Vatican Exposed! Pope Francis' Roman Catholic Church Evil ("LDRCC") In 'Vatican City Exposed' ("LDRCC"), Adam II exposes Pope Francis' Roman Catholic Church of Rome Italy for the evil religious institution it really is, with an Antichrist Pope at St Peter's Basilica and damnable heresy of the Holy See most likely fulfilling end time Bible prophecy. The RCC's false doctrine, hypocrisies, heresies and noteworthy sins are befitting of the Book of Revelation, where John identifies this harlot church as the “Woman Who Rides the Beast” (the beast being world government) and “Whore of Babylon”. Discover her true role biblically, according to a King James Bible, where, ironically, Roman Catholicism falls flat on its face. Not only is the RCC not founded on Peter the Rock, but what Matthew 16:18 really means isn’t that the gates of Hades will not prevail against the church, but those faithful born-again Christians who understand who Jesus is, as Peter once did, and on the contrary, it is this very elect whom the revived Roman Empire of the end-times will persecute (Daniel 7:7 & 7:21). i.e. the roman catholic church, according to the prophecy written in the Bible, is actually the enemy of the Rock, just as it has been to the rest of humanity over the centuries, and that’s a historical fact. The enemy has already established a pagan church shoddily founded on what can only be described as veneration of the dead and a woeful misunderstanding, at best, of what is supposed to be their Rock. Furthermore, the leader of this pagan church has already fulfilled the role of an Antichrist, speaking great blasphemies and attempting to change the word of God, as Daniel 7:25 forewarns. And it is here where many more Antichrists shall attempt to do likewise. So join me now as we embark on this great quest for the truth which many blind lambs to the slaughter foolishly refuse to learn and acknowledge with their incessant denial of the overwhelming evidence. They can live in denial, but the truth shall not be denied. Here it is.