The GoTverse | All Game of Tomes Lore Videos | The Game of Tomes is a game for writers on Twitch that happens simultaneously to National Novel Writing Month "Tome Knights" pick a House to represent, and every 5 days, one House, the House with the lowest cumulative word count, is eliminated. One third of the fallen House are drafted randomly into the Undead Horde, and must continue to write for the Horde for the rest of the competition. The remaining two thirds choose a new House to represent. Only one House (or the Horde) can claim the Iron Tome! Starting from the first competition, we created videos to report on the results. Over time, they developed into their own Game of Tomes Universe. The GoTverse now has its own consistent storyline that evolves as the results of the competition evolve, creating a unique form of interactive fiction that every Tome Knight contributes to. By popular demand, we are posting all the videos that helped to define the GoTverse in the order they appeared, along with any other relevant bits that advanced the plot (ie. many of the opening sequences, some of the filk music that was created.) Most of the characters who appear are based on real people, mostly Twitch streamers, but their histories are who they would be within the context of the GoTverse. Check out the whole playlist at….