering | #mtg #shorts #berserk
The Problem With Deckbuilding In EDH | Magic: The Gathering | #mtg #shorts #impossible
Quadruple Sleeved Deck!? | Magic: The Gathering | One Piece TCG | #shorts #mtg #optcg #sleeves
Should Vendors Have Stock Of The Cards You Need?? | Magic: The Gathering | #mtg #shorts #twitter
Can You Play Proxies In Comp REL!? | Magic: The Gathering | #mtg #shorts #proxy
Cast Your Fatal Push Hassle Free! | Magic: The Gathering | #mtg #shorts #tips
What Its Like Joining Random EDH Tables | Magic: The Gathering | #mtg #shorts #edh
Why Up The Beanstalk Is *BANNED* In Modern!| Magic: The Gathering | #mtg #banned #beanstalk
Be Careful You Don't Destroy ALL Enchantments! | Magic: The Gathering | #mtg #shorts #enchantment
Slivers Can Do *EVERYTHING* 🦎 | Magic: The Gathering | #mtg #shorts #sliver
Legacy Decks Have The *STRANGEST* Names | Magic: The Gathering | #mtg #shorts #name
Dryad & Blood Moon Make For Wonky Interactions | Magic: The Gathering | #mtg #shorts #bloodmoon
The Vintage Format Is NOT As Crazy As Players Think | Magic: The Gathering | #mtg #shorts #vintage
What Was *YOUR* Best Moment In Magic: The Gathering In 2023!?
Is The One Ring The Card Of The Year In Magic The Gathering!?
Why Gitaxian Probe Is Banned In Modern! | Magic: The Gathering | #mtg #shorts #probe
Would You Pay The Price For Pro Tour Testing? | Magic: The Gathering | #mtg #shorts #protour
Should You Concede Games To Help Players Top 8 Events!? | Magic: The Gathering | #mtg #shorts #lose
The Current Situation With Fake MTG Cards... | Magic: The Gathering | #mtg #shorts #fake
Competitive Magic Is As Unappealing As Ever! | Magic: The Gathering | #mtg #shorts #competition
Flip It Or Rip It Is Ruining Magic Cards *AGAIN* | Magic: The Gathering | #mtg #shorts #damage
Is This This New Mechanic Just Better Morph? | Magic: The Gathering | #mtg #shorts #morph
WOTC Is Printing Promos You Can't Play At Prerelease!? | Magic: The Gathering | #mtg #shorts #promo
Combo Decks Back Then Vs. Now ⚡| Magic: The Gathering | #mtg #combo #shorts
Making Morph Busted With My #freepreview: Cryptic Coat | Magic: The Gathering | #mtg #shorts
The Ponza-Powercreep That Beats Hexproof!? | Magic: The Gathering | #mtg #shorts #crazy
Where's The Magic The Gathering Netflix Show? | #shorts #mtg #netflix
The Names Of MTG Cards Are Getting Silly 🐊 | Magic: The Gathering | #mtg #shorts #silly
The Artwork On Magic Cards Are Getting *INSANE* | Magic: The Gathering | #mtg #shorts #artwork
Should You Share Information In EDH? | Magic: The Gathering | #mtg #shorts #edh
The Problem With EDH's Unwritten Rules | Magic: The Gathering | #mtg #shorts #edh
The New Secret Lair Order Model Sucks | Magic: The Gathering | #mtg #shorts #secret
Why Hypergenesis *COULD* Be Unbanned? | Magic: The Gathering | #mtg #shorts #modern
Glimpse The Unthinkable Is A *CLASSIC* Mill Spell! | Magic: The Gathering | #mtg #shorts #classic
Dauthi Voidwalker + Haste Is *INSANE* Value! | Magic: The Gathering | #mtg #shorts #copy
Burn Players Forget Roiling Vortext Is Symmetrical! | Magic: The Gathering | #mtg #shorts #burn
Affinity Is Making A *COMEBACK* In Modern 🤖 | Magic: The Gathering | #mtg #shorts #comeback
Leyline Of The Guildpact + Jegantha = Works!? | Magic: The Gathering | #mtg #shorts #companion
Why Zirda, The Dawnwaker is *BANNED* In Legacy | Magic: The Gathering | #mtg #shorts #infinite
Old Modern Decks Are *CHEAP* Right Now! | Magic: The Gathering | #mtg #shorts #modern
The *CRAZIEST* Misprint In MTG History!? | Magic: The Gatheirng | #mtg #shorts #secret
Why Did They *REPRINT* This Card? | Magic: The Gathering | #mtg #shorts #detective
Use Changelings For your Voja EDH Deck! | Magic: the Gathering | #mtg #shorts #wolf
