Empire State Maker Faire 2020

The first Empire State Maker Faire was held virtually on October 16th and 17th, 2020. This showcase, organized by local producers throughout New York State, shared the creative work and technical know-how of all kinds of makers who share a passion for making. The event featured demonstrations, performances and how-to workshops – everything from robotics to woodworking to flaming art. Empire State Maker Faire was free and open to the public. On Friday, October 16th, the event focused on content aimed at young makers, youth educators, and inspiring the next generation of makers. On Saturday, October 17th, we featured a wide range of maker content for all ages. Empire State Maker Faire is presented by the producers of Maker Faires in Rochester, Long Island, Buffalo, Fredonia, Twin Tiers, Syracuse, and World Maker Faire, in conjunction with Make: Community (make.co/)