하루, 이틀, 사흘, 나흘...(1day, 2days, 3days, 4days...)
my korean aunt next door
a very short time (방금 Vs 금방)
roughly 대충
Daily Korean: 뭘요 (You are welcome - No need to thank me)
insert 넣다 remove 빼다
벌써 Vs 이미 (Already): ___ 이만큼 자랐어요.
Daily Korean: Past Perfect Tense
Daily Korean: Not
Daily Korean: Present Progressive Tense
A/V-아/어도 되다: 먹어도 돼요.
How to address people: 선생님 (teacher/doctor/sir/madam)
Daily Korean: cannot (못 하다)
아무것도 (nothing)
Daily Korean: 갔어요 & 갔었어요
Korean national flower
Daily Korean: Future Tense
Daily Korean: Past Progressive Tense
secretly 몰래
Daily Korean: Sports in Korean
Daily Korean: Wanted to
Daily Korean: 별말씀을요 (Don't mention it)
Daily Korean: 그만두다 (to stop entirely)
and more 이하 and less 이상 less than 미만 more than 초과
Daily Korean: 아니에요 (You are welcome - No problem)
빨리 quickly 천천히 slowly
Daily Korean: 포장하다 (to take out)
Daily Korean: Be verb+ing
Daily Korean: 그만하다 (to stop)
Daily Korean: It's thundering/lightning.
Daily Korean: 가져가다 (to take out)
Daily Korean: N(으)로 (tool)
Daily Korean Conversation: When
Daily Korean: Taste of Food
Daily Korean: 빼다 (to omit/remove)
#04 나다
Daily Korean: cannnot (Long Form)
Daily Korean: 추천하다 (to recommend)
Daily Korean Conversation:What kind of/What is_like
Daily Korean Conversation: Ordering food
Self-Introduction in Korean_Formal Polite
early/mid/late 초반/중반/후반
Daily Korean Conversation: How long/How much
Daily Korean: 추가하다 (to add)
V-아/어 있다
Noun Modifiers: Adjective-(으)ㄴ
to not work well 안되다
Hold on! Please wait! in Korean
separately 따로
Daily Korean Conversation: How
Daily Korean: 그러면/그럼 (If so)
N(이)나 VS N밖에
Daily Korean: cannot
#03 V-도록 하다
Daily Korean: It's snowing/raining.
Daily Korean: (으)로 (choice)
V-아/어 있다 (Passive Verb)
Daily Korean Expression: Please
Daily Korean Conversation: Always
The difference 나다 & 내다
Daily Korean: Body (Upper)
N 때문에 (because of N)
짜리 Vs 어치
다다음 주 next next week
Daily Korean Conversation: Where
Daily Korean: Not (안)
win 이기다 lose 지다
V-게 되다: 가게 되었어요
Daily Korean: 배우다 & 공부하다
N 덕분에 (thanks to N)
Daily Korean: be good at/be poor at
Daily Korean Conversation: Not at all
by chance 우연히
Korean Honorific: 안녕히 주무세요.
Daily Korean: N(으)로 - transportation
Daily Korean: Want to
이미(Already): 이미 지난 일이에요.
Daily Korean Conversation: Who
Nominalization -(으)ㅁ
Daily Korean: (으)로 (as)
취소하다 Vs 취소되다
A-아어해 보이다
Daily Korean Conversation: Usually
Later 이따가 Vs 나중에
Daily Korean: (으)로 - reason
Daily Korean Expression: Please don't
Daily Korean: 그래도 (But (still))
Pronunciation rule: elimination ㅎ
How to address people: 누나/형 (older sister/brother)
Daily Korean: 그래서 (So/Therefore)
초/중순/말 early/mid/late
Wife/husband 남편 아내 How do they address each other?
Daily Korean: 그리고, A/V고 (And then)
알았어요 & 알겠어요
to go well 잘되다
A/V-겠네요: 맛있겠네요!