WotC Stock Goes Up, Hasbro Stock Goes Down! | Magic: The Gathering | #mtg #shorts #hasbro
MTG Players Randomly Grabbing Cards? | Magic: The Gathering | #mtg #shorts #ask
Death's Shadow Makes Combat Math *COMPLICATED* | Magic: The Gathering | #mtg #shorts #maths
Harmless Offering Decks Are *HILARIOUS* | Magic: the Gathering | #mtg #shorts #gift
Modern's Meta Is *CRAZY* Thanks To Leyline Of The Guildpact! | Magic: The Gathering | #mtg #shorts
Mono Black Burn Is A *SLEEPER* Modern Deck! | Magic: the Gathering | #mtg #shorts #black
Unfinity Is A *DUMB* Set | Magic: The Gathering | #mtg #shorts #planeswalker
Modern Affinity Needs *HELP* In This Meta | Magic: The Gathering | #mtg #shorts #affinity
The Sheldon's Spellbook Discourse Summarized | Magic: The Gathering | #mtg #shorts #edh
The "Lying in cEDH" Drama Is Nonsense | Magic: The Gatherng | #mtg #shorts #lies
The Problem With The cEDH Format | Magic: The Gathering | #mtg #shorts #edh
EDH Players And Their Bad Mill Takes | Magic: The Gathering | #mtg #shorts #edh
Thought Lash Is The *RANDOMEST* Mill Win Condition | Magic: The Gathering | #mtg #shorts #combo
Confusion In The Ranks Is A *WILD* Card | Magic: The Gathering | #mtg #shorts #chaos
Pauper Turbo Fog's Gameplan Be Like... | Magic: The Gathering | #mtg #shorts #fog
The Problem With Warhammer 40K On MTGO | Magic: the Gathering | #mtg #shorts #warhammer
Krosan Grip Saves This Legacy Combo!? | Magic: The Gathering | #mtg #shorts #combo
Lion's Eye Diamond Has A *STRANGE* Errata.... | Magic: The Gathering | #mtg #shorts #diamond
The Problem With EDH Precons in MH3 | Magic: the Gathering | #mtg #shorts #edh
Laelia Is An *INSANE* MH3 Spoiler! | Magic: The Gathering | #mtg #shorts #spoiler
Pithing Needle Teaches You Hard Lessons! | Magic: The Gathering | #mtg #shorts #lesson
DaVinci Beats An Space Marine In Combat!? | Magic: The Gathering | #mtg #shorts #warhammer
This Arcane Denial Trick Is *CLUTCH* In Pauper! | Magic: the Gathering | #mtg #shorts #arcane
Dress Down Is A *WEIRD* Magic Card! | Magic: The Gathering | #mtg #shorts #dress
Is Grist, The Hunger Tide Just Uncounterable!? | Magic: The Gathering | #mtg #shorts #counter
Knight Of The Reliquary Is *BUSTED* | Magic: The Gatheriing | #mtg #shorts #legacy
Maze's End Is A *SWEET* Win Condition! | Magic: The Gathering | #mtg #shorts #edh
Using Ninjutsu Defensively!? | Magic: The Gathering | #mtg #shorts #ninja
Priest Of Titania Is *INSANE* In The Elves Mirror | Magic: the Gathering | #mtg #shorts #elf
War's Toll Is A *CRAZY* Red Enchantment! | Magic: The Gathering | #mtg #shorts #combo
Pauper Is Diverse With Its Combo Decks! | Magic: The Gathering | #mtg #shorts #combo
What Do YOU Name WIth Demonic Consultation | Magic: The Gathering | #mtg #shorts #combo
Reading The Card DOES NOT Explain The Card | Magic: The Gathering | #mtg #shorts #words
Hive Mind Is An *EVIL* Card | Magic: The Gathering | #mtg #shorts #combo
EDH Mechanics In Modern Sets? | Magic: the Gathering | #shorts #mtg #assassinscreed
The Fallout Set Won't Be On MTGO | Magic: the Gathering | #mtg #shorts #fallout
Committing A Crime Is A Weird MTG Keyword... | Magic: The Gathering | #mtg #shorts #crime
The Mr. House EDH Deck Has *INSANE* Dice Value! | Magic: The Gathering | #mtg #shorts #dice
Tarmogoyf Used To Be *INSANE* In Modern | Magic: The Gathering | #mtg #shorts #modern
The Classic Mind Bend + Bloodmoon + Boil Combo !? | Magic: The Gathering | #mtg #shorts #combo
Hermit Druid Doesn't Work with the Master, Transcendant? | Magic: The Gathering | #mtg #shorts #edh
Insatiable Avarice Is *INSANE* With Sheoldred! | Magic: The Gathering | #mtg #shorts #spoiler
Marchesa Dealer of Death Is A *CRAZY* Combo Card | Magic: The Gathering | #mtg #shorts #combo
