Why is Kendall Jenner offended by nepotism?
Money with Katie
Why Investing In Your 401(k) is Like Getting a Raise
Why you should never accept the first offer
When the budget doesn't make sense...again
How Bill Bengen organizes historical returns data
Budget Breakdown: Carrie Bradshaw
My experience with being taxed on dividends
How Pet Insurance Actually Works
Why you should rebalance your brokerage account
How MLMs Use "Feminism" To Attract Women
A huge tax mistake you could make with your RSUs
What Zendaya Can Teach Us About Negotiating
How to use your ESPP
POV: A millennial who did all the right things
The comments salary transparency videos need to stop
Why the S&P 500 isn't a "safe" investment
today's housing market at couples therapy
Credit card concierges: The most underutilized perk
so, about government handouts...
How I convince myself not to buy expensive things
Kim Kardashian's SEC Fine: Depression Math
Why you should get long-term disability insurance
Exactly what my wedding cost
The type A family member during the holidays
Are half of young people still living with their parents?
Why do rich people cosplay poverty?
Gen Z's retaliation to hustle culture
Personal finance creator follows me around for a day
What the WGA Writers Strike Teaches Us About Negotiation
The Office - International Edition
Here's My Beef with Quiet Quitting
How You Can Maximize Your Roth IRA Returns
2 Reasons the Roth IRA is Baller for Retirement
Quizzing people in the office about personal finance
Taylor Swift's "The Man" inspired me
New Year's the last few years
people mad about taylor swift shown at games 🤝 people mad about women's sports coverage
Maxing Out Your Roth IRA Like...
Are most millionaires actually self-made?
How much do you need to earn to be a Millennial 1%er?
Why Having More Money Won't Solve Your Problems
3 Years of Money with Katie | Part 2
Is Most Personal Finance Advice...Wrong?
What Ramit Sethi Wants You to Know About Money
The true power of compound interest
Should you indulge in lifestyle creep?
Does Influencer Marketing Actually Work?
Why "75K is Enough for Happiness" Is Wrong
The Met Gala makes HOW MUCH?!
What to Know About High Cost-of-Living Areas
Why you should de-compartmentalize your life
Deal with mansplaining & financial ignorance? You need this
What is to blame for the high number of millennials living with their parents?
How Many Jobs Have Wall St Bonuses Killed?
"self-care" products are made to make us look better
How A Disability Cost Kelsey $100K In One Year
You are not for everybody
I'm really relaxed and easygoing #budget
Ways to help with the cost of fertility treatments
GRWM: "No Spend Day"
How I booked a $7K flight for free
Turns out money can buy happiness
A credit card perk you may not know about
Don't forget about your 1099-DIV forms like I did 🙃
So you're still thinking of me
Why I'm Glad I Invested Through This Bear Market
Ways to advocate for fertility benefits
PSA: The One MISTAKE I See With Brokerage Firm Investments
3 Years of Money with Katie | Part 1
Young people aren't living at home to buy luxury goods
What You Can Learn From This Creator's Multimillion Dollar Business
4 Tips for Switching Jobs
"Nobody wants to get rich slow"
Should taxes scare you from investing?
You may be closer to your long-term goals than you think 🤔
My first PG&E bill 🙃
The Hardest Part of Shifting My Money Mindset After College (Part 1)
Bad advice from billionaires
Recession "tips"
The US has had universal child care in the past, can it happen again?
The Trick to a Successful Salary Negotiation
The Hardest Part of Shifting My Money Mindset After College (Part 2)
Investing in the bear market
Why you shouldn't wash your clothes after every time you wear them
My biggest personal takeaway of 2022
How some small wage gains are hurtful, not helpful
2024 is the year you take control of your finances
Personal finance: expectation vs. reality
Make Less Than $200K? Thank Wage Stagnation!
How retirement as we know it came to be
Today's Fed rake hike may be different than the rest...
merry goopmas!!