Daily Korean Conversation: Which
How to address people: 씨 (Mr./Ms.)
turn on 켜다 turn off 끄다
당분간 for the time being
Daily Korean Conversation: How many
몰라요 Vs 모르겠어요
Korean Honorific: Verbs
increase 늘다 decrease 줄다
Daily Korean: Review (You are welcome )
갔다 오다 to go and come back
Korean Honorifics: 주다/드리다/주시다
Pronunciation Rule: Assimilation
에게 Vs 에
Korean Honorific: 할아버지께서는 교장 선생님이셨어요.
Daily Korean: Not (안 하다)
Korean Culture: 눈치채다
Daily Korean Conversation: How/How about
Daily Korean: 그런데 (By the way)
Daily Korean: Hobby
한테/에게, 한테서/에게서
Idiom - 입이 무겁다/가볍다
제일/가장 (most)
Korean honorific: Verbs
to wear glasses/take off glasses in Korean
A/V-네요: 맛있네요.
Korean Honorific: 할아버지께서 오셨어요
Pronunciation rule: Palatalization
Daily Korean: Not (-지 않아요)
Turn right/left 우회전/좌회전
How to address husband's siblings?
쯤 & 정도
#03 나다 : to flow on the body (sweat, tears, blood)
A/V-았/었/했으면 좋겠다
preference level: 좋아하다-싫어하다
Daily Korean Conversation: What
V-아/어/여 가다: 숙제를 다 해 가요.
N-(이)지요: 어디지요?
Thank you for your effort (when you get off work)
Daily Korean: Heavy rain/snow/flood...
뜨다 (to rise)
취직하다 Vs 취직되다
N 내내 continuously throughout N
V-아/어/여 가다: 책을 다 읽어 가요.
V-아/어 보다: 가 봤어요
-료 (used to mean fee)
V-아/어/여 가다: 방학이 끝나 가요.
준비하다 Vs 준비되다
#02 (이)나: more than expected
A/V-았/었/했으면 좋겠다: hope/wish
Daily Korean: 그치다 (to stop)
Daily Korean: 괜찮아요 (You are welcome - It is okay)
Vocabulary related to 'work'
Daily Korean: Someone wants to
Nominalization A-(으)ㅁ
N-(이)네요: 벌써 12시네요!
suffix -씩
V-아/어 보다: 먹어 보세요
Nominalization V-는 것
put in 넣다 take out 꺼내다
A-(으)ㄴ가요? 바쁜가요?
Tips for the Pronunciation 의
expressing temperature 차갑다-시원하다-미지근하다-따뜻하다-뜨겁다
to wear/take off shoes/gloves in Korean
Daily Korean: 멈추다 (to stop)
Noun modifiers: 읽은 책/읽는 책/읽을 책
whole 전체 part 부분
How to address wife's siblings in Korean?
Daily Korean Conversation: Often
Daily Korean Conversation: Why
by mistake 실수로
생각나다 to come to mind/remember/to think of
Now 지금 Vs 이제
go up 오르다 go down 내리다
알아요 Vs 알겠어요
Sino-Korean Adverb 일단
주차금지 No parking in Korean
다녀오겠습니다 I will go and come back
I will see you tomorrow (when you get off work)
N인지 알아요/몰라요
-비 (used to mean fee/expense)
#01 N(이)나 : or
Korean Honorific: 물어보다/여쭈어보다
How to address people:님 (Honorific suffix)
아끼다 (to save)
A/V-지요: 맛있지요? (It's tasty, isn't it?)
A/V-아/어도 되다: 앉아도 돼요?
Vocabulary related to 'job'
Korean Honorific: Nouns
Self Introduction in Korean_Casual Polite
Daily Korean Conversation: Never
부지런하다 Vs 게으르다
at least 최소 at most 최대
#02 나다: sound/smell
V-지요: Suggesting 식사하시지요
Go straight in Korean