Rockcrystal tuesday! #minerals #crystals #gemstones #gems
Even more rockcrystal tuesday #minerals #crystals #gemstones #gems
Darkest purple fluorite we've found in years! What a beauty! #crystals #gemstones #gems #minerals
Selfcollected purple fluorite crystals on yellow quartz #crystals #gems #gemstones #minerals
Purple fluorites with phantom zoning effect on top of quartz #crystals #minerals #gems #gemstones
Heavy white baryte piece we found last year #crystals #gems #gemstones #minerals
Awesome sugar quartz on top of fluorite crystals #crystals #gems #gemstones #minerals
Dug up this awesome purple fluorite today! #crystals #minerals #gemstones #gems
Quartz hematite geode selfcollected in Germany #crystals #gems #gemstones #minerals
Large smokeyquartz geode we dug up while mining quartz #crystals #minerals #gems #gemstones #geode
Very nice #quartz cluster we found during one of our #crystal #prospecting #mineral trips! 💎 #gems
#amethyst #geode with #calcite #crystals from #germany #idaroberstein! Just a cool piece to have! 🤩
Now that's a triple generation calcite growth! #crystals #gems #gemstones #minerals #prospecting
Amazing pyrite cubes we found in Spain! #crystals #gems #gemstones #minerals
Awesome red hematite quartz on dolomite with amethyst traces 😍 #crystals #gems #gemstones #minerals
Amethyst geode with a massive calcite crystal as a nice surprise! #crystals #gems #minerals
So you like pyrite? Here's another one we dug up in Spain 😍 #crystals #minerals #gems #gemstones
Selfcollected high quality rockcrystal we dug up in Switzerland #crystals #minerals #gems #gemstones
Smokey quartz we found in the Idar Oberstein region of Germany #gems #gemstones #quartz #crystals
Selfcollected purple fluorites after we just finished cleaning 😍#crystals #minerals #gems #gemstones
Another hematite with rutile on quartz from Switzerland 😍 #crystals #gemstones #minerals #gems
Red rutile crystals on hematite and quartz from Switzerland #crystals #gems #minerals #gemstones
Did you see this purple fluorite we dug up after cleaning? 😍 #crystals #minerals #gems #gemstones
Nice #amethyst #smokeyquartz #calcite combination in a lovely #geode from #idaroberstein #germany
Quartz and calcite crystals freshly cleaned 🥰 #crystals #minerals #gemstones #gems #jewellery
Triple calcites on matrix we dug up this weekend 🥰 #crystals #minerals #gems #gemstones
Pyrite crystals from Navajun Spain selfcollected 🥰 #crystals #minerals #gems #gemstones
Purple fluorite crystals turn out nicely after a good clean 😍 #crystals #minerals #gems #gemstones
Blue fluorite crystals covered in white quartz selfcollected 🥰 #crystals #minerals #christmas #gems
Amethyst geode from famous Steinbruch Juchem selfcollected 🥰 #crystals #minerals #gems #trending
Purple fluorites looking absolutely amazing! Selfcollected 🥰 #crystals #minerals #gems #trending
Herkimer Diamonds? Yes but we found these in Europe instead 🥰 #crystals #gems #minerals #viral
Pyrite crystal cubes from Navajun Spain look so unreal 🥰 #crystals #minerals #gems #viral #trending
Calcite covered with small chalcopyrite crystals 🥰 #crystals #minerals #gems #viral #trending
Purple fluorites on quartz from our visit to France 🥰 #crystals #minerals #gems #trending #viral
Beautiful large calcite crystal selfcollected last year 🥰 #crystals #minerals #gems #viral #trending
Calcite with pyrite crystals we found ourselves 🥰 #crystals #minerals #gems #viral #trending
Black baryte crystals on matrix selfcollected 🥰#crystals #minerals #gems #trending #gemstones
Quartz hematite goethite combination we found last year 🥰 #crystals #minerals #gems #viral #trending
