The courage to be disliked is a life changing book, if there ever was one.
And I do not say that lightly. As someone who has spent a good few years reading, devouring & digesting multiple non fiction books, of the self help kind, of the philosophy kind, of the psychology kind etc, I have a certain level of discernment now when it comes to recommending books.
This book is, in fact, the most recent addition to my list of favourite books.
In this playlist on the unlearning playground, I wanted to get into a brief summary of what the courage to be disliked is all about and why I recommend it (and in fact also gift it) to almost everyone looking for some must read books.
I also share 4 key powerful unlearnings (read life lessons) I think everyone should gather from this book, so even if I am not able to encourage you enough to pick this book for yourself, at least spend 14 minutes with me on this playlist so that you get a glimpse of the nectar it has to offer.
If I'm able to encourage you enough, please check out the book on Amazon from here -