This Combo Makes 4 Million Golems!? | Magic: The Gathering | #mtg #shorts #spoiler
This Is Why Modern Horizons 2 Sucks :( | Magic: The Gathering | #mtg #shorts #spoiler
Jace & Vraska Are Doing The Dirty...Unprotected!? | Magic: The Gathering | #mtg #shorts #insane
An *EASY* Pillowfort Combo! | Magic: The Gathering | #mtg #shorts #combo
Obeka, Splitter of Seconds Is *INSANE* In Commander!! | Magic: The Gathering | #mtg #shorts #combo
Veil Of Summer Can Counter *ANYTHING*!? | Magic: The Gathering | #mtg #shorts #summer
Bloodletter of Aclazotz + Rush Of Dread Is *INSANE* | Magic: The Gathering | #mtg #shorts #combo
Enchanted Evening Is A Weird Magic Card!| Magic: The Gathering | #mtg #shorts #combo
Jace The Mind Sculptor Sucks Now...Here's Why! | Magic: the Gathering | #mtg #shorts #lol
Tron Players *HATE* The Mill Matchup! | Magic: the Gathering | #mtg #shorts #lol
Free Cards With Outlaws Of Thunder Junction! | Magic: The Gathering | #shorts #mtg #free
Pauper Affinity Is *BUSTED* With All That Glitters! | Magic: The Gathering | #mtg #shorts #combo
cEDH Can't Work Without Proxies! | Magic: The Gathering | #mtg #shorts #edh #cedh #reaction
Group Hug Decks Are Evil In EDH! | Magic: The Gathering | #mtg #shorts #edh #hug #evil
Why Prerelease Is Important To MTG! | Magic: The Gathering | #mtg #shorts #prerelease #rolemodel
Tower Winder Sucks For EDH...Here's Why! | Magic: The Gathering | #mtg #shorts #edh #bad #snake
Mind Slaver + Esoteric Duplicator = Prison Lock | Magic: The Gathering | #mtg #shorts #mind #combo
Trinisphere Is A Weird Magic Card! | Magic: The Gathering | #mtg #shorts #combo
Why Second Sunrise Is Banned In Modern | Magic: The Gathering | #mtg #shorts #why
Veil Of Summer *DESTROYS* Rakdos Scam! | Magic: The Gathering | #mtg #shorts #summer
Pithing Needle Can Stop Otawara And More! | Magic: The Gathering | #mtg #shorts #insane
Phyrexian Sympathizers Be Like... | Magic: The Gathering | #mtg #shorts #insane
Modern Tron Is Ridiculous! | Magic The Gathering | #mtg #shorts #insane
MTG In The Future!? | Magic The Gathering | #mtg #shorts #insane
Supreme Verdict Is *BUSTED* In Modern Right Now | Magic The Gathering | #mtg #shorts #insane
8-Rack Is Making A Comeback In Modern! | Magic The Gathering | #mtg #shorts #insane
Affinity Is Back - Simulacrum Synthesizer Slaps! | Magic: The Gathering | #mtg #shorts #robot
Collective Brutality Is Still Good In Modern! | Magic The Gathering | #mtg #shorts #crazy #meta
Pauper Goblins Has An Infinite Combo!? | Magic The Gathering | #mtg #shorts #combo
Pauper Ponza Does SO Much More Than Land Destruction! | Magic The Gathering | #mtg #shorts #combo
Playing Sub-Games Instead Of ACTUAL Games! | Magic The Gathering | #mtg #shorts #combo
No One Respects Cryptic Command In Modern! | Magic: The Gathering | #mtg #shorts #combo
Mill Players Playing Emrakul Too!? | Magic: The Gathering | #mtg #shorts #crazy
No One Expects Bogles In Modern | Magic: The Gathering | #mtg #shorts #crazy
Pay Attention Or You Lose! | Magic: The Gathering | #mtg #shorts #crazy
Removal Was WAY WORSE Back Then | Magic: The Gathering | #mtg #shorts #crazy
Kudo, King of Bears Is *INSANE* With Elesh Norn | Magic: The Gathering | #mtg #shorts #crazy
Group Hug Decks LOVE Abusing Card Draw | Magic: The Gathering | #mtg #shorts #crazy
Finding Niche Hate Against Atraxa & Infect! | Magic: The Gathering | #mtg #shorts #crazy
The One Ring Versus The Rack Is Weird | Magic: The Gathering | #mtg #shorts #combo
Why Stifle Should *NEVER* Be Modern Legal... | Magic: The Gathering | #mtg #shorts #crazy #wow
Waste Not Is *INSANE* In Modern! | Magic: The Gathering | #mtg #shorts #combo #skit #crazy
