Real Ufo's Lifting Off from the Moon's Surface
Bruce Sees all
Large Living Organism in Moon's Atmosphere & Ufo Comes down to See Me #alien #ufo #uap
Massive Asteroid or Meteor Flies by the Sun Bruce Sees All Youtube channel
Sun Spots November 2023 Live Footage Solar Radiation
Ufo comes out of Copernicus crater Leaked Video #aliens #ufos #uap #themoon #fulldisclosure
Incredible & Rare Ufo Sightings on the Moon Being Hidden #aliens #ufosightings #uap #viralvideo
WOW Strong Magnification of the Moon with Large Telescope
What's Wrong with Youtube's Counter? link to Pat's channel in description
Whistleblower gets Shadowbanned for Showing These Structures & Ufo's on the Moon LOOK AT THAT!
Smoke or Clouds on the Moon Going By overEratosthenes Crater
Closest Live View of the Dobbs Object Being Followed by Several Ufo's #Dobbsobject #ufo #uap
Ufo's Launching from Canada Unidentified Anomalous Phenomena #moon #fulldisclosure #aliens
Alien Transluminescent Organisms or Objects in the Moon's Atmosphere #moon #fulldisclosure #aliens
Double Lunar Wave or RIpple Travelling Over the Moon - Fast Radio Burts? #moon #fulldisclosure
Large Object like oumuamua Smashes Onto the Moon #moon #fulldisclosure #aliens #Oumuamua #ufo
Massive Geometrical Rectangle shows a Manipulation of the Surface Terrain of the Moon #moon base
Ufo Shooting Projectiles on the Moon's Suurface Real Live Telescope Footage #fulldisclosure #aliens
Are Aliens on Earth to Fight Off the Bad Rulers of This World? #moon #fulldisclosure #aliens
a Real High Tower on the Moon Exposed in the Southern Highlands #aliens #moon #fulldisclosure
I Ask a Ufo To Impress Me & Flyaway And IT DOES #aliens #ufo #fulldisclosure
Ufo Taking Off From The Moon's Surface Strong Magnification View Live #aliens #ufo
Sinus Iridum Constructed Objects with Lines Impressive Structures
The Real Dark Triangle Ufo Flies by the Sun Live view #darktriangle #aliens #ufo
Copernicus crater on the Moon Exposed real Construction
Constructed Objects On The Moon No FIltering just Strong Magnification
a Ufo Comes Down To Me from the Sky 15 feet away Real Infrared Ufo Sighting #ufo #aliendisclosure
Real Starlink Satellite Train over Montreal Quebec 120 Satellites #starlink #satellites
Tic Tac shaped Ufo enters Earth's Orbit & Burns Up or Disappears #tictac #ufo #spacedebris
Object Fying by the Sun On FIre and tumbling
Uap's Lifting up by the Hundreds all at the same time Timelapse #aliens #ufo
Clouds & Ufo's on the Moon Closest View of Eratosthenes crater
Spaceship Looking Massive Object on the Moon's Surface Colours & Built Structures
The Most Colour You WIl Ever See on The Moon No Filters Natural Colours
Taurus Littrow Valley Manipulated Surface Apollo 17 landing Site? #aliens #alien #moon
Real Built Lunar Massive Structures Strong Magnification on the Moon #aliens #alien #moon
Ufo's Reply Back to my Strong Green Laser Pointer Flahses me Hello
Objects on FIre Flying by the Sun 2023
Massive Explosion inside of our Milky way Infrared Camera Live View Incredible #aliens #alien
Clouds Rolling Over High Lunar Mountain Regions & Massive Red Light Appears and Turns Off #themoon
Daytime Ufo's Fimed with a Nikon P900 regular camera #aliens #alien #moon
Ufo's & Living Large Organisms & Firing On the Moon Lunar Battles #aliens #alien #moon #Uap
Let There Be Light - an Eccentric Energy Experiment for those Curious of the Unknown #Energy
Massive Explosion On The Sun LIVE Spaceship or Plasma Exits the Sun #aliens #space #astronomy #Nasa
Real Constructed Moon Base or Industrial Mining inside of Sinus iridum LOOK! #aliens #nasa
The Bell Structure on the Moon - filmed by Bruce Swartz South of Copernicus crater #aliens #moon
Ufo Exits the Moon's Surface through a Massive Opening & Lands further away #aliens #moon #nasa
Ufo's Lift Up from the Surface of Earth in Groups -342 ufo's in two hours #aliens #ufo #uap
Nibiru Planet Passing by The Sun? We See Clouds Between Me & the Object #Nibiru #wormwood #planet9
Massive Pipe or Line With Smoke Coming Out of It & Ufo Presence near Plato crater #aliens #ufo
Very Strong Magnification of a Triangular Shape in the Center of a Crater #aliens #space #themoon
Strongest Magnification Showing Two Bridges on the Moon & Lines connected to Power Surces #aliens
Incredible Close Up Telescope Magnification of Real Buildings & Tunnels joining craters on the Moon