Purple fluorite crystals on green quartz 🥰 Selfcollected #crystals #minerals #gems #trending #viral
Rockcrystal on matrix we dug up in Switzerland 🥰 #crystals #minerals #gemstones #trending #viral
Dug up smokey quartz geode! 🥰 #geode #crystals #minerals #gems #viral #trending #shorts
Surprise #geode opened after cutting #crystals #agate #amethyst #trending #viral #gems #calcite
Rockcrystal clusters on fluorescent calcite crystals #minerals #geode #crystals #viral #trending
Baryte crystals geode look like white flowers 🥰 #crystals #gems #mining #viral #shorts #trending
Red calcite crystals covered in gold pyrite 🥰 #crystals #gems #gemstones #minerals #viral #trending
Purple fluorite crystals covered in small quartz 🥰 #crystals #gems #gemstones #minerals #love #viral
Surprise #geode with #amethyst #smokeyquartz and #agate found in #germany! #viral #gems ##crystals
Beautiful calcite crystals look amazing after cleaning 🥰 #crystals #gems #gemstones #minerals #viral
#surprise geode! it's #calcite we found! #crystals #trending #minerals #crystal #viral #gems #rocks
Found these crystals hiding in a crate and finally cleaned them 😍 #crystals #minerals #gems #shorts
Quartz geode we dug up in the woods 🥰 #crystals #minerals #gold #viral #trending #shorts
Beauty #surprise geode from the famous Juchem quarry 🥰 #gems #crystals #minerals #viral #trending
#surprise geode! Het is een #calcite die we zelf vonden! #crystals #trending #minerals #viral #gems
Digging crystals is the best job in the world! 🥰 #crystals #gems #minerals #viral #trending
Quartz goethite geode found while digging for fluorite 😳😳😳 #gems #crystals #viral #trending #geode
True love of two smokey quartz geodes form a heart ❤️ #love #crystals #minerals #viral #reels #gems
We dig for crystals and show you how! Subscribe to see more 🥰 #gems #minerals #crystals #subscribe
Fluorite crystal digging in these multiple veins with pockets 🥰 #crystals #gems #minerals #viral
Cleaned this selfcollected purple fluorite today! What a find 🥰 #viral #story #crystals #gems #love
Sparkling drusy quartz geode specimen we've found 💎 #viral #story #quartz #geode #crystals #minerals
Beautiful rockcrystal quartz specimen we've found 💎 #viral #story #quartz #geode #crystals #minerals
Digging crystals in de mountains this week! Fluorite crystals today 🥰 #gems #crystals #viral #geode
Just dug up this awesome quartz crystal! Looks like a gwindel 🥰 #gems #crystals #geode #viral
Icelands most common cool rock: lavastone! #gems #crystals #viral #geode #shorts #lava #basalt
Look what we found! Just gotta love Switzerland 🥰 #gems #geode #viral #minerals #crystals #shorts
Crystals digging looks easy! Oh you have to climb mountains? 🥰 #gems #crystals #geode #viral #shorts
Quartz smokey crystal dug up just now and it is sooooo clear 🥰 #gems #crystals #viral #geode #shorts
This is insane! We never found crystals this big before! #gems #geode #minerals #viral #story
Ever seen a rock half rockcrystal and half smokeyquartz? 🥰 #gems #crystals #geode #viral #shorts
Wow! Surprised to find this huge smokey quartz covered piece 🥰 #gems #minerals #geode #viral #shorts
Beautiful large quartz rock crystal on matrix 🥰 #crystals #minerals #gems #geode #viral #shorts
Quartz rock crystal dug up just now and it has two sides 🥰 #gems #crystals #viral #geode #shorts
Calcite crystal locked in between a geode shape, looks like the Eye Of Sauron! 🥰 #geode #gems #viral
Digging crystals in the mountains is so addicted! 🥰 #crystals #minerals #viral #geode #gems
Huge crystals! We had such a lucky day finding these calcites 😍 #gems #geode #viral #crystals
