David Icke Exposed! NWO New Age False Prophet & Teacher ("LDIKE")

AdamII.uk David Icke is exposed as an NWO New Age false prophet and teacher of satanic Gnosticism and Luciferian doctrines of devils as the Bible warns. False prophets and teachers are wolves in sheep's clothing who deceive as part of an esoteric agenda to convert people into satanists as Jesus Christ warned in the Gospel. He claimed to be the son of God and may be an MI5 agent. I go through some of his teachings, books and presentations, of which I attended 2: 'The Lion Sleeps No More' and 'Everything You Need to Know' (which excludes any teachings of Jesus whatsoever, of course). He speaks a lot of truth on issues like 5G, transhumanism and the RFID microchip implant, but then it gets really weird with Archons and reptilian lizard people. This man cannot be trusted. Please watch these videos very carefully where I do unfortunately expose this man. It's such a shame. 'Don't like Icke!' #DavidIcke #Icke Adam's Ministry Playlists: LDHEL (Satanic Illuminati Churches Exposed! Hillsong London 2016-19): youtube.com/playlist?list... LDPU5 (End Time Prophecy Update 2015): youtube.com/playlist?list... LDREV (Revelation Explained - Decoding the Book of Revelations): youtube.com/playlist?list... LDPU6 (End Times Bible Prophecies Being Fulfilled 2016): youtube.com/playlist?list... LDPU7 (Bible Prophecy Happening Now 2017): youtube.com/playlist?list... LDMSC (Illuminati Music Exposed! Satanic NWO Songs): youtube.com/playlist?list... LDMIN (Adam's Ministry - Little Donkey Pictures): youtube.com/playlist?list... LDNWO (New World Order Agenda Exposed): youtube.com/playlist?list... LDEGP (Ancient Egyptian Documentary Videos): youtube.com/playlist?list... LDCMD (Comedy Bible Prophecy Movies): youtube.com/playlist?list... LDLAW (The 10 Commandments - Laws of the Bible Explained): youtube.com/playlist?list... LDLOV (Love TV Movies Exposed! Lust Actually): youtube.com/playlist?list... LDJER ('Jericho: Countdown to Oblivion' 2nd Edition Audio/Video Book Commentary): youtube.com/playlist?list... LDSAV (Salvation Bible Study Videos Explained - Getting Saved by Jesus Christ): youtube.com/playlist?list... Email: adamii@gmx.com Please email me or comment below; I would love to hear all your thoughts. LDPIC: youtube.com/channel/UC4KiiWZiKoZuHPyptPj2dLg