JAK Bank Report

A report about Swedish interest-free bank JAK, shot in Germany and Sweden, August 2007. This is a self-financed project, please think to donate or to buy my DVD (containing extras, approximately 2 hours of duration) in order to finance my next report. The DVD is PAL or NTSC format and is available for purchase at www.giorgiosimonetti.net You will find the FULL interviews with: - Margrit Kennedy - Economist (Germany) - Per Almgren - JAK Bank Pioneer (Sweden) - Oscar Kjellberg - JAK Development Director (Sweden) - Johan Oppmark - JAK CEO (Sweden) - Magnus Frank - JAK Bank Manager (Sweden) - Kåre Olsson - Skattungbyn Support Saving (Sweden) - Ann-Marie Svensson - JAK Members Director (Sweden) - Leonardo Becchetti - Banca Etica Ethics Committee (Italy) - Shaji K.J. Kizhakethil - Pakkam village (Kerala-India) - Abd al Haqq Kielan Eskilstuna's Imam (Sweden) Donations&Contacts: www.giorgiosimonetti.net It's forbidden to translate this video in italian, since exclusive copyrights are hold by RAI television. Italian version of this report is available @ www.rai.tv/mpplaymedia/0,,RaiTre-Report^23^85920,00.html