Regenboog kleuren pyriet kristal gevonden! #gems #crystal #crystals #shorts #pyrite #rainbow #viral
Nice selfcollected quartz with hematite tourmaline rutile 🥰 #crystals #gems #shorts #viral #minerals
Wow 😍😍 Opening these insane beautiful quartz geodes today! #crystals #minerals #geode #story #viral
Golden pyrite crystals on the display shelf. How amazing! #crystals #minerals #geode #story #viral
Look at that clear shiny calcite crystal floater! Awesome find 🤩 #crystals #minerals #viral #gems
Dug up a random rock but its full of calcite crystals 😍 #crystals #minerals #gems #shorts #viral
Wow! We dug up this druzy white quartz on fluorite crystals 😍😍😍 #crystals #minerals #story #viral
Dug up these purple and red fluorite crystals last year 🥰 #crystals #gems #shorts #viral #minerals
We dig crystals in Europe so this song matches our videos 🥰 #music #crystals #minerals #viral
Surprise geode! Amethyst from Idar-Oberstein! #crystals #minerals #geology #amethyst #geode #agate
Smoky quartz crystals on matrix with hematite #crystals #minerals #gems #gemstones #nature #quartz
And Rohan will answer! 🥰 #crystals #minerals #gems #lotr #story #viral
They are taking the crystals to Isengard! #crystals #gems #lotr #shorts #viral
So many crystals 🥰 And it took us 5 seasons of digging! #crystals #minerals #viral #shorts #gems
We found this big calcite crystal last week 🥰 #crystals #minerals #shorts #viral #dualipa #gems
This is what a crystal pocket looks like, filled with calcite #crystals 🥰 #minerals #viral #shorts
First day of a new crystal prospecting season and we found this 🥰 #crystals #gems #shorts #viral
What!! We just dug up this huge cathedral smokey quartz cluster 🥰 #crystals #minerals #viral #story
Found this today! Fluorite crystals covered in sugar quartz 🥰 #crystals #gems #rocks #viral #shorts
Beautiful quartz crystal cluster which we dug up a few years ago 🥰 #crystals #gems #viral #story
Green chlorite covered smokey quartz crystals from Switzerland! 🥰 #crystals #gems #minerals #story
Cleaned crystals today that we dug up ourselves 🥰 #crystals #gems #mineral #reels #viral
Found this blue grey calcite flower, how cool is this piece! 🥰 #crystals #gems #minerals #story
Blue calcite crystal flower! #gems #crystals #minerals #geology #rocks #calcite #viral #reels
Rock crystal quartz so clear that you can look straight through it 🥰 #crystals #gems #gold #viral
Just dug up these calcite crystals with freckles! Probably pyrite 🥰 #crystals #reels #viral #gems
First visit to the French Alps and found this awesome rockcrystal 🥰 #crystals #gems #story #viral
OMG! 🥰 Crystals Digging In Switzerland Alps And Then This Happens! #crystals #gems #trending #quartz
Awesome! Smoky Quartz Crystals We Dug Up In Germany! Such Nice Dark Color 🥰 #gems #crystals #shorts
Still Dirty! But These Crystals We Dug Up Are Looking Amazing! 🥰 #crystals #minerals #shorts #viral
Bad Weather But Lets Prospect For Crystals Anyway 🥰 #crystals #gems #minerals #viral
Crystals Straight Out Of The Mountains! Its Pocket In The Background 🥰 #crystals #minerals #shorts
Crystal Digging Season Is Ending But What An Awesome Way To Close It! #crystals #gems #viral #shorts
Look At These Crystals That We Found! #crystals #minerals #gems
Shall I Quit My Job And Just Focus On Digging Crystals Instead? #crystals #minerals #gems
These Fluorite Crystals Covered In Quartz Are Simply Amazing! #crystals #minerals #gems
Just Found This Large Smokey Quartz Crystal Up The Mountains #crystals #minerals #gems
We Found Little Cute Smokey Quartz Crystals On The Mountain! #crystals #minerals #gems
Look At These Crystals That We Found! #crystals #minerals #gemstone