Autocrats and their censorship tricks
DW Shift
Using AI and robots in the service of religion
AI and its impact on the environment
AI in Animal Conservation
Digital gambling – how great is your risk?
AI and Robot Sounds - music of the future?
AI recipes and robotic chefs: The future of cooking
New technology for blind and visually impaired people
Trust the machine? Robo taxis are in town
Breaking Taboos: AI’s Role in Sexual Health
How AI is Changing our Sex Lives
Beyond the grave: AI and the virtual afterlife
AI in Border Control: Helpful or Harmful?
What will mobility look like in the future?
Can AI replace therapists?
Do dating apps determine whom we love?
Identity theft: How secure is your personal data online?
How Is Artificial Intelligence Changing Football?
AI chatbots — How well do they really understand us?
How AI is changing the music world
Scam Factories in Myanmar: Cyber Slavery
Making city living better
Smart Farming: Tech for sustainable food
AI: Chance or Risk for Your Job?
How wearables are revolutionizing heart health
Immersive art – will it make you like art more?
How social media aids human trafficking and smuggling
How Deepfakes Pose a Threat to Elections
China’s tech takeover: Do we need to worry?
Empowering Women in Tech: Why You're Needed!
RoboCops in Your Neighborhood - Safety or Threat?
Will Flying Cars and Artificial Intelligence solve our Traffic Problems?
VTubers: Rising Stars Between Fandom, Money, and Online Harassment
How Hi-Tech Innovation Can Revolutionize The Stage
Virtual Reality: The Future of Travel?
Are AI and AR the Future of Advertising?
AI — Striking the Balance Between Innovation and Regulation
The Future of Learning: AI, VR, and Digital Tools Redefine Education
Computer Games in the Information War: Exploring the Role of Propaganda and Politics
Alleviating Loneliness in the Digital Age: Robots, Social Media, and Remote Intimacy
Augmenting Your Brain with AI Chips – Crazy or Futuristic?
The Ugly Effects of Internet Trolling and Online Hate Speech
ChatGPT: A Powerful Tool or a Risk for Humanity?
TikTok: Danger or Genius?
Techtopia: Surveillance India
Can Animals Warn us About Earthquakes?
Cybersecurity: Hackers threaten critical infrastructure
Cyber Grooming: A Threat from the Metaverse?
Is AI art conquering the art world and what does it mean for copyrights?
Metaverse – Hype or Digital Revolution?
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The Robots are Coming! Are They More Than a Gimmick?
How Sustainable is 3D Printing?
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Watching This Video in 360p Can Help to Save the World
Real Cyborgs? This is already possible today!
Can AI Create Real Art?
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Robots That Look like Humans | the Fantastic Robots of Hiroshi Ishiguro | Erica, Geminoid & Telenoid
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VR Sex with the Perfect Partner: Opportunity or Risk?
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When apps tell you how to do your job | Digital Control | SHIFT
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[Private video]
How to counter cyber violence against women worldwide