Water Near Copernicus crater I was told to SHUT UP Most Colourful View of the Moon's Surface
Strong Magnification of Mare Crisium Along the Terminator Line with a Strong Telescope
EXTREME ZOOM on the MOON Live Closer View of Mare Crisium Right on the Surface
Constructed Lines Many Miles Long Running Side by Side Across these Lunar Craters #fakemoonlanding
Super Sonic Ufo Fleet & Several Space Craft with Smoke coming from them on the Moon & One Explodes
a Sad but Funny Video
Extreme Close Up Tycho crater & Mysterious Lines leading to Anomalies #moon #space
Spacecraft Leaves the Moon & Heads for the Constellation of Taurus Infrared ufo sighting #aliens
Pipe or Tunnel Leaves Tycho crater and Enters Center of the Neighbouring Crater & like a Pipeline
Stationary UFO in the Sky Takes Off like a Bat outta Hell in Splits in Two #aliens #infrared
Large Living Organisms that look like they are swimming or flying into craters on the Moon #aliens
Real War on the Moon - Ufo's being Shot at from the Moon's Surface All out War #aliens #moon
Ufo Explodes on the damn moon Strong Magnification Closest View #aliens #moon #space #ufo #cia
Crazy Video Massive Objects Smashes into the Moon and Causes Huge Explosion #aliens #moon #space
Elongated Object like Oumuamua Smashes into the Moon & I Filmed Many Frames of it Catching on FIre
Spectacular Live view of Debris from a Spacecraft Caught in space with Infrared Spectrum #nasa
Rare Exclusive Secret Video Ufo's & Flying Living Beings in the Moon's Atmosphere Why Is it BLOCKED?
First Ufo Birth a Ufo Spits Out a Ufo as big as itself on the Moon - Are You my Mommy?
Live View of an Explosion or flash of Light as a Ufo Goes to another area on the moon I caught it
UFO on the Moon Powers Up & Illuminates the Whole Surface + Ufo Fleet Travels Across the Moon FAST
The Moon Being Bombed in Live Video Leaked Footage by Bruce Swartz Where the Hell Is Everyone?
Two Uap's Collide in the sky & the Larger Uap Consumes the smaller Uap & I Caught a Massive FLASH
UAP Phenomena Infrared Camera Divisions of Ufo's Lift up from Low in the Sky
Long Straight Line connected to COpernicus and leads to a Bright BLUE Spot on the Moon
Moon Critters & this is the Real Thing - Closest View of the Moon's Surface Beings Interacting
Bianchini crater City on the Surface of The Moon Thousands of Anomalies
Ufo Drops something in Lunar Atmosphere & it Ignites & Burns + Ufo's Taking off from the Moon
Massive Object Hits the Moon Strong Magnification & I Show Every Live Frame we see it Burning Up
Greenery Around Lunar craters & Inside of Aristarchus crater - a Movement of Lights under a Haze
Three Ufo's or one Tethered Object flies across the moon and I caught it
Rarest Moon Video on Youtube The World Has To See Living Creatures & Ufo's in the Moon's Atmosphere
Spacecraft On the Moon -Thrusters Flare Up as the Spacecraft Dips it's Nose into Moon's Atmosphere
Ufo Fleet Flies By and a Ufo Comes out of a Hole on the Moon & Joins the Fleet at High Rates of Spee
What Is This in the Lunar Atmosphere? I respect your Opinions
Mysterious Living Anomaly in Moon's Atmosphere... letting off a Gas -Interacting with the Atmosphere
Ufo's -Projectiles on Fire as Ufo Fleet flies by in formation and Illuminates the Moon -Lunar Wars
Live Two Different Types of Spacecraft on the Moon & I show the Beings Working in the moon's Atmosph
Three Ufo's in formation Slowed Down & Strong Magnification + Ufo Turns around & I filmed it
Real Ufo Comes Down To Shine 15 Feet Away from Me Original Video with audio & Breaks my camera
UFO's or Unknown Phenomena Exits from Copernicus Crater - Strong Magnification on the surface
Unknown Entity on the Moon stops & changes directions flying through the Lunar Clouds
Great Balls of Fire a Giant Ball of Plasma Shoots out of the Sun during CME LIVE FOOTAGE!
On The Moon UFO CHEMTRAILING or Spraying the Lunar Atmosphere The Only Video on Any Media Platform
Two Ufo Divisions of Three Lights Lift up from the Ground Level on Earth & I filmed it in Infrared
T R 3 B - the Real Dark Triangle Flies by the Sun at High Rates of Speed CLARIFIED & Live Close Up
Black Pyramids on the Moon or Shadows? - You be the Judge
Short BLOOPER from Bruce Sees All channel - First Time I saw the Telescope LMAO What's That button?