How MLMs Use "Feminism" to Target Stay-at-Home Moms
This celebrity's money doesn't make any sense
Here's The Right Time to Insure Your Pet
How Our Tax Dollars Subsidize Walmart's Profits
Goopified Self-Care
Do you wish you could go back in time and invest?
What are ISOs and how can you use them?
my new free masterclass on reaching FI
The Top Performing Indices From The Last 20 Years
Why are 52% of young people living at home?
My biggest regret from being extremely fiscally responsible
How Universal Child Care Could End MLMs
Ramit Sethi's "I've made it!" Moments
Know this song? Time to open a Roth IRA
Will this time be different? And what to do.
Are infrastructure stocks a good investment?
Sometimes productive paranoia is a good thing!
Who is in the middle class?
Is the market turning away from growth stocks?
My income journey
What your save rates says about how long you have to keep working
How we're going to feel "pain" according to the Fed
What needs to change to help those in the low-wage cycle
Bill Bengen's original "determining safe withdrawal rates"
How much can you REALLY make investing in the S&P 500?
A "woo-woo" money manifestation tip | Shorts
Little life upgrades are worthwhile!
2022: The year of financial karma
Mean Girls x Money with Katie
My Biggest Takeaway From October
What is a 1099-R?
YOLO or Save In Your 20s?
My 2022 stock market takeaway
Travel Hacking: US to Europe in Business Class
Small changes that can make workplaces more accommodating
The 2 layers of the monetization of "self"
89% of Americans believe they're middle class
4 questions to ask yourself to help make meaningful changes
Side Hustle Girlies: A Hack to Lower Your 2022 Tax Bill
Preview: If you had to pick...a victor mindset or a victim mindset?
Anyone else got a case of the Mondays?
5 questions to ask before you move to a city
Reflecting On The Last 2 Years
Remember: Life is kinda like an index fund
Modern air travel is a perfect allegory for America today
A conversation with the US healthcare system
Why you should invest in your 401(K)
Why you should be balancing financial striving with romanticizing your life
The "Funnel of Financial Privilege"
An easy 1% life change
Why You Don't Need a 6-figure Salary To Be a Millionaire
A Story About Perfectionism
Make your own luck
Why you should invest in your "Mundane Wednesday"
A gentle reminder | Shorts
A quick tax break if you don't have an employee-sponsored retirement plan
Oursource or DIY?
Preview: The most important key for your financial outcomes
Can't take a vacation right now? Try THIS instead #traveltips
Being "assertive" doesn't work for women
How to make financial progress while still enjoying life
Reading mean comments
Will your tax bill go up with student loan forgiveness?
Bonds are back!
Things to consider before you start investing
Who pays the price for rock-bottom prices?
My Income Journey
July Budget Breakdown
Selling Sunset: Millennial Edition
Crypto Bros & Gen Z TikTok Socialists (part 2)
Splurge vs. sacrifice
How I'm developing meaningful habits in 2023
Invest Or Save For A Home In Your 20s? | This or That #shorts
An approach to consider if you don't have the cash to exercise your ESPPs
Does traditional retirement advice work anymore?
Why you should "save like a pessimist, but invest like an optimist"
Why We're Covering Ways to Lower Your Tax Bill
Crypto Bros & Gen Z TikTok Socialists (part 1)
3 MYTHS About Single-Payer Healthcare
Storytime on high ROI activities
The case FOR & AGAINST an HSA
Preview This Week's Episode: Bootstrapping #FAIL
Small Cap equities and Value equities are *actually* cheap right now
The “self” is the final frontier of monetization
Internal networking at a new job
How the Golden Age of Grift came to an end
Buying Things or Buying Experiences? | This or That
Confidence is not the solution
Is nothing or everything your fault?
Mixing goals is the key to creating healthy habits that stick #personalfinance #accountability
The most important thing about your health care plan
How Much Do You Need to Make to be a Millionaire in NYC?
What this billionaire wants you to know about the economy
Does the self-care industry do more harm than good?
Kim K bought a plane
A critical reading of "Lean In"
How your digital footprint can affect your personal brand
How much do you pay for childcare?
Ever wondered where your stuff comes from?
[Private video]