Modern Versus Pioneer - Arclight Phoenix | Magic: The Gathering | #mtg #shorts #crazy
Snap Is A Group-Hug Card In EDH!? | Magic: The Gathering | #mtg #shorts #crazy
This Combo Is Not *TECHNICALLY* Infinite...Right!? | Magic: The Gathering | #mtg #shorts #crazy
Hollow One Was An *INSANE* Modern Deck! | Magic: The Gathering | #mtg #shorts #crazy #combo
Modern Control Players Are Stuck in 2015 | Magic: The Gathering | #mtg #shorts #crazy
Burning Inquiry Is The WORST Card TO Play Against! | Magic: The Gathering | #mtg #shorts #crazy
Crimson Acolyte Is An *INSANE* Combat Trick | Magic: The Gathering | #mtg #shorts #tricks
Thalia's Tax Actually Helps Blue Decks!?!? | Magic: The Gathering | #mtg #shorts #wow
Vintage Crab Shack Is So Much Fun! | Magic: The Gathering | #mtg #shorts #vintage
Echoes Of Eternity Is An INSANE Commander Card | Magic: The Gathering | #mtg #shorts #wow #combo
Going Infinite With Basking Broodscale In Pauper | Magic: The Gathering | #mtg #shorts #crazy #combo
Surgical Extraction in EDH!? | Magic: The Gathering | #mtg #combo #crazy #shorts
Haunting Echoes Is Insane In Modern! | Magic: The Gathering | #mtg #mtgmodern #mtgcombo
Giving Bogles Players What They Deserve! | Magic: The Gathering| #mtg #shorts #crazy #skit
Cranial Ram Is Busted - Ban It NOW! | Magic: The Gathering| #mtg #shorts #crazy #insane #combo
Shifting Woodlands Is A *BUSTED* MH3 Card | Magic: The Gathering| #mtg #shorts #crazy #insane #combo
Buried Alive Is *INSANE* - Arclight Phoenix Is Back | Magic: The Gathering | #mtg #shorts #combo
Aluren Is Modern Legal!? - Primal Command Is Crazy! | Magic: The Gathering | #mtg #shorts #combo
Why All That Glitters Is Banned In Pauper | Magic: The Gathering | #mtg #shorts #combo
City Of Brass Is A Tricky Magic Card! | Magic: The Gathering | #mtg #shorts #city
Why Do MTG Players Hate Pauper? | Magic: The Gathering | #mtg #shorts #reaction
Why This Turn One Planeswalker Sucks (Tamiyo Is Bad) | Magic: The Gathering | #mtg #shorts #crazy
Cheating Out Emrakul With Arena of Glory! (MH3 Combos) | Magic: The Gathering | #mtg #shorts #crazy
Cephalid Coliseum For The Win? (Mill For Life!) | Magic: The Gathering | #mtg #shorts #combo
Pauper Walls Combo Is Pretty Meta (DnD Lovers Rejoice!) | Magic: The Gathering | #mtg #shorts #combo
Losing To Death's Shadow For The First Time Be Like | Magic: The Gathering | #mtg #shorts #shadow
Eldrazi EDH Decks Are Broken Now - Ulalek + Zhulodock | Magic: The Gathering | #mtg #shorts #edh
Necropotence Is *ALOT* Better Than Necrodominance | Magic: The Gathering | #mtg #shorts #different
Mana Crypt Makes Your Deck Too Powerful!? | Magic: The Gathering | #mtg #shorts #edh #power
Is Mishra, Artificer Prodigy Boring To Play!? | Magic: The Gathering | #mtg #shorts #edh #power
The Most Busted Cost-Line In Magic!? (Simic) | Magic: The Gathering | #mtg #shorts #edh #thoughts
Is Nadu Too Powerful For EDH!? | Magic: The Gathering | #mtg #shorts #edh #thoughts #combo
Goyf Tribal In EDH!? - Disa the Restless | Magic: The Gathering | #mtg #shorts #edh #thoughts #combo
Cyber Conversion Is *INSANE* Removal In EDH!? | Magic: The Gathering | #mtg #shorts #edh #combo
Is It Better To Lose In Your EDH Games? | Magic: The Gathering | #mtg #shorts #edh #combo #thoughts
Textless Commander Decks - Is It Possible!?| Magic: The Gathering | #mtg #shorts #edh #combo
Is Nadu Just Splinter Twin all Over Again? | Magic: The Gathering | #mtg #shorts #combo #crazy
Maskwood Nexus Is *INSANE* In Disa, The Restless | Magic: The Gathering | #mtg #shorts #edh #combo
Hemlock Vial & Go For The Throat - Assassin's Creed #preview | Magic: The Gathering | #mtg #shorts
Turn Two Win In Modern? - Ruby Storm Is *INSANE* | Magic: The Gathering | #mtg #shorts #combo #wow