Triangular Shape on the Lunar Surface with straight edges
a UFO Firing Out Something & Massive Explosion on the Moon shows me other ufo flying by
I Went To Space & Jumped off of a Platform....Last Time!
CLOSEST VIEW of THE TOWER on the Moon's Surface filmed by Bruce Swartz
Biological Creatures Expanding & Contracting In the Lunar Atmossphre Casting shadow on surface
Living Organisms & Ufo's Possibly fighting on the surface of the Moon and Nobody knows it
Ufo's only seen with the Infrared camera come up from below the tree lines one after the other
INCREDIBLE Ufo's Shooting under the hazes on the Moon's Surface BANNED Video
Live View with a large telescope on the Moon's Surface Aristarchus crater Activity & Movement
Mons Argaeus & Taurus Littrow Valley Strong Magnification with a 14 inch Telescope in Negative
Ufo Folds Itself Up & Disappears You can't Make This Up - Infrared Capture by Bruce Swartz
Two Ufo's Interacting One Flares Up and causes a Frequency Disturbance & I filmed it in Infrared
a Revealing Lunar Surface showing the Entire Group of Connected Massive Constructed Platforms
Proof Easily shown that I film Ufo's and Not Satellites because Satellites don't Stop and Hover
Never Before Seen Flying Creatures in Aristarchus crater & Moving Lights
Ufo Flashes me and it's a HUGE flash Did not look like the sun flickering at Midnight
Planet Going by the Sun or Massive Ball of Plasma Ejecting from it Clouds between me & the Object
This is before it's time to come out Flying Creatures on the Moon & they are HUGE! #aliens #nasa
If not Ufo's or Light beings could this be energy coming from the moon? Like a Spacecraft?
Tycho crater Construction Massive Piplines leaving crater one enters other crater #aliens #nasa
Explosions on Planet Venus seen through the Infared Spectrum Spectacular Light Radiates from Venus
Ufo's Lifting up from low over the Ground Real Infrared Video Research by Bruce Swartz Over 340 ufo'
Space Creatures... Real Living Organisms in Space around the Moon Research by Bruce Swartz
Massive Anomaly on the Moon - Thousands of feet High & We can See Through it - Strong Zoom
Recognizing Ufo's Lifitng up Off of the Moon Very Faraway Max Zoom - (1 mile wide)
Massive Plume of Smoke Spewing out of a ufo on the Moon Interacting with the Lunar Atmosphere
Most Incredible Ufo Fleet Taking Off from the Surface of the Moon in all their Glory by Bruce Swartz
How does someone share with the World that they are capable of filming Hovering Ufo's everynight
I bring you into my Editor & I Show Everything the Governments are trying to Hide from You
Debris or Ufo's in the Lunar Atmosphere Brought you right into my Editor - research by Bruce Swartz
Sneaky Ufo's beside the moon that I FIlm & Observe them with my Infrared camera
Ufo Gets Shot at & I filmed the Fragments Flying Over the Surface of the Moon Whistleblower Edition
Is this a Massive Ufo Taking from the Moon? or Was it a Blast from the Surface
Ufo's Touching the Surface landing from Mountain To Mountain in a Flash Private Research in Ufology
Illuminating Creature on the Moon Enters near Copernicus crater on the Moon research by Bruce Swartz
UFO Takes Off We See Propulsion System Heat Signatures - this would Take Terra Hertz of Energy
UFO's EXPLODE when they take off or is this a Lunar Defence System? research by Bruce Swartz
Complex misunderstood system on the Moon & Hiding under Thick Smoke Revealed by Bruce Swartz
Top Secret Research Ghost like Entity on the Moon Travels Over Illuminated Stationary Objects
3 Stationary Objects on the surface in Trinagules Formation & same formation Flying By on the Moon
This is how FAR and SMALL the ufo's on the moon are that I show BEFORE Zooming In Raw Editing
Incredible Fluorescent Gas is Let Off by Two Moving Anomalies in the Lunar Atmosphere LIVE
Cigar Shaped Ufo Seen Travelling North from Mare Serenitatis Through The Lunar Atmosphere
Strongest Magnification - Living Entity Expanding & Contracting on the Moon - Space Jellyfish Swim
Ufo Spraying the Moon Never Before Way of Seeing the Surface of the Houston We Have Finally Landed
Massive Steaming Entities on the Moon? Could they be Hiding & what is causing at bright surface?
Two Satellite Trains in Infrared SHowing how SMALL & Faraway they Are & they don't look like Ufo's
Green Patches Sporadically. Appear Around the crater's edges - What do you think it could be?
