šŸŽ¶ Dance Central Soundtrack (1, 2, 3, Spotlight & Mixed Reality) Music Videos šŸŽ¶

Your mission? To get the party started! Don't forget, the groove is in you! Full Dance Central tracklist also available on Spotify!: open.spotify.com/playlist/3WIJ0xnzmGxM5oKeWfd0io?sā€¦ On this list, you will find all the *original music videos from the routines added in all the Dance Central games! The songs from Dance Central 1, 2 and 3 are listed by difficulty level. After those, the songs from Spotlight are listed alphabetically (by title of the song). And then, the songs from Mixed Reality are listed like the playlist "Dance Central Soundtrack": open.spotify.com/playlist/313aAAQhEDe58ZJ6ACBmiu?sā€¦ Enjoy the playlist for your party, DCI agents! ā™„ *Some songs do not have an official M/V. *For Spotify, some songs are not available, such as: Massive Attack by Nicki Minaj ft. Sean Garrett; Tan Step by M-CUE; Ching-A-Ling by Missy Elliott. #DANCECENTRAL #DANCECENTRAL2 #DANCECENTRAL3 #DANCECENTRALSPOTLIGHT #DANCECENTRALMIXEDREALITY #DANCECENTRALVR #MUSICVIDEO #SPOTIFY #SOUNDTRACK #TRACKLIST #70s #80s #90s #00s