01. Zaphias Lower Quarter water ambience
02. Zaphias broken fountain ambience
03. Zaphias Nobles Quarter birds ambience
04. Deidon Hold strong wind ambience
05. Deidon Hold galloping ambience
06. Deidon Hold light wind ambience
07. Quoi Woods wrecked blastia ambience
08. Quoi Woods crickets ambience
09. Quoi Woods bonfire + crickets ambience
10. Halure outdoor fan ambience
11. Quoi Woods nature ambience
12. Halure outdoor fan + crickets ambience
13. Aspio magical lantern ambience
14. Wilderness bonfire + crickets ambience
15. Shaikos Ruins fountain ambience
16. Shaikos Ruins waterfall ambience
17. Shaikos Ruins blastia ambience
18. Halure wind + birds ambience
19. Halure outdoor fan + chirping birds ambience
20. Ehmead Hill ocean waves ambience
21. Capua Nor rain ambience
22. Capua Nor rain + waves ambience
23. Ragou Manor - fire + sparks ambience
24. Capua Nor seagulls + waves ambience
25. Swimming ambience
26. Flynn's Ship ambience
27. Caer Bocram rain ambience
28. Caer Bocram rain + waterfall ambience
29. Caer Bocram aer ambience
30. Caer Bocram blastia + aer ambience
31. Caer Bocram pouring water ambience
32. Heliord waterfall ambience
33. Keiv Moc rainforest ambience
34. Keiv Moc rain + aer krene ambience
35. Dahngrest - Union HQ brazier ambience
36. Dahngrest sewers ambience
37. Ghasfarost mechanical aer leak ambience
38. Ghasfarost energy pillar ambience
39. Ghasfarost winding gears ambience
40. Ghasfarost winding gears + energy pillar ambience
41. Ghasfarost wind ambience
42. Heliord inn fountain + crickets ambience
43. Heliord river + rain ambience
44. Atherum mast ambience
45. Atherum ship interior ambience
46. Nordopolica water ambience
47. Weasand of Cados ambience
48. Mantaic oasis ambience
49. Yormgen nature ambience
50. Mantaic quicksand ambience
51. Mantaic oasis + fireworks ambience
52. Dahngrest water + wind ambience
53. Manor of the Wicked nighttime ambience
54. Aer Krene breeze ambience
55. Mt. Temza wind ambience
56. Renansula Hollow beach ambience
57. Yormgen desert wind ambience
58. Heracles exterior ambience
59. Heracles interior ambience
60. Zopheir arctic wind ambience
61. Zopheir arctic wind + aer krene ambience
62. Zopheir heavy arctic wind ambience
63. Zaphias demonic plants ambience
64. Zaphias Castle stove ambience
65. Shrine of Zaude swimming ambience
66. Relewiese Hollow grotto ambience
67. Relewiese Hollow valley ambience
68. Maris Stella glowing ambience
69. Aurnion nature ambience
70. Tarqaron monster pod ambience
71. Tarqaron final stairs ambience
72. Sunken Grotto lava ambience
Tales of Vesperia - Sunken Grotto lava ambience super extension
Tales of Vesperia - Tarqaron monster pods ambience super extension
Tales of Vesperia - Shrine of Zaude swimming ambience super extension
Tales of Vesperia - Yormgen nature ambience super extension
Tales of Vesperia - Weasand of Cados ambience super extension
Tales of Vesperia - Nordopolica water ambience super extension
Tales of Vesperia - Dahngrest sewers ambience super extension
Tales of Vesperia - Shaikos Ruins fountain ambience super extension