Raw footage of a Ufo Fleet crossing over the Moon at High Rates of Speed Filmed in the Daytime
massive Red flashing light that I filmed on the moon Flaring up and Down - Light Guiding System?
a Brief but Clear Directional Change from a Ufo - caught in Flight with an Infrared camera
A Ufo Hovering over the Moon's Surface & gets Shot at Live Clear rare Telescope Footage HELLO!
Unidentified Intelligent Beings in Ufo's with Search Lights Exploring the Moon ONLY SHOWN HERE
If this is a Living Organism on the Moon What is That Fluorescent Gas it's letting off
Massive Nuclear Sized Explosion Impact on The Moon LIVE Close Up Footage
Ufo lanches something on the Moon's Surface and I caught It
Copernicus Crater Close Up & Colours on the Moon with a 14 inch HD Telescope
the Winged Anomaly another view of it hitting the Moon with massive Plume that lifts up
Massive Object spirals out of control before it hits the Moon Close Up View
Various Living Organisms letting of Gasses in the Lunar Atmosphere Is This Why The Moon is Smoky?
Lunar Craters LIVE exhausting Plumes of Smoke is it the creatures or Industries letting off smoke
Bianchini crater City & Real Built Structures Massive Infrastructure
Scariest Constructed Objects on the Moon shown by a Strong Magnification of the Moon's surface
NEW Structures & Construction On The Moon - Exposing The Moon's Surface one structure at a time
Real Moon Bases in Telescope Images Close Up & How To See the Bases
Ships carrying Cargo across the Moon? or Secret Projects? Are they Hovering or Flying through Oxygen
Lines Constructed running Over a Built Object Inside of a double crater in the Southern Highlands
Strong Zoom on Clavius Crater & crater with Line Entering it - Live 14 inch Telescope View
Lunar Bases With Constructed Large Panels All over the Moon's Surface filmed by Bruce Swartz
Moon Bases & the Real Surface of the Moon & don't click away from this one - I Dare you to Watch
Galileo 1 B/T Eyes in the Sky my large Telescope
Energy being Created on the Moon is it Nuclear or Alien?
Ufo Sighting Infrared spectrum - a larger Ufo consumes a Smaller Ufo when they Meet up and Collide
Ufo Splits in Two after it takes off on Camera at high speeds Infrared spectrum Strong Magnification
Meteor or Asteroid Hits the Darkside of the Moon & I filmed It Live with a 14 inch Telescope
Incredible Copernicus crater along the Terminator Line & All the Colours on the surface of the Moon
Coronal Mass Ejection Brakes through Sun's Magnetic Field & Plasma Ejects from the Sun
Theophilus Crater and Manipulated Lines running through neighbouring the craters Strong Zoom
Towering Objects Rising off of the Moon's Surface with a shadow & Mysterious Object in crater
Emergency - Largest Industrial Moon Base Found on the Moon inside of the Sinus Iridium Mountains
Debris or something Flying that appeared on Camera Looked large while filming the Moon
One of 2 Massive Cnstruction in SInus Iridum Mountains Looks Like Storage Units Miles Long
Several Unknown Spacecraft with Propellant Seen at the back in the Moon's Atmosphere Crazy Close Up
Massive Lunar Construction Lines for Miles long running into the Moon & Real Structures
Black Tower Right On Plato crater Image & Live Video Close Up with a 14 inch Telescope
Ufo travelling in the Moon's Atmosphere - Zoomed into the Fuzz near Copernicus crater
Tunnels or Pipelines CUT OUT and CHANGED On The Moon - They are working on the Moon
Massive Buildings or Constructed Object on the Moon in the Southern Highlands Exposed This is CrazY!
NEW Never Before Seen Lunar Surface Cities Constructed & Overwhelming Size & Scale - Inhabited Moon
Space Debris in Lower Earth Orbit
Planet Sized Object or Ball of Plasma Ejecting from the Sun LIVE VIEW closest Shown
a Real Chevron Over the Sun Looks Like a Spaceship It's Whiter than the Clouds the Dobbs?
Moon People Fly BY LOOK AT THEM GO - Ufo Fleet on the Moon filmed by Bruce Swartz
UFO Descends under the Veil changes shape and form & it Looks Alive
Strong Zoom onto the Moon's Surface Live showing MAssive Pipes or lines entering craters
Black Pyramids or Triangles big and small Perfectly shaped on the Moon near cassini crater
Lunar Industrial Complex Pipes & Tunnels Way Up in the Apennine Mountains Highest point on the Moon
Ufo Beams a light into the Moon's Atmosphere and turns it's Beam revealing the Haze
Ufo's interacting with the Lunar Surface in Broad Daylight not hiding & I caught Them
Cement or Glass Cities on the Moon This Will Go Viral Clearest View of Construction by Bruce Swartz
Object with Rocket Flame at the back Hits the Sun and came out or skimmed the other side with STREAK